NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NACS2.EXE NACS 2.14 & NASI 2.15 Maintenance DOCUMENT ID: TID000200 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NACS2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Asynchronous Communication Services (NACS) 2.0 ABSTRACT: The NACS2.EXE file is a maintenance PTF for NACS2x. The file includes NASI v2.15 and NACS v2.14. The NACS2.EXE file replaces PTF314.EXE. Along with the problems corrected by PTF 314 this file corrects a random disconnection problem related to calls made into the program. The file also corrects a problem relating to ITO clearing a port that should not be cleared. (Novell Upload!) _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: NACS2.EXE Files Included Size Date Time NACS2.TXT (This File) NASI.EXE 41566 5-22-92 9:58a NACS.EXE 57397 3-12-92 11:28a UNLOAD.EXE 11349 8-01-91 1:51p NACSLOAD.BIN 7968 1-16-92 2:22p TITLE: NACS 2.14 & NASI 2.15 Maintenance DOCUMENT #: TB.S.P328 DATE: July 6, 1992 PRODUCT: NACS PRODUCT VERSION: 2.X SUPERSEDES: All prior NACS/NASI PTFs for version 2.X SYMPTOM: Port in use cleared Disconnect OEM Registration Error 3270 Emulation hang Unable to connect or very poor performance using Tanagram. If used with PC Anywhere IV only Port One was recognized. PTF 328 will in the NetWire Library as NACS2.EXE NOTICE: These files do not constitute the entire product and are to be used only in conjunction with authorized purchased versions of the product. The product is Copyrighted under law and is not shareware. ISSUE/PROBLEM 1. If a workstation hangs a NACS port it can reboot and access another port. In certain environments when ITO finally cleared the hung port it cleared all ports associated with the workstations node address thereby clearing both the idle port and the port in use. 2. Calls made into the NACS with PC Anywhere IV LAN randomly disconnected after a few minutes. (it is assumed that the problem would occur with other dial in products). 2. NACS was designed to refuse to operate and return an "OEM Registration Error" if it could not identify the WNIM board as having been sold by Novell. 3. Recent versions of NASI were conflicting with an interrupt required by Novell's 3270 LAN Workstation. 4. Tangram's use of Xon/Xoff flow control while connecting to Host was not compatible with NACS/NASI. 5. If used with PC Anywhere IV only Port One was recognized. 6. Access Server could secure only one NACS/NASI session. 7. ITO Timer not closing the connection. 8. AnyWare 3.0 hangs 9. Clear Port command and Disconnect command not working 10. Lexis/Nexis compatibly issues 11. Crosstalk Mark IV compatibility issues 12. NACS server could only be downed by a reboot. 13. NASI could only be removed from the workstation memory by a reboot. 14. Solves file transfer problems with PCAnywhere IV/LAN. SOLUTION 1. NASI will now check for a response and a port number after a workstation is re-booted thereby correcting the problem. 2. Third party host and remote software will now be allowed to work correctly. 2. NACS will no longer check for a Novell PAL chip on the board. Version 2.14 of NACS will therefore work with WNIM cards from Microdyne or Gateway. 3. NASI will no longer impact upon the Interrupt required by Novell's 3270 LAN Workstation. 4. The PTF corrects the problem. 5. All ports are now recognized. 6. More than 1 session can now be used IF this PTF is installed AND "/D (enter)" is typed at the NASI prompt before calling out. The /D command activates NASI's "dynamic socket s" option allowing multiple Access Server sessions. 7. ITO Timer now closes the connection in all known cases. 8. AnyWare 3.0 no longer hangs in all known situations. 9. The commands now work in all known cases. 10. Lexis/Nexis is very sensitive to changes in NASI. You may have to change versions of NASI and/or LEXIS to achieve a match. 11. Function Call 16h return made compatible with Crosstalk Mark IV, Network Version. 12. The NACS Server can now be downed by typing "DOWN". 13. The UNLOAD utility is included in this PTF. Type "UNLOAD" to remove NASI.EXE from memory. 14. Updates the transmit, receive and external status bytes when an ACK is sent. NEW VERSION The installation of this PTF converts your NACS to Version 2.14 and NASI to Version 2.15. It may be installed on top of any version 2.06, 2.07, 2.08, or 2.09 NACS/NASI with files of an earlier date. NACS 2.14 and NASI 2.15 are designed to be used together exclusively. Do not attempt to mix and match NACS and NASI versions unless specifically advised to do so by a Novell Communications Products Division technician. TO USE PTF 328 (see NOTE below) 1. Run "NACSINST NACS.EXE"* with your PRESENT NACS (that is, without the PTF). 2. Write down the resulting configuration. 3. Copy the PTF over the old NACS files. 4. Run "NACSINST NACS.EXE"* again. 5. Enter the configuration information from step 2. NOTE: If you had previously installed PTF 314 you need only copy the new NASI over the old NASI. * Use the NACSINST.EXE you already have. ÿ