READCMGR.TXT file for NSD #2 NetWare Requester for OS/2 V1.3 This file contains instructions for using the CMGRLAN driver shipped on NSD #2. It also contains instructions for using IBM's LAN Requester and the NetWare Requester on the same workstation. This dual requester feature became supported in OS/2 Extended Edition Release Level 1.30.1 or CSD Level WR05015, and in the NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3 Rev C (NSD #1). For information about using NSD #2 or about what is contained on NSD #2, please read the READNSD.TXT file in the same location as this file. USING THE CMGRLAN.SYS DRIVER The CMGRLAN.SYS driver replaces the TOKENEE.SYS driver. Select Communication Manager on the Modify CONFIG.SYS screen during Requester installation. CMGRLAN.SYS works with IBM Ethernet, IBM PC, and Token-Ring networks using Extended Edition Communications Manager. If you are running OS/2 Extended Edition, you should use this new driver. The following are special considerations for the CMGRLAN driver: - The Link Driver option in your NET.CFG file should specify the correct frame type for the network board you are using with CMGRLAN. If NET.CFG specifies a different type, the NET.CFG setting will be ignored and the frame type will default to the correct default setting for your board. - Because CMGRLAN works with PC-Network (PCN), Ethernet, and Token-Ring networks, source routing is now a separate module instead of being built into the driver as it was with TOKENEE. To use source routing with PCN or Token-Ring networks, remove the REM from the line in your CONFIG.SYS file that loads ROUTE.SYS, exit CONFIG.SYS, and reboot your machine. Do not load ROUTE.SYS if you are using Ethernet. - When using CMGRLAN with Ethernet, use the Link Driver option in NET.CFG to specify the node address of your network board. If you do not specify the address or if you specify the wrong address, after initialization you will see an error message indicating the correct address. - IBM's Communications Manager allows you to specify either the Ethernet DIX or the Ethernet 802.3 frame types, but not both. (Selecting Ethernet 802.3 also allows you to send/receive Ethernet 802.3, 802.2, or SNAP packets.) Because Communications Manager does not allow a DIX frame type and another Ethernet frame type together, the NET.CFG setting for CMGRLAN does not allow this combination either. To send/receive DIX packets, specify only Ethernet_II as the frame type in NET.CFG; to send/receive other types of Ethernet packets, specify either Ethernet_802.3, Ethernet_802.2, or Ethernet_SNAP (and select Ethernet 802.3 in Communications Manager). - Because of IBM's implementation of Ethernet for Communication's Manager, you cannot currently run Multicasting when using CMGRLAN for Ethernet. If you load a Multicast Address, you will see an OUT_OF_RESOURCES error. - You can use NET.CFG to select which network board you want the CMGRLAN driver to control. Use the Link Driver option with either the PRIMARY or ALTERNATE parameter. (PRIMARY is the default.) For example, to use your alternate network board, type the following in NET.CFG: Link Driver CMGRLAN Alternate USING DUAL REQUESTERS To run IBM's LAN Requester and the Novell NetWare Requester on the same computer, follow the guidelines below: 1. Install a version of OS/2 which supports dual requesters (OS/2 Extended Edition Release Level 1.30.1 or CSD Level WR05015). At this time, install IBM's LAN Requester and any other options you want. 2. Copy the INSTALL.HLP and INSTALL.EXE files from this NSD diskette to the Requester installation diskette. For example, with your NSD diskette in drive A: and your Requester diskette in drive B:, you could type the following command: copy a:install.* b: 3. Install the Novell NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3. 4. Install the NSD. (See the READNSD.TXT file with this NSD for instructions.) If you do not install this NSD, the dual requester feature will not be supported. 5. Make sure that your CONFIG.SYS file specifies the CMGRLAN driver instead of whatever driver was installed previously. 6. Move the following line which installs NETWKSTA.SYS down to the end of the CONFIG.SYS file AFTER the lines for NetWare Requester: IFS=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\NETWKSTA.SYS /I:C:\IBMLAN 7. If you are using an Ethernet network board, a NET.CFG file must exist in the root directory of the workstation's boot drive. Specify the Link Driver Node Address option in this file. Be sure the address you specify exactly matches the address on the network board you're using. (See chapter 2 of the NetWare Requester for OS/2 manual for information on the Link Driver options.) 8. Make sure you specify the correct packet type in IBM Communication Manager's LAN features configuration utility. When this utility instructs you to "Select Etherand network protocol," note that this refers to packet type, not whether you are using an external (DIX) transceiver. So, do not select the "Ethernet DIX" option in Communications Manager if you are using Ethernet 802.3 packets. Instead, select the IEEE 802.3 network protocol. 9. Increase the transmit buffer size in Communication Manager's LAN features configuration utility to a number larger than 1130, but divisible by 8. We recommend 1136 bytes. 10. If you are using anything other than a 3Com Micro Channel board, modify the Etherand Bindings option in the \CMLIB\PROTOCOL.INI file. Change TCMAC2 (the default) to the key word applicable for your board. The key words are as follows: TCMAC 3Com IBM PC-AT Boards WDMAC Western Digital Micro Channel and IBM PC-AT Boards UBMAC Ungermann-Bass Micro Channel and IBM PC-AT Boards For example, for an Ethernet board, the lines in the file should read: [ETHERAND] Bindings = TCMAC Also change the Interrupt, IOAddress, and DMAChannel entries to match your network board. 11. If you are using a 3C503 network board with an external transceiver (DIX), also modify the transceiver entry in the \CMLIB\PROTOCOL.INI file. This entry should read as follows: Transceiver = External