NetWare Navigator 3.0 System and Error Messages 27APR94 NetWare Navigator 3.0 ABSTRACT: This document contains system and error messages for NetWare Navigator 3.0. Messages in this document include: A) Administration Console Error Messages B) Distribution Server Error Messages C) Distribution Server System Messages D) Staging Server Error Messages E) Staging Server System Messages F) DOS/MS Windows Client Error Messages DISCLAIMER: THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ISSUE A) NETWARE NAVIGATOR ADMINISTRATION CONSOLE ERROR MESSAGES ----------------------------------------------------------- Error messages for the Administration Console appear in three screens: the Active Jobs Details screen, the Completed Jobs Details screen, and the Problem Jobs Details screen. The messages provide information on jobs that have been distributed or are pending distribution. To access one of the details screens, follow these steps: 1. From the "Status" menu, choose an option. A list of distribution jobs or nodes appears. 2. Select an item in the list. 3. Choose the "Details" button. Error messages appear in the "Feedback Message" column of the status detail screens. Detailed information about an error message for a package script that has been executed is stored in a log file. To access a log file, follow these steps: 1. Perform steps 1-3 above. Error codes appear in the "Status" column. For each error message there is a different set of possible error codes. Each error code is a non-zero value indicating a specific reason for a failure of the package script. 2. Select the desired node. 3. Choose the "Details" button. If the "Details" button is dimmed, it means the log file didn't make it back to the Distribution Server and therefore the file cannot be viewed from the NetWare Navigator Administration Console. For information on how to see the log file in this case, refer to the online help procedure entitled "Checking a NetWare Server Upgrade Job." The following messages may appear at the Administration Console on a details screen: --DISTRIBUTION TO STAGING SERVER FAILED-- 62 EXPLANATION: Target disk full -- file not transferred. ACTION: Create more space on the Staging Server's disk. 4097 EXPLANATION: Distribution retried maximum number of times. ACTION: Reschedule the distribution job. 4098 EXPLANATION: Could not transfer the .JCF file (file containing package information). ACTION: Reschedule the distribution job. 4099 EXPLANATION: Could not transfer the .SCF file (file containing package contents list). ACTION: Reschedule the distribution job. 4100 EXPLANATION: Failed to connect to Staging Server -- could not attempt distribution. ACTION: Verify that the NetWare server acting as the Staging Server is up. Verify that the following NLMs are loaded on the Staging Server: TSA311 or TSA400, & SMD31x or SMDR. 4101 EXPLANATION: Failed to log in to Staging Server -- could not queue new job. ACTION: User NWSDSYS does not exist on the Staging Server. Reinstall the Staging Server. 4102 EXPLANATION: Failed to locate Staging Server input queue -- could not queue new job. ACTION: Staging Server queue does not exist. Reinstall the Staging Server. 4103 EXPLANATION: Could not create new job entry in Staging Server queue. ACTION: The necessary queue rights don't exist. Reinstall the Staging Server. 4104 EXPLANATION: Could not get Staging Server to service new job in input queue. ACTION: Ensure that SJOBDMGR.NLM and SJOBFDBK.NLM are loaded on the Staging Server. 4105 EXPLANATION: Error in Storage Management System (file transfer module) -- could not distribute to Staging Server. ACTION: Ensure that the following NLMs are loaded on the Staging Server: TSA311 or TSA400, and SMD31x or SMDR. If the above NLMs are loaded, verify that user NWSDSYS exists on the Staging Server. If not, reinstall the Staging Server. --DISTRIBUTION TO CLIENT FAILED-- 2 EXPLANATION: Error opening file -- distribution aborted. ACTION: Verify that user NWSDSYS has supervisor rights on the Staging Server. 3 EXPLANATION: Error reading file -- distribution aborted. ACTION: Verify that user NWSDSYS has supervisor rights on the Staging Server. Ensure that volume SYS: has all bad sectors marked. 4 EXPLANATION: Error writing file -- distribution aborted. ACTION: Verify that user NWSDSYS has supervisor rights on the Staging Server. Ensure that volume SYS: of the Staging Server has all bad sectors marked and there is sufficient disk space. 16 EXPLANATION: Distribution Server requested invalid action -- distribution to client not attempted. ACTION: Verify that the versions of NLMs and the Administration Console are consistent. 80 EXPLANATION: Error in Storage Management System (file transfer module) -- could not distribute to client. ACTION: No action is required. Distribution will retry later. 96 EXPLANATION: Distribution to client terminated by user. ACTION: No action is required. Distribution will retry later. 97 EXPLANATION: Could not locate file to transfer. ACTION: Ensure that the client's receive path exists, and that the client has drive N: mapped to volume SYS: of the Staging Server. 98 EXPLANATION: Target disk full -- file not transferred. ACTION: Create more space on the client's disk. 99 EXPLANATION: File by same name exists and "No Replace" requested -- file transfer canceled. ACTION: Remove or rename the file with the same name on the client's disk. Distribution will retry later. 100 EXPLANATION: Disk access denied -- file not transferred. ACTION: Verify that the client has Read, Write, Create, and Delete rights to the directory NETNAV\SHARED on the staging server. 101 EXPLANATION: Client workstation environment has insufficient file handles -- file not transferred. ACTION: Increase the number of files in the client's CONFIG.SYS file. --SCRIPT EXECUTION FAILED-- The codes returned from script execution are user-defined (the person who creates the script). For DOS or MS Windows scripts, the "Exit script" (%EXIT) command sets the code. For OS/2 scripts, the "Set return code" (NNSETRC) command sets the code. --NETWARE UPGRADE PHASE X FAILED-- Any non zero code represents a general failure. To get error details, you must view the log file associated with the job. The error codes documented below are those that can appear in the log file. (See the beginning of this TID for instructions on how to view a log file.) 4 EXPLANATION: Insufficient memory to complete task. ACTION: Install more memory on the server. 6 EXPLANATION: Internal function took too much time and was aborted. ACTION: The server upgrade may be incomplete. If you get this error in Phase I, you can try rescheduling the job. If you get the error in Phase II, you must manually upgrade the server by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. 10 EXPLANATION: Internal function was given invalid input. ACTION: This is a fatal error. Possible causes are insufficient server memory or insufficient disk space allocated to SYS:SYSTEM. You must manually upgrade the server by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. 27 EXPLANATION: DOS has been unloaded from the server's memory. ACTION: Follow these steps: 1. Ensure that no REMOVE DOS command will be issued as part of the server's startup procedure. (If necessary, modify the AUTOEXEC.NCF file or other files that automatically run when the server is loaded.) 2. Down and reload the server. 3. Reschedule the server upgrade job. 28 EXPLANATION: Unable to copy NetWare or disk driver boot files. ACTION: This is a fatal error. A REMOVE DOS command may have been issued from the server. Try scheduling the server upgrade job again. If it fails on the second attempt, you must manually upgrade the server by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. 29 EXPLANATION: Unable to open a file. ACTION: If the upgrade job was aborted due to this error, you must manually upgrade the server by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. If you received this error but the upgrade job wasn't aborted as a result, try rescheduling the upgrade job once the previous job has finished. 30 EXPLANATION: Insufficient disk space to complete task. ACTION: Create more disk space on the server and reschedule the server upgrade job. 31 EXPLANATION: Attempt to obtain required disk space failed. ACTION: No action is required (the upgrade will continue). However, the upgrade will fail if there is insufficient disk space to upgrade the server. 32 EXPLANATION: Error copying one or more files. ACTION: If this error occurs while copying files to the server's DOS partition, the upgrade will usually fail. In this case, you must manually complete the upgrade by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. If the error occurs while copying files elsewhere, try rescheduling the upgrade job. 33 EXPLANATION: Unable to convert script file into the format required by the NetWare 4.01 installation program. ACTION: The upgrade has been aborted because of insufficient disk space, a corrupt script file, or a NetWare error that caused files to be inaccessible. You must manually complete the upgrade by running the NetWare 4.01 installation program. The following messages may appear at the Administration Console during Package Script Processing. The error messages generated by the package script files are sent back to the Administration Console in the form of the script log, which can be seen by selecting "Details" from the "script execution successful" line at the Completed Job status screen. --ERROR MSGS: DOS Recorded Keystroke (.KSF) Error Messages The following messages may be generated by SCHEDULER processing: SCH100E: Requested Script File Not Found EXPLANATION: A Keystroke File (.KSF) was specified in the scheduler DOS menu, or by the SCHEDRUN command line that can not be found. ACTION: Check that the .KSF file exists. SCH102E: Invalid Function Requested EXPLANATION: A requested keystroke function is not supported by SCHEDULER. The script will not be activated and further processing of the SCHEDRUN module is terminated. ACTION: Correct the recorded keystroke file and refer to valid keyboard function. SCH103E: Previous Version Already Active EXPLANATION: An attempt was made to reload a schedule by executing the SCHEDRUN program, but a previous incompatible version of the SCHEDRUN.COM file is currently active and resident in memory. ACTION: Re-boot the PC and load the schedule with the new version of the SCHEDRUN program. SCH104E: SCHED.CTL File Not FOUND EXPLANATION: If SCHEDRUN is executed with no parameters, it loads the schedule and corresponding scripts from the SCHED.CTL file. This file must exist in the local drive and path, or in the \NETNAV\CODE directory on the staging server. ACTION: Locate the SCHED.CTL file or create one by executing the SCHEDSET utility. SCH105E: Error Reading SCHED.CTL EXPLANATION: An unrecoverable input error occurred while reading the SCHED.CTL file. ACTION: Restore a backed-up copy of the file to the existing file and reexecute SCHEDRUN. If the problem persists, have the disk drive checked for a possible hardware failure. SCH106E: Maximum Script Size Exceeded EXPLANATION: A Keystroke File contains more than 210 keystrokes and can not be loaded into memory. ACTION: Reduce the number of keystrokes or separate the script file into two scripts. SCH107I: Scheduler Unloaded EXPLANATION: SCHEDULER request to unload it from memory was unsuccessful. SCH108E: Unable to Unload Scheduler EXPLANATION: SCHEDULER is unable to be unloaded from memory. This is probably due to the fact that another resident program was loaded after SCHEDULER was loaded. ACTION: Remove the other resident program and then remove SCHEDULER. SCH500E: CMD ERROR EXPLANATION: Command must be specified when using SCHEDSET in command line mode. Command can be SET, CANCEL or HELP. ACTION: Make sure you are specifying the correct parameters for the SCHEDSET command line utility. SCH501E: NUM ERROR EXPLANATION: The event number to be SET/CANCELED must be specified using NUM=event. Event must be a number between 1 and 8. If unspecified, 8 will be assumed. ACTION: Make sure that the value for NUM= is 1 through 8. B) NETWARE NAVIGATOR DISTRIBUTION SERVER ERROR MESSAGES ------------------------------------------------------- This section describes and explains the most common error messages that you can see on a NetWare Navigator Distribution Server. See Item C in this TID for the Distribution Server SYSTEM messages. All variables such as names of servers, filenames, or items that change for each server or job sent are represented by lowercase x's. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Scheduler screen: DJOBSCHD: - GetBinderyObjectID failed for NWSD_DIST_JOB_QUEUE...rc=fc? DJOBSCHD: AttachQueueServerToQueue failed...rc=fc? DJOBSCHD: Unload NLM and reload Explanation 1: Program cannot find the job queues that were created at installation. Action 1: Unload SJOBDMGR.NLM, SJOBFDBK.NLM, DJOBSCHD.NLM, and DJOBFDBK.NLM and then load them again. Explanation 2: The queues have been corrupted or erased by the user. Action 2: Re-install NetWare Navigator. DJOBSCHD: - GetBinderyObjectID failed for 2d4585d5_SMQ...rc=fc! DJOBSCHD: Job SDxxxx not initiated on Server xxxxxxx! DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxx (ConnID=2)! DJOBSCHD: Purging SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES! Dir: SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES\*.* File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxx (ConnID=1)! EXPLANATION: This error occurs at a distribution server if a bindery object (for example: 10+2d4585d5 Smq) has been deleted at the staging server and you are attempting to push to a client. The queue is corrupted. ACTION: Reinstall NetWare Navigator on the Staging Server. DJOBSCHD: - GetBinderyObjectID failed for 2d4585d5_SMQ...rc=fc! DJOBSCHD: Job SDxxxx not initiated on Server xxxxxxx! DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxx (ConnID=2)! DJOBSCHD: Purging SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES! Dir: SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES\*.* File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxx (ConnID=1)! EXPLANATION: This error occurs at a distribution server if a bindery object, for example: 10+2d4585d5 Smq, has been deleted at the staging server and you are attempting to pull to a client. The queue is corrupted. ACTION: Reinstall NetWare Navigator on the Staging Server. DJOBSCHD: Open of Software Distribution Control File for Job SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\SDxxxx.JCF failed! EXPLANATION: The Job Control files cannot be accessed. ACTION: Check the subdirectories to make sure they exist and have the correct rights. Then, resubmit the job. NWSMTSOpenDataSetForRestore for Add (NoRep) C:\filename failed, rc=fffdffdc DJOBSCHD: xxxxxxx\C:\filename add failed, rc = 1. EXPLANATION: Distribution to the staging server failed because in the contents list for the package, the target directory was specified as local drive:\filename instead of SYS:\filename. ACTION: Correct the target directory path. C) NETWARE NAVIGATOR DISTRIBUTION SERVER SYSTEM MESSAGES -------------------------------------------------------- This section describes and explains the most common system messages that you can see on a NetWare Navigator Distribution Server. See item B in this document for the Distribution Server ERROR messages. All variables such as names of servers, filenames, or items that change for each server or job sent are represented by lowercase x's. These messages may be seen at either the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen or the Software Distribution Scheduler screen. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Scheduler screen: DJOBSCHD: Waiting for Distribution Job... EXPLANATION: Indicates the Distribution Server is waiting for a scheduled job to begin. This message is displayed for all pending jobs. DJOBSCHD: Scheduling Distribution Job SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx \SDxxxx.JCF DJOBSCHD: Successfully connected to Server xxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Initiating Job SDxxxx on Staging Server xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Job SDxxxx initiated on Server xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Purging SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES DIR:SYS:\NETNAV\ JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES\*.* (All the files being deleted are listed.) DJOBSCHD: File Deleted: xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxxx EXPLANATION: All these messages are seen during a normal distribution. Some lines may be repeated if the job is being sent to more than one staging server, and for each file that is being sent. The process that is being done is as follows: a. Determine if a job needs to be processed. b. Connect to Staging Server for file transfer c. Initiate Job on each staging server that the job is sent to. d. Disconnect from all staging servers. e. Purge the files that were sent from the Navigator holding area. f. Disconnect from distribution server. DJOBSCHD: Release of target service failed (ConnID xxxxxx) DJOBSCHD: Failed to Disconnect from server xxxxxxxx EXPLANATION: This message occurs when a job is being sent to a staging server that is also a distribution server. It is not a problem. The program is trying to release a connection twice and is failing the second time since the connection has already been released. The user will see an error 4100 in the console status screen that results from this error, but it will disappear after a few minutes. The job is distributed normally. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen. DJOBFDBK: Waiting for Distribution Feedback... EXPLANATION: Indicates NLM is waiting for feedback messages. This message will always be showing when there is no more feedback to process. DJOBFDBK: Feedback for Job SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\ SDxxxx.JCF successfully processed. EXPLANATION: This message occurs when the a status feedback message is processed. It will occur a varying amount of times depending on the job being processed. D) NETWARE NAVIGATOR STAGING SERVER ERROR MESSAGES --------------------------------------------------- This section describes and explains the most common error messages that you can see on a NetWare Navigator Staging Server. See item E in this TID for a list of SYSTEM messages for the Staging Server. All names of servers, filenames, or items that change for each server or job sent are shown in lowercase x's. These messages may be seen at either the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen or the Client Software Distribution Manager screen. The following messages may be seen at the Client Software Distribution Manager screen. SJOBDMGR: Unable to connect to client workstation xxxxxx for 'PUSH' , CC=fffdffd7 SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Successfully distributed Client Job SDxxxx.JCF SJOBDMGR: Checking for client activity. SJOBDMGR: Performing SFL post processing. SJOBDMGR: Checking status on job. Job = SDxxxx SJOBDMGR: Waiting for Client Distribution Job... EXPLANATION: Indicates that the server lost its SMS link to that workstation. ACTION: Ensure that the TSA_SMS tsr is loaded for other PUSH distributions. The current job is automatically routed to be a PULL job and will now wait in queue until that user runs NNTRAN or NNTRANAP. SJOBDMGR: NWSMTSScanDataSetBegin for read xxxSYSCTL.DCS failed, CC=fffdfff2 EXPLANATION: Usually indicates that either the user tried to push a job to a nonexistent drive on a client or that the server cannot read the SYSCTL.DCS file. ACTION: Move the file to C:\NETNAV\SYSCTL.DCS. SJOBDMGR: NWSMTSWriteDataSet for C:\NETNAV\RECV\xxxxxx failed CC=fffdfff8 SJOBDMGR: C:\NETNAV\RECV\xxxxx add to client xxxxxx failed? EXPLANATION: A job was sent that was marked as NOREPLACE and a file of the same name already existed on the target directory. WARNING: if the customer does not have the latest patch for Navigator then this will cause the existing file on the target to be erased! ACTION: The client must delete or rename the target file. SJOBDMGR: Receiving errors from: xxxxxxx - x files EXPLANATION: The file cannot be transferred down to the client. ACTION: Check the log files to find the reason of failure. SJOBDMGR: Checking for client activity. SJOBDMGR: Performing SFL post processing. SJOBDMGR: Waiting for Client Distribution Job... SJOBDMGR: ReadQueueCurrentStatus failed...rc=fc! SJOBDMGR: Reattach return code = fc SJOBDMGR: Reattach return code = fc SJOBDMGR: Reattach return code = fc SJOBDMGR: Reattach return code = fc EXPLANATION: A job was sent to a 4.x staging server that had a bindery object, for example: 10+2d4585d5 Smq, deleted, and a push or a pull was being attempted to a client. The xxx_SMQ does not exist. ACTION: Unload SJOBDMGR. When the Staging Server is re-installed, the error should be corrected. SJOBDMGR: Waiting for Client Distribution Job... SJOBDMGR: 09:29:15 - Processing distribution job SDxxxx.JCF! SJOBDMGR: NWSMTSWriteDataSet for C:/FILENAME failed;CC=fffdfff5 SJOBDMGR: C:\FILENAME replace in client xxxxxxx failed! SJOBDMGR: NWSMTSWriteDataSet for C:/FILENAME failed;CC=fffdfff5 SJOBDMGR: C:\FILENAME replace in client xxxxxxx failed! SJOBDMGR: NWSMTSWriteDataSet for C:/FILENAME failed;CC=fffdfff5 SJOBDMGR: C:\FILENAME replace in client xxxxxxx failed! SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Successfully distributed Client Job SDxxxx.JCF! SJOBDMGR: Checking for client activity. EXPLANATION: Push to a client failed because the target directory could not be created. ACTION: The client must create the directory and perform a PULL. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen. SJOBFDBK: GetBinderyObjectID failed for NWSD_DIST_FDBK _QUEUE...rc=fc? SJOBFDBK: Feedback for Job SYS:\NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx.JCF NOT routed. Explanation 1: Program cannot find the job queues that were created at installation. Action 1: Unload SJOBDMGR.NLM, SJOBFDBK.NLM, DJOBSCHD.NLM, and DJOBFDBK.NLM and then reload them again. Explanation 2: The queues have been corrupted or erased by the user. Action 2: Reinstall the product. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen. DJOBSCHD: Scheduling Distribution Job SYS:NETNAV\JOBS \SDxxxx\SDxxxx.JCF! DJOBSCHD: Successfully connected to Server xxxxxxx (Connid=1)! DJOBSCHD: NWSMConnectToTSA for Server xxxxxxx failed, CC=fffefff0 DJOBSCHD: Purging SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES! Dir: SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx\FILES\*.* File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx File deleted: xxxxxxxx DJOBSCHD: Successfully disconnected from Server xxxxxxx (ConnID=1)! DJOBSCHD: Waiting for Distribution Job... EXPLANATION: Push to a staging server failed because the TSA311, 312 or 400 was not loaded. ACTION: Load the TSA311, 312 or 400. E) NETWARE NAVIGATOR STAGING SERVER SYSTEM MESSAGES --------------------------------------------------- This section describes and explains the most common system messages that you can see on a NetWare Navigator Staging Server. See item D in this TID for a list of ERROR messages for the Staging Server. All names of servers, filenames, or items that change for each server or job sent are shown in lowercase x's. These messages may be seen at either the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen or the Client Software Distribution Manager screen. The following messages may be seen at the Client Software Distribution Manager screen. SJOBDMGR: Waiting for client Distribution Job timestamp SJOBDMGR: Checking for client activity SJOBDMGR: Performing SFL post processing. EXPLANATION: NLM is waiting for a job to process. This series of messages will repeat approximately every eight minutes. timestamp - Processing distribution Job SDxxxx.JCF SJOBDMGR: Received file: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Fan out to: xxxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Successfully distributed client job SDxxxx.JCF EXPLANATION: Series of messages seen during a PULL job. Parts will be repeated depending on the amount of files sent with the job. SJOBDMGR: Receiving acknowledgments from xxxx - x files. SJOBDMGR: Checking status on Job. Job=SDxxxx SJOBDMGR: Job received at all NN pull clients. Job = SDxxxx EXPLANATION: Indicates that the NLM's are receiving feedback messages from the targets that they have or are receiving the files sent to them. Some of the messages may be repeated depending on the job sent. timestamp - Processing distribution job SDxxxx.JCF SJOBDMGR: C:\NETNAV\RECV\ replaced in client xxxxxxx SJOBDMGR: Received file: 00000000 SJOBDMGR: Successfully distributed Client Job = SDxxxx SJOBDMGR: Job received at all NN pull clients. Job = SDxxxx SJOBDMGR: Purging job from SFL; Job = SDxxxx EXPLANATION: Messages for a PUSH job. Certain messages may be repeated depending on amount of files sent in the job. The following messages may be seen at the Software Distribution Feedback Scheduler screen. SJOBFDBK: Waiting for Staging Feedback... EXPLANATION: Indicates NLM is waiting for feedback messages. This message will always be showing when there is no more feedback to process. SJOBFDBK: Feedback for Job SYS:NETNAV\JOBS\SDxxxx \SDxxxx.JCF successfully routed. EXPLANATION: Indicates a message has been processed. It will occur a varying amount of times for each job. F) NETWARE NAVIGATOR DOS/WINDOWS CLIENT ERROR MESSAGES -------------------------------------------------------- --ERROR MSGS: Codes during file transfer 200 (PC) USER-REQUESTED SHUTDOWN EXPLANATION: User pressed ESCAPE twice while the Session Control Language was executing. ACTION: Retry file transfer 203 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error occurred opening communications configuration file. ACTION: Check that the user has RFWCE rights to the \NETNAV\SHARED directory on the staging server, and/or the server drive mapping specified in the SET NETNAVC= environment variable is valid. 204 (PC) EXPLANATION: User ID was not found in comm config file. ACTION: Run the NNUCFIG command from NETNAV\DISTRIB, to make sure the user ID is specified as a valid NetWare Navigator user. 205 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error occurred reading comm config file. ACTION: Check that the user has RFWCE rights to the \NETNAV\SHARED directory on the staging server, and/or the server drive mapping specified in the SET NETNAVC= environment variable is valid. 209 (PC) EXPLANATION: User terminated the file transfer. ACTION: The user pressed during file transfer, and should retry the file transfer operation. 210 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error reading local or remote SFL (Send File List). ACTION: The user's TRANSFER.SFL located at the client workstation, or the username.SFL located in \NETNAV\SHARED area could not be read, check that they exist or have been created. 212 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error initializing local SFL (Send File List). ACTION: The user's TRANSFER.SFL located at the client workstation, could not be created, check that there is enough disk space at the client workstation, to create the TRANSFER.SFL file. 213 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error initializing local SFL (Send File List). ACTION: The user's TRANSFER.SFL located at the client workstation, could not be created, check that there is enough disk space at the client workstation, to create the TRANSFER.SFL file. 214 (PC) EXPLANATION: Error opening local or remote SFL (Send File List). ACTION: The user's TRANSFER.SFL located at the client workstation, or the username.SFL located in \NETNAV\SHARED area could not be read, check that they exist or have been created. --ERROR MSGS: Error or Reason Codes seen in DOS/MS Windows users' TRANSFER LOG This list shows the error codes which can be seen by running the NNLOGSUM command at the client workstation. 5103 (LOG) EXPLANATION: File name or path specification in error. ACTION: Check the client workstation receive file path exist and or are specified in the client configuration, by running the NN C command from the DOS prompt or by typing C at the NetWare Navigator client main menu. 5115 (LOG) EXPLANATION: Invalid RECV drive specified. ACTION: Check the NetWare Navigator workstation receive drive and path specification are valid by running the NN C command from the DOS prompt or by typing C at the NetWare Navigator client main menu. 5119 (LOG) EXPLANATION: The client workstation disk is full and data cannot be received or records written to the TRANSFER.SFL file. ACTION: Create more space on the disk or use another disk. 5120 (LOG) EXPLANATION: An unrecoverable disk error occurred while attempting to receive a file, the user requested to abort the transfer of this file. ACTION: Check that the client workstation hard disk is in working order. 5121 (LOG) EXPLANATION: File already exists and Replace was not specified. ACTION: Rename the existing file on the workstation and re-submit the job as disposition REPLACE instead of NO-REPLACE. 5202 (LOG) EXPLANATION: You were trying to distribute (PULL method) to a path specification that did not exist. ACTION: Make sure when you do a PULL distribution, that the Target Directory exists. NOTE this is not required for a PUSH distribution. 5205 (LOG) EXPLANATION: You were trying to distribute a file to replace a read only file of the same name. ACTION: Either rename the existing file, or send a file with a different name. 5212 (LOG) EXPLANATION: A read only file exists with the same name. ACTION: Either rename the existing file, or send a file with a different name. 5220 (LOG) EXPLANATION: An unrecoverable disk error occurred while attempting to send a file, the user requested to abort the transfer of this file. ACTION: Check that the client workstation hard disk is in working order. --ERROR MSGS: Error or Reason Codes seen in OS/2 users' TRANSFER LOG 2852 EXPLANATION: You were trying to distribute (PULL method) to a path specification that did not exist. ACTION: Make sure when you do a PULL distribution, that the Target Directory exists. NOTE this is not required for a PUSH distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------