NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NWAdmin Snapin example - view NDS attributes DOCUMENT ID: TID022067 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 27MAR95 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: NDSVW.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client SDK 1.0e ABSTRACT: This is a windows .dll written as a snapin module for NWAdmin. This snapin will, upon loading NWAdmin, load itself into the tools menu. When selected, this module will display the attributes for the currently selected object in NWAdmin and allow you to view the values for each attribute. Only attributes with values are displayed. Snapin modules are only supported with the version of NWAdmin that shipped with NetWare 4.1 or later. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE This is a windows .dll written as a snapin module for NWAdmin. This snapin will, upon loading NWAdmin, load itself into the tools menu. When selected, this module will display the attributes for the currently selected object in NWAdmin and allow you to view the values for each attribute. Only attributes with values are displayed. Snapin modules are only supported with the version of NWAdmin that shipped with NetWare 4.1 or later. Self-Extracting File Name: NDSVW.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ NDSVW.TXT (This File) NDSVIEW.C 23031 03-27-95 8:17a NDSVIEW.H 1394 01-05-95 3:13p NDSVIEW.RC 647 01-06-95 2:52p NDSVIEW.DEF 207 01-11-95 4:14p NDSVIEW.DLL 47801 03-27-95 8:18a NDSVIEW.IDE 44344 03-27-95 8:18a ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ