NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: MW2INF.EXE; ManageWise 2.0 Information README FOR: MW2INF.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: ManageWise 2.0 All ABSTRACT: MW2INF.EXE contains several files describing ManageWise 2.0. In addition, contains part numbers and prices. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: MW2INF.EXE contains several text files with information about ManageWise 2.0. ASCII Files ----------------- - AFFORD.TXT The affordability and scalability of ManageWise 2.0 - ANALY.TXT NetWork Analysis with ManageWise 2.0 - AUTO.TXT The automated and automatic abilities of ManageWise 2.0 - COMPAT.TXT Other products which work together with ManageWise 2.0 - LONG.TXT Long term projects and ManageWise 2.0. - NMS.TXT NMS included with ManageWise. - PART#.TXT Part Numbers - REQUIRE.TXT Hardware and Software Requirements. - SOFT.TXT MangeWise 2.0 for software distrbution and workstation updates. - UNIX.TXT ManageWise 2.0 and UNIX. - UPGRADE.TXT How MW 2.0 is differnt than MW 1.0. - VIRUSPRO.TXT ManageWise 2.0 for Virus Protection. - OTHER.TXT Other ManageWise 2.0 features - INFO.TXT General Information Word Perfect 5.1 Document ---------------------------------------- PRICE.WP Both upgrade and nonupgrade prices. (almost any word processer should be able to read this. Self-Extracting File Name: mw2inf.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ MW2INF.TXT (This file) AFFORD.TXT 5653 11-3-95 3:48:40 pm ANALYS.TXT 1897 11-3-95 1:46:08 pm AUTO.TXT 1841 11-3-95 2:51:24 pm COMPAT.TXT 7030 11-3-95 11:28:58 am INFO.TXT 7138 11-3-95 11:49:36 am LONG.TXT 1119 11-3-95 2:49:04 pm NMS.TXT 556 11-3-95 11:03:04 am OTHER.TXT 10979 11-3-95 3:31:50 pm PART#.TXT 1066 11-3-95 12:03:40 pm PRICE.WP 31657 11-3-95 5:51:20 pm REQUIRE.TXT 921 11-3-95 10:58:54 am SOFT.TXT 766 11-3-95 11:57:40 am UNIX.TXT 713 11-3-95 3:39:54 pm UPGRADE.TXT 4299 11-3-95 10:22:20 am VIRUSPRO.TXT 2067 11-3-95 11:39:34 am Installation Instructions: No installation require. Contains only text files. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------