SUNMIB.TXT 8Nov95 SunNet Manager (SNM) -------------------- SunNetManager 2.2.2 for Solaris 1.1.1 Platform: SunSPARC station, IPX Installing the NetWare Management Agent MIBs contained in this directory, on the SunNet Manager console, will provide the ability to capture and display real-time server performance data and information about server alarms. The SunNet Manager console provides the capability to manage network performance by providing several ways to track and collect performance information for objects on the network. To manage a server with SunNetManager; SNMP, IP, and ManageWise 2.0 or NetWare Management Agent 2.1 must be running on the server being managed, and one or more of the MIBs from this directory must be loaded on the OpenView console. This document contains 3 sections. A. Overview B. Installation Instructions C. Use Instructions A. SunNet Manager (SNM) An Overview ----------------------------------- SunNet Manager, v2.2.2 for Solaris 1.1.1, is an OpenWindows application using the OPEN LOOK graphical user interface. SNM provides a set of tools and services which allow the user to perform fundamental tasks in managing a network. SunNet Manager communicates with devices on the network via Proxy Agents which are used to transmit and/or gather information pertaining to devices on the network. The SunNet Manager Console communicates via the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol to an SNMP proxy agent in order to gather NMA data from a NetWare Server. The SNMP proxy agent translates the RPC protocol data request into an SNMP protocol request which is sent to a specific device (NetWare Server). The data is returned from the NetWare Server via the same path. SunNet Manager Console (NMA Information request) | ^ v | RPC protocol | ^ v | SNMP proxy agent | ^ v | Novell NetWare Server The trap daemon can be configured to forward some or all traps to one or more SNM Console. The SNMP device issuing the traps must be configured to send traps to the host where trap daemon resides. The trap daemon need not reside on the SNMP proxy agent system or the Console system, it can be distributed on a network to reduce network traffic and to share the processing load. SunNet Manager Console (NMA Trap Information) ^ | Event Dispatcher (RPC protocol) ^ | SNMP Trap Daemon ^ | Novell NetWare Server (NMA Agent) B. Installation --------------- Use the NMA 2.1 MIBS in this directory of NMAUX1.EXE, in order to be able to compile and load the MIBs on the SunNet Manager Console. Use these MIBs on the SunNet Manager, in order to integrate non-Sun SNMP devices into the SNM management database, with the following steps: B. Create an NMA MIB Schema file Create a SNM schema file for each of the NMA MIBs using the MIB2SCHEMA tool provided by SNM ... SunNet Manager uses schema files to describe the attributes of a managed object. B1. Place the NMA MIBs at the following location: /USR/SNM/AGENTS B2. At the shell command line enter: /usr/snm/bin/mib2schema [input NMAfile.mib] [output NMAfile.schema] If all goes well the following files will be created: NMAfile.schema NMAfile.mib.oid NMAfile.mib.traps (This file will be created only if there are traps in the MIB being compiled). Otherwise a list of compilation errors will display in the shell window. B3. Load each of the NMA schema files in order to access NMA data via the SunNet Manager. (a) Open the SunNet Manager console. At the shell command line: usr/snm/bin/snm [-I] (Use the -I command line argument when the database is to be initialized. You will be queried as to whether to create a BasicStart empty management database or a HeadStart management database which contains several nodes on your local network which enables you to use SunNetManager right away.) (b) Load the NMA MIB schemas. If the snm -I command line option was chosen, the NMA schema files located in the \snm\agents directory will be loaded automatically by SNM console. If you are using an existing management database, you must load the NMA schema files individually. (c) Select from the SNM menu File > Load > Predefined ; a dialogue box will appear. (d) Traverse the directories to the /snm/agents directory, select the NMAfile.schema file you wish to access and click the Load button. (e) If all went well, a status line at the bottom of the SNM console window will indicate that the schema was successfully loaded, otherwise, the status will indicate that errors were encountered which will be enumerated in an error file. The error file can be accessed via the menu View > Error Report. C. Use Instructions ------------------- C1. To Gather NMA Data via SunNet Manager Console Select a NetWare Server object with NMA installed and configured from a SNM Console map. This server could be among the objects discovered by the SNM discovery process, or can be created using the SNM console's graphical editor. (a) Create a NetWare Server object by selecting the menu bar Edit > Create, a creation dialogue will appear. (b) Select Server from the list of object types and click the Create button. A configuration menu will appear; follow the steps for configuring an object. (c) Configure the NetWare Server object if necessary. Select the object to be configured, select the menu bar Properties... item, a configuration dialogue will appear. Insert a name and address for the object, select the NMA schema files, and click the Apply button. C2. Gathering NMA MIB data can be accomplished in various ways. > Quick Dump via the glyph menu (a) Place the cursor over the server glyph (icon) and click the right mouse button. A menu which pertains to the functions available for the selected glyph will appear. (b) Move the mouse cursor over the Quick Dump menu item and click the right mouse button. A sub-menu of schema's pertaining to the server will appear. (c) Select the desired schema with the right mouse button, and another sub-menu of the schema's (MIB's) objects will appear. (d) Place the cursor over the object for which you wish to gather data and click either the right or left mouse button and a table containing the data from the specified server object will appear. > The SNM Console's Request menu bar item can also display a sub-menu containing the Quick Dump series of sub-menus described above. > Set Request via SNM Console's glyph menu (a) Place the cursor over the server glyph (icon) and click the right mouse button. A menu which pertains to the functions available for the selected glyph will appear. (b) Move the mouse cursor over the Set Request menu item and click the right mouse button. A sub-menu of schemas pertaining to the server will appear. (c) Select the desired schema with the right mouse button, and another sub-menu of the schemas (MIBs) objects will appear. (d) Place the cursor over the object for which you wish to gather data and click either the right or left mouse button. Instead of immediately supplying the data for the selected MIB object, a dialog appears allowing the user to select either a Get or Set button. This manner of retrieving MIB data will gather only the first row of a table, or whichever key row was specified in the dialog, or in the case of a group the entire group information will be retrieved. C3. To Set NMA MIB Objects via SNM Console (a) Place the cursor over the server glyph (icon) and click the right mouse button. A menu which pertains to the functions available for the selected glyph will appear. (b) Move the mouse cursor over the Set Request menu item and click the right mouse button. A sub-menu of schemas pertaining to the server will appear. (c) Select the desired schema with the right mouse button, and another sub-menu of the schemas (MIBs) objects will appear. (d) Place the cursor over the object for which you wish to gather data and click either the right or left mouse button. Instead of immediately supplying the data for the selected MIB object, a dialog box appears allowing the user to select either a Get or Set button. This manner of retrieving MIB data will gather only the first row of a table, or whichever key row was specified in the dialog, or in the case of a group the entire group information will be retrieved. If you wish to set an item in a particular row, enter the index key information in the dialog and the value for the attribute you wish to set. Once all settable items (indicated by a blank line in the New Value column) have been entered and the enter key pressed, the items to be set will appear in the Set Information section of the dialog. The Set button can now be clicked to issue the SNMP Set Request. If the set is successfully accomplished, a status line will appear at the bottom of the dialog indicating successful completion. C4. To Forward NMA Trap Alarms from the NetWare Server to the SunNet Manager Console The MIB2SCHEMA utility, as described above, produces files with the extensions; *.schema, *.oid, *.traps. (a) Run the BUILD_OID utility. This will update the object identifier database with the information from the *.OID files. hostname# /bin/build_oid (b) Append the nwalarm.mib.traps and the nwtrend.mib.traps files to the default trap file. The default trap file location is specified in the /usr/snm/snm.conf file, as the na.snmp-trap.default-trapfile. hostname# cat /agents/nwalarm.mib.oid >> /var/adm/snm/snmp.traps hostname# cat /agents/nwtrend.mib.oid >> /var/adm/snm/snmp.traps (c) TRAPTAG.CFG is in the SYS:ETC\ directory of the NetWare Server. TRAPTARG.ETC allows the user to define recipients to receive SNMP traps over IPX and UDP. Edit the Protocol UDP section of TRAPTARG.CFG by adding the SunNet Manager's IP Address. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------