NetWare 4.0 Administration CBT Fix This update will address two issues that have been discovered with the NetWare 4.0 Administration CBT course. ISSUE #1: For diskette versions, three lesson files, LESS5312.TBK, LESS5325.TBK, and LESS5335.TBK are installed with a size of 0. SOLUTION: If you are running the SERVER version of the CBT, use MINSTALL.INS. If you are running the SINGLE USER version of the CBT, use SINSTALL.INS. MINSTALL.INS and SINSTALL.INS are available in NVCBT5.EXE on NetWire in the NOVLIB forum in Library 2, or by typing "GO NETWIRE" and selecting the Novell Programs menu, then selecting the Novell Education menu, then selecting the CBT menu. Copy diskette 1 of 28 to a backup diskette. Delete INSTALL.INS from the backup diskette just created. Copy MINSTALL.INS (or SINSTALL.INS) to the backup diskette. Rename MINSTALL.INS (or SINSTALL.INS) to INSTALL.INS on the backup diskette. Run SETUP.EXE from the backup diskette. (SETUP.EXE allows for both the installation and the removal of units in the CBT.) Remove Unit 3 - Security Install Unit 3 - Security ISSUE #2: Page 2 of 5 of Practice Component of Introductions to NetWare 4.x is corrupted. SOLUTION: Extract the file L5112..EXE (This is a self extracting ZIP file just like NVCBT5.EXE and is contained in NVCBT5.EXE). Once extracted, there will be a file named LESS5112.TBK. Copy LESS5112.TBK to NA40 Directory