MENU1410 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Lesson Menu Physical Layer Specifications Physical Layer Specifications HDLC, SDLC, and LAPB HDLC, SDLC, and LAPB ARCNET ARCNET LocalTalk LocalTalk Low-Layer Protocols Low-Layer Protocols Physical Layer Specs HDLC, SDLC, & LAPB ` `@ Presentationn Session Transport Network Data Link Physicaltionn Application Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1420 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Lesson Menu IEEE Background and History IEEE Background and History IEEE 802.2 IEEE 802.2 IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.5 IEEE 802.5 Other IEEE 802 Specifications Other IEEE 802 Specifications IEEE 802 Protocols IEEE 802 Protocols IEEE History IEEE 802.5 IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.2 Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1430 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage Lesson Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton TCP/IPPP TCP/IPPP Non-Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Non-Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1440 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Lesson Menu NetWare NetWare AppleTalk AppleTalk Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1430 buttondown buttondown buttondown buttondown e .YC Networking Technologiess Networking Technologiess b K v ] B h8r B | MENU1300 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage 1lCXE Section Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton Network Structures Network Structures Internetworking Internetworking Network Structure Theory Network Structure Theory buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. Novell Logo MENU1210 Ghost Logo MENU1400 MENU1220 MENU1230 MENU1320 kName CheckPassWord LeavePage AskPassWord NewDir EnterPage PassOk AskName UpdateLog FiRecNo FiShort EnterPage logFile ResName j/AskName wrongpass ShortNames Shortname FiShort ShortName AskPassword wrongpass ICheckPassWord wrongpass AskPassword wrongpass NewDir directory shortname resname stname bmarkfile resultfile userpath place LogFile LeavePage AskName Please type your full name: wrongpass stname CheckPassWord UserNames logfile FiRecNo UserNames logfile PassOk Are you a new user? NewDir Incorrect identification code. Please type your identification code again. wrongpass PassOk Incorrect identification code. Please see your training administrator for help. wrongpass NewSeq passfound RecNo stname LogFile coursefile AskPassWord Please type your identification code. wrongpass NewDir tbkfile.dll fileExists createDirectory copyFile Shortname \bmark resname UpdateLog createDirectory \bmark.tbk copyFile newdir zname resultfile userpath stname bmarkfile directory place ShortName ResName PassOk \bmark Would you like to return to your bookmark? useBookMark RemBookMark place bmarkfile resultfile logfile stname userpath ResName UpdateLog UserNames UserNames UserNames UserNames Shortname UserNames UserNames usernames ShortNames Lcount logfile directory stname ShortName dirname FiRecNo Shortname namelist stname ShortName FiShort mname stname MENU1000 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage Main Menu Networking Technologies Networking Technologies buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp \less1100.tbk ButtonUp \less1100.tbk buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp \less1500.tbk ButtonUp \less1500.tbk Course Tour Course Tour Course Mastery Test Course Mastery Test Introduction to Communication Introduction to Communication Network Structuress Network Structuress Protocol Implementation Protocol Implementation Click a triangle to make your selection. or P for Practice. Click a triangle to make your selection. or P for Practice. B 0Tr 01001011001101 1001001000011100101010001 01001011001101 1001001000011100101010001 MENU1400 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage `"H+r1 Section Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton +76Y buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton Protocol Implementation Protocol Implementation Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Non-Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols Non-Proprietary Upper-Layer Protocols IEEE 802 Protocols IEEE 802 Protocols Low-Layer Protocols Low-Layer Protocols +(GY buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. MENU1310 MENU1410 MENU1420 MENU1210 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage Lesson Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton A Brief History of Networks A Brief History of Networks The OSI Reference Model The OSI Reference Model Protocols and Standardss Protocols and Standardss buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Introduction Introduction Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. e N1h R v1h Presentationn Application Session Transport Network Data Link Physicaltionn MENU1220 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Lesson Menu Data Types and Signaling Data Types and Signaling Signal Encoding Signal Encoding Signal Conversion Signal Conversion Signal Multiplexing Signal Multiplexing Character Codes Character Codes Data Translation Data Translation 01001011000101 1001101110101001110100 01001011000101 1001101110101001110100 Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1230 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage Lesson Menu Transmission Types Transmission Types Transmission Modes Transmission Modes Transmission Media Transmission Media buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton % *35 Data Transmission Data Transmission Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. MENU1320 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage Lesson Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Gateways Gateways Routers Routers Bridges Bridges Repeaters Repeaters Internetworking Goals Internetworking Goals Internetworking Internetworking Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. I JSe System `D|D| BMARK `D|D| review ;e 1,Objective 2,Objective 3 1,2,1,1,3 numrev revdes Objective 1,Objective 2,Objective 3 0*B!no !review ;revnum numrev *revdes K\LESS1111.TBK 86YES "11.TBK Fcotno "curpage" falseinvert B"a" B"b" B"c" B"d" function removes blanks REMBLANK SSTRING OUTSTRING TO "" PUT CHARCOUNT ( ( )INTO I 1 TO I ! J OF H <> " " AS TEXT ? J OF b AFTER checks within a certain area checkinc xxx, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd,EEE,FFF aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) turns --non- ITCOUNTLESSNULL NUMSTR TO ITEMCOUNT( 1 TO D OF 9 = "" DECREMENT itcountlessnull zero ITCOUNTLESSZERO 1 TO D OF = "0" itcountlesszero initialize ENTERBOOK doban falseinvert FIND_MENU checkinc ITCOUNTLESSNULL REMBLANK ITCOUNTLESSZERO ENTERBOOK SIZETOPAGE C:\TOOLBOOK\MENUS.TBK BMARK PMARK FIND_MENU menu_ PLACEX initialize doban curpage seqno totno falseinvert REMBLANK OUTSTRING SSTRING checkinc ITCOUNTLESSNULL NUMSTR ITCOUNTLESSZERO NUMSTR e 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMas CompRev hidewindow PrRev setcomp InQues UseBookMark CheckBut RemBookMark previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook HiMap initialize ColBut hideshow doban ColChange userpath ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook Pxuserpath \result \bmark exist file not found tbkfile.dll copyFile bmark.tbk copyFile stname reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMas ARiteMas coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false SMARK 1,0,0,0,0 cLesson: Topologies; Section: Network Foundation,Lesson: IEEE 802.5; Section: IEEE 802 >numrev =revdes >review catmpt review H?false `D|D| false i?~>t ?8cH=3 >LESS8111.TBK >showwindow( gsetwindowword( 9792,7200 8,-14,1024 +512) LeaveBook --This handler gives appropriate Find_Menu PLACEX ! <> 0 initialize doban 4seqno, , totno,bancont banner FInvert but function checks within a certain area CheckInc xxx, aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd,eee,fff aray flag (4 * i) O >= (j+1) i <= (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) returns --non- ItCountLessNull numstr ItemCount( * = "" Reader Author InQues result WRONG (0) 4atmpt, --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, m,review, cnumrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing option FiButton optn 4place ;<> 0 "c:\toolbook\less"& [&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes 3 = 1 printreview difference between 2 positions, each --having two xbeing used anymore ** FiDiff pos1, pos2 sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) HiComp butno,level numinvert Z = 3 a,b,i) SegComp(a,b) UnitComp(a) UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark i,j) <> "" C <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" hilights buttons on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) = "yes" ) = 1 ,seg) = 1 i ) = 1 ColBut B"I" B"C" B"P" CompRev doban PrRev LeaveBook setcomp HiComp FInvert UseBookMark Reader RemBookMark EnterBook previous Author togglestatus initialize HiMap InQues ColBut Find_Menu ItCountLessNull FiButton CheckInc FiDiff EnterBook reader showwindow setwindowword setwindowword showwindow coursefile bookname LeaveBook Find_Menu PLACEX initialize doban page banner seqno totno bancont FInvert CheckInc ItCountLessNull numstr Reader Author InQues atmpt result CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton c:\toolbook\less book page place PrRev printreview numrev review revdes FiDiff setcomp LessComp place coursefile HiComp LessComp SegComp SegComp UnitComp UnitComp i:to1 numinvert place level butno UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark RemBookMark UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp coursefile unitbutton ColBut 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,100,0 brevnum brevnum bnumrev bnumrev brevdes brevdes Tms Rmn `D|D| <,=no zcP=K\LESS8111.TBK LessComp(1,1,1) 5Topologies; Section: Network Foundation,Lesson: IEEE 802.5; Section: IEEE 802 5ill,stroke,fill_h,stroke_h,path 0,0,0 0,75.3125,0 0,75.3125,0 0,0,0 hidewindow LeaveBook --This handler hides 0puts DOS environment ^NOVCBT tgives appropriate Find_Menu PLACEX ! <> 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination "Page "& FInvert but [high function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader Author InQues result WRONG (0) 4atmpt, --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, m,review, cnumrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing option FiButton optn 4place, ;<> 0 &"\less"& T&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes 3 = 1 printreview sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) HiComp butno,level RiteFile UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" lights buttons on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) = "yes" ) = 1 ,seg) = 1 ) = 1 resets colors component ColBut "I,C,P" hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= effect a graphic clicked ColChange obj InQues CompRev initialize PrRev doban setcomp EnterBook HiComp RiteFile pagination UseBookMark RemBookMark hidewindow previous FInvert togglestatus Reader HiMap Author ColBut LeaveBook hideshow ColChange nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook reader hidewindow coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h LeaveBook hidewindow hidewindow Find_Menu PLACEX initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author InQues atmpt result CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteFile o\cRiteFile coursefile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark RemBookMark UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 seqno previous seqno togglestatus 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp coursefile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut I,C,P component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader c"help" Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& U&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated b Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMaster CompRev PrRev hidewindow setcomp UseBookMark InQues RemBookMark CheckBut previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook initialize HiMap ColBut doban hideshow userpath ColChange ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook Nettech WrongPass Pxuserpath reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname resname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook tbkfile.dll wrongpass hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMaster RiteMaster coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus wrongpass 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj false false System fD|D| false efile,bookname,pgno,fill,stroke,fill_h,stroke_h,path,userpath 4place,bmarkfile,resultfile,stname "1000" [WrongPass 0,0,0 0,75.3125,0 0,75.3125,0 0,0,0 hidewindow LeaveBook X"tbkfile.dll" [wrongpass --This handler hides 9puts DOS environment ^NOVCBT ^USERCBT --Highlights completed coptions HiComp butno,level --Writes mastery test results RiteMaster --Initializes InQues --Checks component correct depression CheckBut buttons are hilighted ChPageHi high gives appropriate Find_Menu <> 0 initialize doban 4seqno, totno,bancont banner pagination dehighlights & mult. choice questions. FInvert but function checks within a certain area --xxx a list containing --bin1,bin2,... CheckInc H, vvv 4binno aray flag (4 * i) (j+1) (j+3) (j+2) (j+4) Reader c"help" Author --Computes Final Review Items CompRev 4revnum, ,review,atmpt,numrev,corno NO (0) --find choosing FiButton optn <<> 0 &"\less"& U&".tbk" prints reviews PrRev revdes printreview O = 1 "yes" c"no" "You have demonstrated R Lesson. recommended."\ sets completion tags on lessons setcomp LessComp(i,j,k) --Goes bookmark UseBookMark c"YES" BMark PMark Bmark RemBookMark --Removes [UnitComp(i) [SegComp(i,j) <> "" <> "" deactivates F12, togglestatus snaps Snap xxx, aaa -- jjj 4 co ordinates "12321434" R(i+1) R(i+1) "4321" ~("1",kx) p = 0 ((ff * 2) - 1) jjj) x <> "0,0" --Hilights on maps HiMap ,unitbutton x&"00" = c(-,-,-,-) ,seg) --Resets state ColBut "I,C,P" --Gives effect pressing a hideshow ( <= ( >= ( <= a graphic clicked ColChange obj selected letter Glossary ColPress newobj,oldobj glosspick pagination HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMaster CompRev PrRev hidewindow setcomp UseBookMark InQues RemBookMark CheckBut previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook initialize HiMap ColBut doban hideshow userpath ColChange ColPress nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook WrongPass Pxuserpath reader hidewindow place bmarkfile resultfile stname coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook tbkfile.dll wrongpass hidewindow hidewindow coursefile coursefile userpath oPxuserpath coursefile HiComp HiComp coursefile level butno RiteMaster RiteMaster coursefile InQues InQues coursefile CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus wrongpass 12321434 HiMap UnitComp SegComp LessComp bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj MENU1000 MENU1440 MENU1200 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage *V1z9 :8:^: :$;L;t; >(?P?x? @&AtB Section Menu Introduction to Communication Introduction to Communication Introduction Introduction buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton Data Translation Data Translation Data Transmission Data Transmission buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton ButtonUp FiButton L *=7 I R=H 1 NB# Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a section.nt, or P for Practice. HiComp FInvert EnterBook Reader Author RiteMaster CompRev PrRev FindIni setcomp InQues UseBookMark CheckBut RemBookMark paths previous ChPageHi togglestatus LeaveBook initialize HiMap ColBut hidewindow hideshow ColChange doban ColPress pagination ShowX nd_Menu CheckInc Find_Menu FiButton EnterBook sizetopage HideWindow reader Nettech WrongPass o/FindIni paths place bmarkfile resultfile stname resname StartCourse coursefile bookname stroke fill_h stroke_h userpath LeaveBook tbkfile.dll wrongpass FindIni tbkfile.dll GetDosEnvironmentString GetDosEnvironmentString c:\NOVINI c:\NOVINI NOVINI Inipath paths inipath userpath resname hidewindow kernel GetVersion GetVersion showwindow setwindowword setwindowword getWindowLong setWindowLong showwindow setWindowLong HiWord LoWord style HiComp LessComp SegComp SegComp UnitComp UnitComp i:to1 numinvert place stroke fill_h stroke_h bmarkfile level butno RiteMaster MMM dd y hh:min AMPM Name: Id. code: Course: PrintName Course Mastery Test Results and Review Suggestions Date and Time: You correctly answered out of questions. The following list displays recommended lessons and specific objectives for review: ResultFile ResultFile ResultFile l:to1 numline numword printreview sperc stime blank cname spass sname corno atmpt resultfile stname printName InQues atmpt result CheckBut component ChPageHi Find_Menu place initialize doban banner seqno totno bancont pagination Page seqno totno component FInvert stroke fill_h stroke_h CheckInc binno Reader Author CompRev revnum result review atmpt numrev corno FiButton \less book page place PrRev You have demonstrated mastery of the Lesson. No review is recommended. printreview numrev review revdes setcomp LessComp place bmarkfile UseBookMark BMark PMark Bmark course RemBookMark bmarkfile RemBookMark stname UnitComp SegComp LessComp k:to2 j:to1 bmarkfile stname seqno previous seqno togglestatus wrongpass 12321434 HiMap LessComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp unitComp SegComp SegComp unitComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp unitComp ShowX bmarkfile stroke fill_h stroke_h unitbutton ColBut normal I,C,P normal component hideshow ColChange stroke fill_h stroke_h ColPress glosspick stroke fill_h stroke_h oldobj newobj ShowX unitComp unitComp unitComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp SegComp bmarkfile MENU1200 MENU1300 MENU1310 EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage EnterPage initialize HiComp butno level place LeavePage PJ g Lesson Menu buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton buttondown ButtonUp buttondown yColChange ButtonUp FiButton uttonUp FiButton Public Switched Telephone Network Public Switched Telephone Network Switching Techniques Switching Techniques Channel Access Methods Channel Access Methods Network Topologies Network Topologies $ j-} ~ |.< t >2/ Network Structure Theory Network Structure Theory Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. Click a triangle to choose a lesson.ent, or P for Practice. ExitT buttondown buttonup buttondown ihideshow buttonup Do you want to exit the course? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt urse? Would you like to leave a bookmark? bmark bookname pmark smark tmark result review revnum numrev revdes atmpt component review numrev revdes component BookName seqno totno bmarkfile result revnum atmpt ExitT buttondown buttonup buttondown ihideshow buttonup place level place level buttondown buttonup buttondown ihideshow buttonup Find_Menu coursefile place Find_Menu coursefile place Novell Logo Ghost Logo