NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: MWDEMO.EXE README FOR: MWDEMO.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: ManageWise 1.0 ABSTRACT: MWDEMO.EXE provides a sample database and alarm generation utilities to assist in a live demonstration of ManageWise. These files are referenced by the ManageWise 1.0 Sales CD but were accidentally left off. They are useful ONLY if you have the sales CD. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: MWDEMO.EXE provides a sample database and alarm generation utilities to assist in the live demonstration of ManageWise. These files are referenced by the ManageWise 1.0 Sales CD but were accidentally left off. Self-Extracting File Name: mwdemo.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ MWDEMO.TXT (This file) ATTACH.BTV 16384 9-17-92 1:01:00 am BOX.BTV 77824 9-9-93 11:18:52 am CLASSNAM.BTV 12288 8-17-93 2:07:00 am CONNECT.BTV 18432 11-25-92 11:05:42 am DEVICE.BTV 40960 11-30-92 9:48:54 am DTLBOX.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am DTLDEV.BTV 12288 11-30-92 9:48:54 am DTLSRV.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am EQUIP.BTV 39936 11-30-92 9:48:52 am EVCOMENT.BTV 6144 11-27-92 9:11:32 am EVENT.BTV 20480 11-30-92 9:50:02 am EVSEVER.BTV 12288 9-9-93 11:19:14 am EXTATTR.BTV 129024 11-30-92 9:49:56 am FRAME.BTV 122880 11-30-92 9:48:54 am GENERIC.BTV 16384 8-17-93 2:07:00 am GOTO.BTV 8192 9-17-92 1:01:00 am HUB.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am HUBFUNCN.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am HUBGROUP.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am HUBPORT.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am LEGCON.BTV 24576 8-17-93 2:07:00 am LOWNER.BTV 16384 11-25-92 9:43:24 am MSCOPE.NLM 47380 9-23-91 5:19:52 pm NETWORK.BTV 10240 11-24-92 5:38:02 pm NWPRINT.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am NWSERVE.BTV 6144 11-25-92 9:14:26 am OBJECT.BTV 1024 11-30-92 9:50:02 am OBJRES.BTV 20480 8-17-93 2:07:00 am OWNER.BTV 40960 11-25-92 11:05:42 am RMON.BTV 6144 9-17-92 1:01:00 am ROUTER.BTV 6144 11-24-92 5:38:02 pm SAP.BTV 16384 11-25-92 9:14:26 am SEGMENT.BTV 16384 11-27-92 12:39:40 pm SIMALERT.NLM 111929 7-23-93 11:59:10 am SYMBOL.BTV 16384 11-25-92 9:41:14 am TEXT.BTV 9216 11-25-92 9:41:16 am TRAP.BTV 102400 9-17-92 1:01:00 am UNIVERSE.BTV 1536 9-17-92 1:01:00 am USER.BTV 9216 11-27-92 10:58:38 am WALLPAPR.BTV 12288 11-25-92 9:41:14 am WORLD.BTV 1536 11-24-92 5:28:48 pm Installation Instructions: System Requirements ------------------- Since these demo files work in conjunction with ManageWise, please allow for the same minimum requirements: - 486 or higher class PC - ODI compatible network interface card - 20-80MB hard disk (depending on network size) for data storage - 12MB RAM - Mouse supported by MS Windows 3.1 - VGA or better monitor - DRDOS 6.0 or later, or MSDOS 5.0 or later How to Run This Demo -------------------- 1. Copy MSCOPE.NLM (for NetWare 3.x servers) or SIMALERT.NLM (for NetWare 4.x servers) to SYS:\SYSTEM on your demo server. NOTE: NetWare Management Agent 1.6 must be loaded on this server. 2. Back up any databases that you have collected. 3. Copy all of the *.BTV files in MWDEMO to the \NMS\NMSDB directory on the Windows workstation. This database includes a sample internetwork logical map and locational map. 4. Optional: You can customize your demo server for a local environment by running NetExplorer on a small isolated network. This allows you to add segments to the map provided by dragging the icons to the map (Create two or more linked locational maps before the demo). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------