VIRUSPRO.TXT 3Nov95 Control Viruses Network-wide With increased user mobility and more users accessing Internet services, virus threats are increasing. Virus infiltration of your network can cause expensive downtime and destroy valuable data. ManageWise detects viruses and quarantines them so that they cannot spread across the network. Comprehensive Scanning ManageWise's virus protection feature incorporates sophisticated pattern - based scanning, which identifies known viruses at the server and desktop. It detects mutations of existing strains, polymorphic viruses and even stealth viruses designed to hide from scanners. Unknown viruses may elude pattern - based scanning, but the intelligent rules-based detection capabilities of ManageWise identify virus-like behavior before a virus can cause havoc on the system. Continuous Real-Time Protection Virus protection operates continuously in real time to protect servers, desktops, portable and standalone PCs from virus infection. As files are transferred to and from the server, it checks in real time to ensure they are not infected. It also performs prescheduled and on-demand scanning onservers. In addition, ManageWise scans users' workstations continuously or at login to identify any viruses on the desktop. Virus protection for mobile computer usersWith user mobility increasing and more users accessing the Internet, virusthreats are increasing. Whenever mobile computer users reconnect theirportable computers to the network, the ManageWise virus protection featureautomatically checks for virus activity and updates the server log as wellas the portable computer's virus pattern files. Automated and Self-Maintaining The virus protection in ManageWise includes an "automated download feature, "which automatically logs into the Intel BBS and downloads the most current virus pattern file. ManageWise also shares virus pattern file information among multiple file servers. Both features save considerable amounts of network administration time.