Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Broadcast Message Help 1 of 1 Type the message that you want to broadcast, then press SELECT or ESCAPE. If you do not want to broadcast a message, press CANCEL, then ESCAPE. NBACKUP Utility Main Menu Help 1 of 1 This program backs up and restores data on Local Drives, Novell 2.1x and 3.xx file servers to DOS Devices, NetWare Drives and selected archive devices, e.g., Wangtek and ADIC Lan Backer. Out of Memory Help 1 of 1 This workstation does not have enough memory to do the selected option. Remove TSR Programs, RAM disks, use a station with more memory, or increase the reserved memory (default is 30000) by typing "set NB_RESMEM=n" at the DOS prompt; then try again. Backup Menu Help 1 of 1 BACKUP FILE SERVER: Backs up the entire server. BACKUP DIRECTORY: Backs up files and subdirectories in a directory. VIEW BACKUP LOG: Shows a log of all directories and files backed up. VIEW ERROR LOG: Shows a log of all errors generated. Save Bindery Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to save the Target Bindery Files, and the attempt failed. This could be the result of no more room on the file server. The restore session cannot be completed. Confirm Abort Help 1 of 1 Choose YES to abort or NO to continue. Push List Help 1 of 1 The list stack is full. NBACKUP is unable to perform the function you requested.9 Options Form Help 1 of 12 Enter the parameters to back up or restore files and directories. Those fields needed for a particular operation appear on the form. The fields are described on the following help screens. SESSION DESCRIPTION (Backup Only): This will appear in the status window, in reports, and in the working files (required). Options Form Help 2 of 12 BACKUP BINDERY (Backup and Supervisor Only): Set this to YES if you are Supervisor and want the bindery files backed up. RESTORE BINDERY (Restore and Supervisor Only): Set this to YES if you are Supervisor and want the bindery files restored. Options Form Help 3 of 12 BACKUP SUBDIRECTORY (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want to back up directories and files below the selected source directory. BACKUP TRUSTEES (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want trustee assignments for each directory and file preserved. Options Form Help 4 of 12 MODIFIED FILES ONLY (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want to back up those files with the DOS Archive Bit set. CLEAR MODIFY BIT (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want the DOS Archive Bit cleared after the file is backed up. Not clearing this bit allows modified files to be backed up again with the MODIFIED FILES ONLY option. Options Form Help 5 of 12 FILE EXISTS (Restore Only): This field shows what action NBACKUP will take if a file being restored already exists. Options Form Help 6 of 12 FILES TO INCLUDE: This field specifies which files should be backed up or restored. If the field is empty, all files are affected. Files with a specification in the FILES TO EXCLUDE field are not backed up or restored even if they match a file specification in the FILES TO INCLUDE field. To specify a MAC filename, use a colon before the filename. Options Form Help 7 of 12 FILES TO EXCLUDE: This field specifies which files should not be backed up or restored. Files with a specification in this field are not backed up or restored even if they match a file specification in the FILES TO INCLUDE list. To specify a MAC filename, use a colon before the filename. Options Form Help 8 of 12 DIRECTORIES TO INCLUDE: This specifies which directories should be backed up or restored. If the field is empty, all directories are affected. Directories specified in the DIRECTORIES TO EXCLUDE field are not backed up or restored even if they match a specification in the DIRECTORIES TO INCLUDE field. To specify a MAC directory, use two colons before the name. Options Form Help 9 of 12 DIRECTORIES TO EXCLUDE: This specifies which directories should not be backed up or restored. Directories specified in this field are not backed up or restored even if they match a directory specification in the DIRECTORIES TO INCLUDE list. To specify a MAC directory, use two colons before the name. Options Form Help 10 of 12 BACKUP HIDDEN FILES (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want hidden files backed up. BACKUP SYSTEM FILES (Backup Only): Set this to YES if you want system files backed up. Options Form Help 11 of 12 SOURCE DIRECTORY (Backup Only): This is the directory you want to back up. (If BACKUP SUBDIRECTORIES is YES, all subdirectories will also be backed up.) DESTINATION DIRECTORY (Backup and DOS Device only): This is the directory you want to store the data files in. Options Form Help 12 of 12 DATA LOCATION (Restore and DOS Device Only): This is the directory where the data files are stored.z Pop List Help 1 of 1 An attempt to restore an internal list failed. This usually results in the program aborting. Bad Block Size Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was unable to calculate a valid block size. This is usually due to the workstation not having enough memory to run NBACKUP. Use a workstation with more memory, or remove one or more TSR programs or RAM disks. Description Required Help 1 of 1 A description is required for all backup sessions. Enter a description and press ENTER to continue. Restore Main Menu Help 1 of 1 SELECT WORKING DIRECTORY: Allows you to select the directory where the work files will be located. RESTORE SESSION: Allows you to restore from a session. VIEW BACKUP LOG: Allows you to see a log of all directories/files backed up. VIEW ERROR LOG: Allows you see a log of all the errors generated. File Exits Error Help 1 of 1 A file or directory you are attempting to restore already exists. NBackup will execute the action you requested in the Options form. Start Backup Help 1 of 1 Select YES to begin the BACKUP session; select NO to return to the BACKUP menu. Highlight your choice using the UP and DOWN keys, then press SELECT. Start Restart Help 1 of 1 Select YES to begin the RESTORE session; select NO to return to the RESTORE menu. Highlight your choice using the UP and DOWN keys, then press SELECT. Internal Error Help 1 of 1 An unexpected internal error has occurred. This is most likely due to hardware or system software failure. To correct this problem, exit NBACKUP, log off the network, reboot, then start NBACKUP again. If the problem recurs, notify your NetWare distributor. Empty File Invalid Help 1 of 1 You entered a file name with no characters. A file name must consist of at least one character. Enter a valid file name (wild cards are valid) or press Escape to exit. Empty Directory Invalid Help 1 of 1 You entered a directory path with no characters. A directory path must consist of at least one character. Enter a valid directory path or press Escape to exit. Start Date Help 1 of 1 Enter the date on which you want to start the backup session. Start Time Help 1 of 1 Enter the time you want to start the backup session. Time Form Help 1 of 1 Enter the date and time you want to start the backup session. Start Backup Menu Help 1 of 1 To start the backup now, select Start Backup Now. To start the backup later, select Start Backup Later. To abort the backup, press ESCAPE. Bad Checksum Help 1 of 1 A bad checksum was detected in a backup record. This is usually due to data error on the recording medium. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Bad File ID Help 1 of 1 The file ID in the header of the data file does not match the expected file ID. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Bad File Type Help 1 of 1 An invalid file type parameter was passed to ReadSessionFileHeader. This session will be aborted. This is an unexpected internal condition. Bad Header String Help 1 of 1 The header description string in a header record did not match the expected header string. The usual cause of this is a data error in the recording medium. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Bad Media ID Help 1 of 1 The media ID on the data file did not match the expected media ID. Either the wrong media was mounted, the data file was renamed, or the data is corrupt. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Bad Session ID Help 1 of 1 The session ID in the data file did not match the expected session ID. Either the data has become corrupt or the data file was renamed. Bad System Version Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP is only designed for NetWare versions 2.12, 2.15, and 3.0, or local drives. The version of a NetWare file server you are attempting to backup from or restore to is invalid. Bindery Restore to Different Help 1 of 1 File Server You asked NBACKUP to restore a bindery to a different file server than the one it was backed up from. This will not work. When NBACKUP restores a bindery, it replaces the entire bindery with the restored bindery. Close Bindery Error Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was unable to close the bindery on a file server and so it cannot back up or restore the bindery. Close the bindery in order to back it up or restore it. Close File Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to close a file. Processing will continue. This is an unexpected internal condition. Create Directory Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt to create a directory failed. The most likely reasons for this are insufficient rights to create a directory or all directory slots are full. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Create File Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to create a file. The most likely reasons for this are insufficient disk space or insufficient rights. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Destination Directory is Full Help 1 of 1 The destination directory is full. The backup will abort. To restart backup, select a destination device that has removable media or a destination device that can hold all backup files. DOS Archive Bit Not Cleared Help 1 of 1 The DOS archive bit on the file was not cleared. You may not have sufficient rights in the directory. The next time this directory is backed up, this file will be backed up even if the Modified Files Only flag option is selected. End of Media Error Help 1 of 1 An unexpected end of media was encountered attempting to read from the storage medium. The most likely reason for this error is corrupted media. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Enter Valid AFP Name Help 1 of 1 The file name you entered is not a valid AFP file name. Enter a valid AFP file name. A valid AFP file name is 1 to 31 characters long and may contain extended ASCII characters 1 through 255, excluding the colon (:). Note that null (hex 00) is not allowed. Enter Valid DOS Name Help 1 of 1 The DOS name you entered is invalid. Enter a valid DOS file name. File names must be in 8.3 format: 1 to 8 characters optionally followed by a period and up to 3 more characters. You can use any printing ASCII character except . " \ / [ ] : | < > + = ; , . Execute Only Error Help 1 of 1 A file you attempted to back up is an Execute Only file. Execute Only files cannot be opened to read, and so cannot be backed up. NBACKUP will continue with the next file. File Already Exists Help 1 of 1 This file already exists. File Handle Already Open Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was expecting a file handle to reflect that the file was closed. The file handle indicated an open file. NBackup will recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. File in Use Help 1 of 1 A file you attempting to backup or restore is in use. NBACKUP will skip this file. It will not be backed up or restored. File Server File Copy Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was attempting to copy the bindery files. The copy failed. This is most likely due to volume SYS: being out of disk space. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. The bindery will not be backed up. Get Next Block Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to get a data block from the storage device. This can be due to an operator abort or a data error on the storage device. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Illegal Directory Name Help 1 of 1 The directory name is illegal. Directory names must be in 8.3 format: 1 to 8 characters optionally followed by a period and up to 3 more characters. Use ASCII characters greater than space except . " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , . Illegal File Name Help 1 of 1 An illegal file name was encountered. File names must be in 8.3 format: 1 to 8 characters optionally followed by a period and up to three more characters. Use ASCII characters greater than space except . " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , . Initialize Error Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was unable to initialize the DIBI device driver. Processing cannot continue. Invalid Call to StatusMediaID Help 1 of 1 StatusMediaID was called without the appropriate status environment. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Invalid Date and Time Help 1 of 1 An invalid date\time stamp was found on a data block header. The usual cause of this is a corrupted data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Invalid Display Mode Help 1 of 1 An invalid display mode was detected. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Invalid File Handle Help 1 of 1 An unexpected file handle was encountered. NBACKUP will recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Invalid Session Mode Help 1 of 1 An invalid session mode was encountered. NBACKUP will recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Log out Connections From 386 Server Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all objects connected to the target file server. All objects must be logged out for the transfer or restore to continue. This list is updated every two seconds. To send a console message to a users, mark the user's name, then press SELECT. If users are still logged in when you press ESCAPE, this session will be aborted. If all users are logged out when you press ESCAPE, the session will continue. Log out Connections From Pre-3.0 Server Help 1 of 1 This is a list of objects connected to the source file server. All objects must be logged out for the backup or transfer to continue. The list is updated every two seconds. To send a console message to a user, mark the user's name, then press SELECT. To clear a connection, mark the user's name, then press DELETE. If there are still users logged in when you press ESCAPE, the session will be aborted. If all users are logged out when you press ESCAPE, the session will continue. Apple File Protocol Name Space Help 1 of 1 Not Supported on Volume NBACKUP attempted to write an AFP directory or file onto a volume that does not support AFP. To place AFP files on this volume, activate the AFP protocol name space on the system console, and load the AFP name space onto the volume. Directory Record Header Expected Help 1 of 1 A directory record header was expected but not found. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. File or Directory Record Help 1 of 1 Header Expected A file or directory record header was expected but not found. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. File Record Header Expected Help 1 of 1 A file record header was expected but not found. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. UTS File or Directory Record Help 1 of 1 Header Expected A directory record header was expected but not found. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. UTS or File Record Help 1 of 1 Header Expected A file record header was expected but not found. The most likely cause of this error is a corrupt data file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Must Select Path Help 1 of 1 You must select a path to map the nonexistent volume to. NBACKUP will not continue until you do. Bindery not on Local Drive Help 1 of 1 You requested a bindery backup or restore on a local drive. Only file servers have binderies. Select a NetWork drive for your backup or restore. No Rights to Path Help 1 of 1 You do not have sufficient rights to create and write files in the specified directory. Most likely, the maximum rights mask does not allow creating or writing to files, or you do not have sufficient rights as a trustee on the path. Choose a different directory or exit NBACKUP and change the maximum rights mask. No Session Files in Help 1 of 1 Working Directory There are no valid session files in the working directory. Select a working directory with valid session files. Open Bindery Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to open the bindery. The bindery is closed during any operation on the bindery files. As soon as processing is complete on the bindery files, the bindery is opened. This is an unexpected internal condition. Error on Open File Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to open a file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Parse Path Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to parse a path. NBAKCUP will attempt to recover from this error. This is an unexpected internal condition. Path Length Error Help 1 of 1 The path you entered is too long. Because this path may have overwritten memory, NBACKUP will abort. Run NBACKUP again, using a shorter path. Prompt Flag Not Set Help 1 of 1 An invalid prompt flag was detected. This is an unexpected internal condition. Read File Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to read a session file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Read File Record Trailer Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to read a file record trailer. The session file may have become corrupt. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Read Media Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to read data from the storage medium. The storage medium may have become corrupt, or the storage device may have failed. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Read Valid Path Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt failed while reading a source or destination path to a buffer from the session file header. This is usually due to a corrupt session file. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error. Rename Existing File Help 1 of 1 The existing file will be renamed with a different extension. Example: LOGIN.EXE (might be changed to) LOGIN.A00 Rename File Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to rename the file, and the attempt failed. This is an unexpected internal condition. Rename Restored File Help 1 of 1 The restored file will be renamed with a new, extension. Example: LOGIN.EXE (might be restored as) LOGIN.A00 Seek File Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to seek within a file, and the attempt failed. This is an unexpected condition. Select Session Help 1 of 1 To select a session, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight the field, then press Select. Source Directory Required Help 1 of 1 The "SOURCE DIRECTORY" must be specified before the start of a session. Set the "SOURCE DIRECTORY" field in the options form. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight the field, then press SELECT. Temporary Name Not Available Help 1 of 1 The file could not be renamed with a valid extension because all available extensions are being used. This indicates that there are a large number (255) of these files with valid restore extensions. The restore session cannot be completed. Trailer Not Found Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to read a Date Record Trailer, and the trailer was not found. The particular session file is probably corrupt. Unable to Get Base Drive Help 1 of 1 There were no free drives available to map the BASE DRIVE to. This may have occurred because there are no drives (A-Z, etc) available. Exit the program and free drives by deleting drive mappings. UTS Address Not Allowed Help 1 of 1 This is an unexpected internal condition. Contact the System Supervisor or a Novell representative. Volume Does Not Exist Help 1 of 1 The volume that was backed up does not exist on the destination file server. Specify a destination for the volume, or create a new path to store the volume. Working Directory Required Help 1 of 1 You must specify a working directory before you can begin a session. Choose Select Working Directory and specify a working directory. Working Directory is Removable Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to put the working directory on a removable device. The working directory cannot be on a removable device. Put the working directory on a non-removable network drive, or non-removable local hard disk. Working Directory Files Corrupt Help 1 of 1 The session file in the working directory appears to be corrupt. The session associated with this file cannot be restored. Write File Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to write to a file, and the attempt failed. This is an unexpected internal error. Write Media Error Help 1 of 1 An attempt was made to write to the specified MEDIA, and the attempt failed. The media may be corrupt, or the media device may have failed. NBACKUP may not be able to continue. Create Session Files Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to create the session files. Backup cannot continue. The most likely reasons for the failure include not enough disk space and insufficient rights. Select a different working directory, then start the backup again. Destination Path Required Help 1 of 1 A destination path must be specified before processing can continue. Enter a valid destination path. Bad Block Type Help 1 of 1 A bad block type was detected in a record. This is usually caused by failure of the storage medium. NBACKUP will attempt to recover from this error, but data will be lost. Prompt for Next Media Help 1 of 1 The last storage medium on the destination device is full. Remove the last medium and load the next medium. Press Select to continue. Press Escape to abort. End Session Help 1 of 1 The backup or restore session you requested is completed. Press Escape to return to a menu. Clear Physical Record Lock Help 1 of 1 An error occurred attempting to clear a physical record lock. Processing will continue. Other programs may be unable to access the file. Before backing up each file, NBACKUP locks it. This avoids read\write conflicts with other programs that are currently accessing the file. After backing up the file, NBACKUP clears the lock. NBACKUP failed to clear the lock in this instance. This is an unexpected internal condition. File Exists Help 1 of 1 A file exists with the same name of the directory you are trying to restore. Program execution will not continue. File Exists Error Help 1 of 1 NBACKUP was unable to determine action to take on file existence. This is probably due to insufficient memory on the workstation. Program execution will not continue. Delete File Error Help 1 of 1 An error occurred while attempting to delete a file. The most likely reason is insufficient rights or the file attributes set do not allow file deletion. Prompt For Unknown Media Help 1 of 1 To rebuild or restore the session files the last media of the backup data is necessary. Press Select to continue. Press Escape to abort.