NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NFOLIO v2.1 for NetWare Online Help DOCUMENT ID: TID000213 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NFOLI.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare 3.11 NetWare 2.2 ABSTRACT: This file contains NFOLIO v2.1. NFOLIO is the infobase management software used for NetWare online HELP. (NFOLIO is a customized version of Folio PreVIEWS, a product of Folio Corporation.) Users of previous NFOLIO versions can update to v2.1 by copying the v2.1 files from this EXE file to their network. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: NFOLI.EXE Files Included Size Date Time NFOLI.TXT (This File) NFOLIO.COM 11557 7-01-91 2:10a 13TO2X.EXE 77071 7-01-91 2:10a NFOLIO.EXE 198015 7-01-91 2:10a VIEWER.EXE 75495 7-01-91 2:10a VIEWS.PTR 18409 7-01-91 2:10a LOAD.EXE 30141 9-03-91 5:33p NFOLIO.NFO 135168 7-01-91 2:10a NFolio, the infobase management software used for NetWare online HELP, is now available in version 2.1. (NFolio is a customized version of Folio PreVIEWS, a product of Folio Corporation.) Users of previous NFolio versions can update to version 2.1 by copying the version 2.1 files to their network. NFolio version 2.1 has the following enhancements over NFolio version 2.0: þ NFolio version 2.1 contains a table viewer feature allowing you to view tables wider than the screen. þ NFolio version 2.1 is compatible with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0. þ Printer drivers for Epson printers have bug fixes. The NFolio version 2.1 files should be copied over the old NFolio files in the SYS:PUBLIC directory. Remember to flag the files "Read-Write" prior to updating and then flag the new files "Sharable/Read-Only" following the update. The files should also be copied over the old NFolio files on the installation diskettes (usually located in the PUBLIC directory on the HELP-1 diskette). The PVMANUAL.NFO file should be deleted as part of the update. PVMANUAL.NFO contains the F1 Help for older versions of NFolio. PVMANUAL.NFO has been replaced by NFOLIO.NFO included with this update. Also, it is not necessary to transfer this README file to the working system as part of the update. NFolio version 2.1 and the NetWare online HELP infobase are still accessed by the NetWare HELP.EXE file shipped with the respective NetWare versions. TO USERS OF NFOLIO VERSION 1.3 An earlier NFolio version, version 1.3, was shipped with some NetWare versions, including: NetWare 286 v2.1x NetWare 386 v3.0 The infobase files shipped with these earlier versions must be converted for compatibility with NFolio version 2.1. To do so, after you have copied the new files over, run the program 13TO2X.EXE (included in the update shipment). ÿ