NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NMAUX1.EXE; NMA MIBs for Unix README FOR: NMAUX1.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare Management Agent 2.1 ManageWise 2.0 All ABSTRACT: NMAUX1.EXE provides a prepared suite of NetWare Managment Agent 2.1 MIBs for compiling on certain Unix management consoles. This enables the server management portion of ManageWise 2.0 or NMA 2.1 to provide server performance data & fault info to SunNet Manager, HP OpenView, and SystemView for AIX management consoles. We recommend that you download NMAUX1.EXE if you own ManageWise 2.0 (or have purchased NMAgent 2.1 separately) and ALSO own one of the following: - SunNet: Manager 2.2.2 for Solaris 1.1.1 - HP OpenView - IBM's SystemView for AIX ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: ManageWise 2.0 and NetWare Management Agent 2.1 provide real-time server performance data and information about server alarms to network management consoles. Use the proper NetWare Management Agent 2.1 MIB suite, in NMAUX1.EXE, for your SNMP Unix Based Management Stations: A. The files in the SUN directory for SunNet Manager B. The files in the HP directory for the HP OVW Node Manager C. The files in the IBM directory for IBM SystemView for AIX Each directory contains a .TXT file with installation and use instructions plus a version of each of the following 5 MIBs: 1. NWSERVER.MIB (NetWare Server) 2. RFC1514.MIB (Host Resources) 3. NWHOSTX.MIB (Extensions to the Host Resources) 4. NWTREND.MIB (NetWare Trends and Thresholds) 5. NWALARM.MIB (NetWare Server Trap) OVERVIEW OF THE THREE SYSTEMS A. SunNet Manager (SNM) -------------------- Version: SunNetManager Version 2.2.2 for Solaris 1.1.1 Platform: SunSPARC station, IPX SunNet Manager, Version 2.2.2 for Solaris 1.1.1 is an OpenWindows application using the OPEN LOOK graphical user interface. SNM provides a set of tools and services which allow the user to perform fundamental tasks in managing a network. SNM communicates with devices on the network via Proxy Agents which are used to transmit and/or gather information pertaining to devices on the network. The SunNet Manager Console communicates via the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol to an SNMP proxy agent in order to gather NMA data from a NetWare Server. The SNMP proxy agent translates the RPC protocol data request into an SNMP protocol request which is sent to a specific device (NetWare Server). The data is returned from the Novell NetWare Server via the same path. SunNet Manager Console (NMA Information request) | ^ v | RPC protocol | ^ v | SNMP proxy agent | ^ v | Novell NetWare Server The trap daemon can be configured to forward some or all traps to one or more SNM Console. The SNMP device issuing the traps must be configured to send traps to the host where trap daemon resides. The trap daemon need not reside on the SNMP proxy agent system or the Console system, it can be distributed on a network to reduce network traffic and to share the processing load. SunNet Manager Console (NMA Trap Information) ^ | Event Dispatcher (RPC protocol) ^ | SNMP Trap Daemon ^ | Novell NetWare Server (NMA Agent) NMA MIBs for SNM Use the NMA 2.1 MIBS in NMAUX1.EXE to be able to compile and load the MIBs on the SunNet Manager Console. B. HP OVW Network Node Manager ------------------------------ Version: HP OpenView, Network Node Manager, Version 3.0 Platform: HP Apollo 9000, Series 700 and on Sun SPARC Station HP OpenView Windows (OVW) is a graphical user interface designed to integrate the presentation of network management and systems management applications. OVW users access network management functionality through pull-down menus and dialogue boxes. The Network Node Manager (NNM) is an SNMP-based application running under the HP Open View Windows graphical user interface. It is a configuration, performance, and fault management application for multivendor TCP/IP networks. It can automatically discover devices on the network, and create an environment of interactive maps and submaps. These maps contain related objects which represent entities or resources on the network. Management and edit actions can be performed on these network objects. The NNM can monitor and control agent systems (devices on the network) through SNMP. HP OpenView Console ^ ^ | | (SNMP Requests) (SNMP Reply / Traps) | | v v NetWare Server SNMP Agent NMA Agent MIBs NMA MIBs for HP Open View NNM Use the NMA 2.1 MIBS in NMAUX1.EXE to compile and load the MIBs on the HP Open View Network Node Manager. C. IBM SystemView for AIX -------------------------- Version: SystemView for AIX , Version 3 Platform: IBM, RISC System / 6000 OpenView Windows (OVW): - is the principal SystemView for AIX graphical user interface for managing TCP/IP-based internets. - provides map drawing, map editing, and menu management operations. - is an X11/Motif application based on OSF/Motif user interface guidelines. SystemView for AIX discovers and updates the topology of IP networks and translates the information into symbols that appear on the view you see of your network's map. SystemView for AIX uses background processes, or daemons, that run continuously. These daemons provide services that must be available at all times. These daemons fall into the following categories: Topology discovery and database operation, Event and trap processing, and Host connection. A system of interconnected maps and submaps containing network manageable objects can be automatically discovered. SystemView for AIX Users can access network management functionality through pull-down menus and dialogue boxes. SystemView for AIX is an SNMP-based application. It is a configuration, performance, and fault management application for multivendor TCP/IP networks. SystemView for AIX executes network management operations which monitor and control agent systems (devices on the network) through SNMP. NMA MIBs for IBM SystemView for AIX Use the NMA 2.1 MIBS in NMAUX1.EXE to compile and load the MIBs on the IBM SystemView for AIX. Self-Extracting File Name: nmaux1.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ NMAUX1.TXT (This file) ..\HP\ HPMIB.TXT 11940 11-8-95 5:10:16 pm NMA2_1.CNF 77768 6-15-95 11:44:32 am NWALARM.MIB 368383 8-3-95 6:34:42 pm NWHOSTX.MIB 38189 8-3-95 6:34:42 pm NWSERVER.MIB 92708 10-16-95 10:45:52 am NWTREND.MIB 43036 10-16-95 10:46:54 am RFC1514.MIB 52242 8-3-95 6:34:46 pm ..\IBM\ IBMMIB.TXT 6329 11-8-95 5:12:50 pm NWALARM.MIB 368383 8-3-95 6:34:42 pm NWHOSTX.MIB 38189 8-3-95 6:34:42 pm NWSERVER.MIB 92708 10-16-95 10:45:52 am NWTREND.MIB 43036 10-16-95 10:46:54 am RFC1514.MIB 52242 8-3-95 6:34:46 pm ..\SUN\ NWALARM.MIB 367995 10-20-95 7:53:18 pm NWHOSTX.MIB 38173 10-20-95 7:41:48 pm NWSERVER.MIB 93459 10-20-95 7:10:26 pm NWTREND.MIB 42851 10-20-95 7:50:08 pm RFC1514.MIB 52344 10-20-95 7:41:28 pm SUNMIB.TXT 11018 11-8-95 5:03:58 pm Installation Instructions: - If you have SunNet, read SUNMIB.TXT - If you HP OpenView, read HPMIB.TXT - If you have IBM SystemView for AIX, read IBMMIB.TXT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------