NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Patch for NGM Async Disconnect DOCUMENT ID: TID000216 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NGM121.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Global MHS 2.0 ABSTRACT: This PTF, NGM121.EXE, contains files that patch NetWare Global Messaging v1.0 to v1.00b. The file fixes the intermittent problem where an asynchronous connection disconnects when a NetWare Global Messaging server is sending and receiving on multiple inbound-and- outbound asynchronous connections simultaneously. The file also fixes problems when NetWare Global Messaging consumes more disk space than is necessary for message storage. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: NGM121.EXE Files Included Size Date Time NGM121.TXT (This File) PATCH.EXE 76981 8-12-92 6:00a UPGRAD1B.RTP 184990 9-01-92 9:36a PATCHNGM.BAT 1740 9-04-92 12:11a ***************************************************** * NetWare Global Messaging * * Upgrade 1.00b Instructions * * September 11, 1992 * ***************************************************** UPGRADING FROM v1.00 to v1.00b ------------------ This file describes the steps required to upgrade NetWare Global Messaging from version v1.00 version to v1.00b. This upgrade provides the following fixes and enhancements: o Fixes an intermittent problem in which an asynchronous connection disconnects when a NetWare Global Messaging server is sending and receiving on multiple inbound-and-outbound-asynchronous-connections at the same time. o NetWare Global Messaging v1.00 consumes more disk space than is necessary for message storage. This upgrade deletes temporary files after they are no longer necessary. NOTE: This patch is designed to upgrade NetWare Global Messaging v1.00 to v1.00b. If you have a version other than v1.00, this upgrade will not work. To determine your current NGM version, type 'load MODULES' at the server console prompt and verify that the version number for 'NGMADMIN.NLM' is v1.00. If you have any other version, contact your local Novell representative to receive the appropriate upgrade for your system. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO FIRST? ------------------ Use this upgrade to modify an existing NetWare Global Messaging installation. Before you install this upgrade, first install NetWare Global Messaging v1.00. For information on installing v1.00, refer to your "Installing NetWare Global Messaging" manual, part number 100-001200-001. WHICH FILES ARE UPGRADED? ------------------ This upgrade changes the following files. 1. NGM.NLM 2. NGMSMF.NLM 3. NGMAMP.NLM 4. NGMADMIN.NLM 5. NGMADMIN.HLP This upgrade does not change the serial number and maximum number of licensed users for your NetWare Global Messaging installation. UPGRADING YOUR SERVER ------------------ 1. Login to your NGM server as supervisor. 2. The contents of the NGM121.EXE file are as follows: 1. README.UPG 2. PATCH.EXE 3. PATCHNGM.BAT 4. UPGRAD1B.RTP 3. Copy the files 'PATCH.EXE', 'PATCHNGM.BAT', and 'UPGRAD1B.RTP' to the root NGM directory. The default NetWare Global Messaging directory is \NGM\. Sample: COPY PATCH.EXE \NGM\*.* COPY PATCHNGM.BAT \NGM\*.* COPY UPGRAD1B.RTP \NGM\*.* If you installed NetWare Global Messaging v1.00 in a different directory, be sure to copy the upgrade files to that directory. For example, if NetWare Global Messaging is installed in the directory \PUBLIC\MAIL\NGM\, enter the following: Sample: COPY PATCH.EXE \PUBLIC\MAIL\NGM\*.* COPY PATCHNGM.BAT \PUBLIC\MAIL\NGM\*.* COPY UPGRAD1B.RTP \PUBLIC\MAIL\NGM\*.* The patch program searches all subdirectories to find the appropriate files to upgrade. So, it is very important to start the upgrade procedure from the correct directory. 4. Unload NGM at the server console and make a backup copy of your NetWare Global Messaging Directory structure. NOTE: Do not save backup files under the same directory structure in which you installed NetWare Global Messaging. The upgrade procedure will update the first file within the directory structure. If this first file happens to be a backup file, then the correct system file will not be upgraded. 5. Verify that your server has at least 3.5 MB of free hard disk space. This is the recommended minimum required to install this upgrade. 6. Change to the root NGM directory (where you copied the upgrade files). Enter: PATCHNGM The patch program upgrades all appropriate files. The patch program also retains a log of the results in a file called 'RESULTS.TXT'. To verify your upgrade installation, view the contents of 'RESULTS.TXT' after the upgrade is complete. 7. Verify your NetWare Global Messaging files have been upgraded correctly. Your upgraded files are located in directory BIN\. For example, if your current directory is \NGM\, the upgraded files are located in \NGM\BIN\. Ensure the upgraded files have the following sizes/dates/times: 1. NGM.NLM - 601798 - 8/20/92 - 2:48p 2. NGMSMF.NLM - 410235 - 8/04/92 - 11:36p 3. NGMAMP.NLM - 161002 - 8/12/92 - 5:14p 4. NGMADMIN.NLM - 428538 - 8/31/92 - 3:55p 5. NGMADMIN.HLP - 132927 - 8/24/92 - 11:40a If your file sizes do not match those listed above, please contact your Novell representative. Please be prepared to give the exact steps you followed to perform the upgrade, the size and date of the upgrade files, your NGM directory structure and the contents of the 'RESULTS.TXT' file. 8. During the patch process a BACKUP directory is created under the directory from which you ran 'PATCHNGM'. The BACKUP directory contains all files that were changed and a file called 'UNPATCH.BAK'. If you want to undo your upgrade and return your installation to its previous state, perform the following procedure. o To restore your system, change to the BACKUP directory, copy 'UNPATCH.BAK' to 'UNPATCH.BAT', and type "UNPATCH". This file will delete all new files in the appropriate directories and replace them with the files which originally existed. o Verify the original files have been correctly re-installed and delete the BACKUP directory before attempting to upgrade the system for a second time. ÿ