OTHER.TXT 3Nov95 Other ManageWise 2.0 Features Comprehensive NetWare Server Management The most important device on the network is the server. When one or more servers are down, it generally means that users can't get their jobs done until the servers are back up. In addition, servers often provide centralized data storage. Prevention of information loss or corruption is critical. ManageWise builds on our expertise in the NetWare environment to provide comprehensive server management. Central Management of Multiple Servers By installing ManageWise on each NetWare server, you can monitor, maintain and manage all NetWare servers from a central site. You can also compare multiple servers to optimize server configuration and performance. Unattended Monitoring ManageWise monitors NetWare servers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Before problems reach a critical state, ManageWise will immediately alert you to those problems. It monitors 378 server conditions, including directory, disk drive, volume, memory, logged-in user and NetWare Loadable Module (NLM) software, and covers 378 alarm conditions. You can customize alarm thresholds, such as file activity, memory usage and logged-in users, to their environment. Server optimization ManageWise provides complete NetWare management from one administration console. It incorporates familiar NetWare tools, such as NWAdmin, to administer servers and graphical SET commands to change NetWare server configurations and resources. ManageWise monitors trends on server performance, such as file activity, volume data, disk drive configuration, adapter card, CPU, memory and print services. You can analyze data collected from servers and take action if necessary, reallocating volume space or redirecting jobs in print queues. With ManageWise, you can control problems and perform daily NetWare tasks from a single intuitive interface. Print Queue Monitoring ManageWise monitors and manages print queues on the network. It displays network print queue activity by the number of jobs or the total number of bytes. It shows graphically which queues and servicing printers are the most active and displays queue-related information about servers, queues and jobs. Effective Desktop Management ManageWise is based on proven technology that focuses on the desktop area of the network computing environment. This technology lets you effectively monitor, diagnose and fix networked DOS and Windows PCs. Configuration Change Management ManageWise lets you request notification of changes to common configuration files, such as AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and NET.CFG. By knowing which components were altered and the details of changes made, you significantly expedite troubleshooting and user support. User administration ManageWise enables you to add, delete and modify user rights on the network from the same graphical user interface. With the integration of NWAdmin, you can perform administrative tasks, such as modifying login scripts. Desktop access and desktop remote Using ManageWise's desktop management services, you can view, manage and control networked PCs across the network from a single location. By taking control of the remote workstation's screen and keyboard, you can quickly solve user support problems. You can also gather detailed configuration and performance information, transfer files, execute programs and remotely reboot the user's system to activate configuration changes. Chat mode ManageWise lets you "talk" in real time to users through their desktop screens. When invoked, chat mode displays a split screen to show both sides of the conversation. File transfer ManageWise's file transfer functions make it easy for you to selectively transfer files to users' local hard drives. Users do not need to download files, and you can ensure that they have the latest updates of system and application software. Address Management ManageWise facilitates the management of IPX and IP network addresses by displaying a tabular report of network numbers in use, along with the physical media type, system name and sublet mask. Quick identification of assigned addresses eliminates duplications when adding new nodes to the network. ManageWise also identifies duplicate addresses to quickly isolate offending nodes. Detects and Repairs Common Network Problems Effective network computing relies on the continued, efficient operation of your network. ManageWise lets you detect and repair common problems, such as print delays or incomplete application launches. The following details how ManageWise solves these common network problems. Printing problems Print problems often involve complex interactions on a network and can reside in a user's desktop hardware or software, on the network or in the printer. ManageWise monitors the network as a system to quickly pinpoint the problem. For example, if a print job stays in the queue too long, ManageWise will notify you and give you the means to re-prioritize or delete jobs as necessary from the same user interface. Limited Access to Applications When a user can't access a previously used application, most network tools don't solve the problem. With ManageWise, you can easily view current configurations of all desktops and servers. Data path changes are readily identified, and you can edit the user's configuration file from the control console location. With NetWare's administration technologies integrated in ManageWise, access rights are easily verified. Slow Network Response Time Using ManageWise, you can pinpoint why the network is slowing down at certain times and alleviate the problem. ManageWise collects and analyzes traffic data for as long as two years to help you understand trends. It also lets you know which stations are contributing to traffic. The problem could stem from someone backing up their workstation during peak usage times. With ManageWise, you'll know for sure. Disk Failures Fault-tolerant mechanisms, such as disk mirroring, will keep a network up after a failure, but the remaining disk becomes a single point of failure. ManageWise lets you know when a mirrored disk fails so you can plan its repair or replacement quickly while users continue their tasks un interrupted. Limited Storage Space on Server ManageWise integrates the capabilities of NWAdmin and lets you solve these storage space issues quickly and painlessly. You simply evaluate the disk and volume usage on the server, allocate more disk space to the affected user and then make improvements to the server's overall disk space assignments. Centralized Management ManageWise has an easy-to-use Windows console that provides a panoramic view of the network. The ManageWise console receives information from all servers running ManageWise, including those in geographically dispersed locations. The console assimilates this data and displays it on demand from its graphical user interface. The console supports both TCP/IP and IPX protocols for network communication. Intuitive Navigation The ManageWise console presents maps as the primary means for access of network information. Manageable devices can be easily accessed and monitored from these maps with a click of the mouse button. Smart early warning system ManageWise continually monitors the network for emerging problems, such a slow server memory, inactive critical nodes, LAN card errors and broadcast storms. When a potential problem is detected, ManageWise generates an alarm, which is recorded in the built-in database and displayed on all map views and alarm reports. Alarms can be set to trigger other applications, such as disk backup or pagers, to resolve problems, even when the console is unattended. With ManageWise, you can diagnose possible causes of an alarm and prescribes a course of action. The ManageWise console also explains how to troubleshoot and manage networks. SNMP Support ManageWise provides full SNMP management of any SNMP - manageable device on the network. The MIB Browser facility displays SNMP device statistics at one central location, and SNMP traps emitted by any SNMP device are received and interpreted as ManageWise alarms. While 400 SNMP alarms are monitored by ManageWise, you can add other SNMP alarms to the system to monitor a specific network environment. High-level Security The ManageWise console is intended for use by management. Your managers may have different preferences in how they access management information. The ManageWise console lets them create management security domains to authorize select personnel to access certain management information and actions. Each console can also be customized for its user. For example, an enterprise manager may need a high-level overview of all alarms, while a site manager may want to view only local network activity. ManageWise also supports SNMP over NetWare Directory Services; (NDS), leveraging the strengths of NetWare authentication to prevent unauthorized users from accessing network information. Critical Node Monitoring When a node fails, an agent resident on that device typically cannot report the failure. ManageWise lets you monitor critical devices on the network to ensure they are active. If not, ManageWise immediately notifies you through alarms. This critical monitoring requires no polling, so the network is not affected. Proactive Monitoring and Trending ManageWise collects historical usage data from servers, such as packets sent over a specific network segment for the past month to establish a baseline of normal activity. It then graphically portrays the information for easy analysis, enabling you to troubleshoot potential problems. It also gives you reliable information for forecasting growth, allowing you to plan for future needs effectively. Remote Management ManageWise provides cost-effective remote management by leveraging on - demand dial-up links. Because it employs intelligent agents that monitor the network, servers at remote sites do not have to maintain constant communications with the central console, eliminating the need for expensive dedicated lines. For example, when your remote location encounters a problem, ManageWise generates an alarm and transmits it to benefit a central site, letting staff at that location take immediate action. Small organizations that want to outsource their management tasks to are seller can now be serviced remotely over low-cost lines. Large organizations with distributed, unconnected branch offices also benefit by managing these networks over low-cost dial-up connections. Support of dial-up links enables proactive remote management while reducing the connection costs associated with dedicated lines.