NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: MHS Mail 2.0 driver README FOR: MSML20.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: Microsoft Mail Driver for MHS 1.0 ABSTRACT: The NetWare MHS Driver for Microsoft Mail (MS Mail) product is in response to Novell and Microsoft customer requirements to support their existing MS Mail installations over an MHS transport, and provide a clean way of transition from MS Mail to native MHS applications. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: ------------------ Problems Addressed ------------------ Microsoft Office 4.x: 1. When the "Send" menu option was chosen, the public address book could not be seen from all applications. 2. When the "Add Routing Slip" menu was chosen, applications reported a "General Mail Failure ...". 3. The memory leaks in the alpha release have been eliminated. 4. The Company Address Book "Hotkey" feature did not work for Word in the Microsoft Office 4.2 Suite. 5. Receiving messages on a remote client meant searching the address book for each recipient for a display name. This has been eliminated, the display name is carried in the address itself in driver to driver mail. 6. Hotkey items like 'Z' any 'Y' did not work for sites that also used '^' in names. 7. When "hotkey"ing into the address book, a mismatch always returned you to the first name. This version will leave you at the last match. 8. Address book queries created huge performance problems. Substring searches were invoked for the "Check Names" button, the looking glass icon in the address book, and the cmc_lookup call for cmc users. When users queried the address book over a WAN, performance was not good. In order to solve this problem, the search mechanism has been redefined. Those users who need a sub-string search should indicate so by the wildcard character '*' at the begining of a string. E.g. To find "John" use "*John", wildcard characters are not defined anywhere else in the name. If you do not specify a '*' in front of a string, the sub-string will be assumed at the start of a name. This speeds up life quite a bit, since a binary search can be used to locate sub-strings at the begining of a name. Suppose you want to locate a user "Smith, John" in "Check Names" or the looking glass icon or cmc_lookup expect the following behavior: String entered What Happens ------------------------------------------------------ *John Searches every record in the Company Address Book for the occurance of "John". It will not stop until every record in the file has been hit. John Will not match, since John is not a last name. However, this goes via a binary search. If John was a last name in the address book it would find it. Smith Uses a binary search to find all names begining with Smith in the address book. *Smith Searches every record in the Company Address Book for the occurance of "Smith". It will not stop until every record in the file has been hit. 9. Since the application now heavily depends on binary searching, the search algorithm has been modified. Multiple network accesses on the same record are prevented by caching the two most recently accessed records. This enhancement cuts down network accesses to just under a half. The performance increment is almost 100%. 10. In replies to messages from NGMSMTP module, the driver was using the "Sender" address, when in actual fact, it should have used the "From" address. This version will ignore the "Sender" in favour of the "From" address. 11. In the Address Book custom address icon, the "Address" field allowed only 60 characters. Users wishing to enter longer (X.400 etc.) addresses could not do so. This version fixes that problem. 12. The login name of the sender was being displayed in messages in the "Sent Mail" folder. 13. The dos_findfirst and dos_findnext calls stopped working in the gold version of Windows NT 3.51. This version provides a workaround to the bug in that product. Users will now be able to receive their messages. 14. In Microsoft Mail 3.2 the address book "Details" button leads to a GPF for SMF addresses of around 14 characters, this version fixes that problem. 15. New users accidently mis-typed their password the first time they tried to logon. This left them with no way to access their messages on subsequent sessions. This version will require password verification from first time users. 17. For those users who have standardized their login names to "Last, First .." or "First Last" or "Initials Last", or "Last, Initials" or "Last name only", the display name will be automatically found for you when you upgrade from 1.x to 2.0. The common denominator is the LastName, which is used to jump to the appropriate place in the extract file. The previously configured email-address (SMF UserName) is then used to find the correct entry. ------------- Enhancements. ------------- 1. The Server Dialog Box invoked through the "Options" menu now provides browse buttons for convenience. 2. The address book Find command (ie the looking glass icon) took too long to execute for the Company Address Book. This release should improve performance by up to 200% depending upon the available memory, and in theory should optimize network transfers ( although tests have not be run to measure the latter ). 3. Received messages did not retain friendly names. When receiving messages from other MSMail Driver users, you will now see friendly names instead of SMF addresses. 4. Applications checked a user's login name against the Company Address Book as a means of authentication. If the login name was not a sub-string of that user's full name in the Company Address Book, the authentication failed. The authentication mechanism now uses your Display Name (i.e, a new configurable parameter in your server dialog box.). You should ensure your display name exactly matches the one in the address book (including all spaces, tabs etc.). See also 11 below. 5. "Memo" users experienced problems when blank lines that contained spaces were stripped of those spaces. This version no longer strips spaces (See 12 below). 6. When the content of a message contained a very long line, that did not contain any spaces, a character was dropped. This has been addressed. 7. Read Receipt has no German umlat in the subject field. This has been fixed. 8. The "MHS User Name" field did not scroll. This has been fixed. 9. The options button in the Send Mail dialog box checked the delivery request when receipt request was checked. This has been fixed. 10. The "Details" button in the Address Book displays all Extract file information about that user. 11. The Mail Options Server dialog box has a new field called "Last, First Name" (see 14 below). This field will hold your display name. When recipients look at a message from you, the "From" field of the message will display this name. You can specify the name as an unambigous partial string that matches the begining part of your fullname in the SMF_NS.XRT (extract file also known as the Company Address Book) and search for the rest of it (the MHS Path field must have been correctly set for this to work). The search will also automatically fill in your MHS User Name and your MHS Short Name. If you choose not to use this field, your logon name is used as your display name. If your login name is not be the same as your display name (fullname) in the SMF_NS.XRT file, applications like MS Word will not be able to authenticate you against the address book and you will get a "General Mail Failure.." message. 12 This item is related to item 5 above. Other applications were now having problems because spaces in blank lines were not being stripped. An enhancement has now been made in the Mail -> Options -> Server dialog box that allows users to choose whether they want to strip spaces or not. The default is not to strip spaces. 13 When messages were being moved from the outbox into the MHS\MAIL\SND directory, elements of the SMF message were being constructed over the network or via asynchronous connections. In particular messages with a large number of recipients, over asynchronous connections led to performance penalties. This version will create the SMF message in the MHS Temp directory. It will then copy the whole file to the MHS\MAIL\SND directory. 14 Related to 11 above. Users did not like the wording "Last, First Name" in the server options dialog box. This has been changed to "Display Name". 15 Some users did not want display names in received messages. The Mail->Options->Server dialog box includes a new option the allows a user to choose. 16 This version also authenticates originator display names. It does this by checking who the logged in NetWare user is, and ensuring that the display name of the NetWare/MHS user in the address book, is the display name configured. 17 In the Mail->Options->Server dialog box users may use the "Next" and "Back" keys to navigate the Company Address Book in order to locate their record. 18 If the login name is of the form "FirstName LastName", the program will try to locate the Display Name automatically by converting it to "LastName, FirstName". -------------------------- MHS Services for NetWare 4. --------------------------- You may find that the "Company Address Book" cannot be accessed. In order to fix this problem ensure that "[public]" has the "FILE SCAN" rights to the ..\MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC\SMF-NS.XRT file. How ? 1. Invoke the filer (this procedure requires supervisory rights). 2 Choose "Select current directory". Change it to ...MHS\MAIL\PUBLIC, return to "Available options" menu. 3. Choose "Manage files and directories". 4. In "Directory contents" menu choose "SMF_NS.XRT". 5. In "File options" menu choose "View/Set file information" 6. In "Information for file SMF_NS.XRT" dialog box select "Trustees: [Public]". 7. In "Trustee name Type Rights" dialog box press "Enter" on "[Public]". 8. In "Trustee rights" press "Ins" to select from list (won't work if "Numlock" is on) of available rights. 9. Press "Enter" to select "File scan". Self-Extracting File Name: msml20.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ MSML20.TXT (This file) BCC.DLL 10688 2-2-95 12:00:00 am FILES.INI 127 2-2-95 12:00:00 am IBM-437.CP_ 730 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MAILDRV.EXE 23840 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MAILDRV.HLP 14980 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MHSDRVR.INF 1907 9-20-95 11:00:58 am MHSDRVR.MST 6016 7-20-95 12:00:00 am MHSDRVR.MSV 5064 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MHSMAIL.DLL 145776 9-20-95 12:00:00 am MHSMAIL.HLP 24945 7-7-95 12:00:00 am MSCOMSTF.DLL 74528 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSCUISTF.DLL 16272 7-20-95 12:00:00 am MSDETECT.INC 22097 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSDETSTF.DLL 24544 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSINSSTF.DLL 65440 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSMAIL.INI 1313 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSML20.TXT 16040 10-16-95 8:38:02 am MSSHLSTF.DLL 14928 2-2-95 12:00:00 am MSUILSTF.DLL 6144 2-2-95 12:00:00 am NOTE.DO_ 10455 8-8-95 12:00:00 am NOTE.TX_ 8867 5-19-95 12:00:00 am README.TXT 12860 9-19-95 12:00:00 am SCHDPLUS.INI 155 2-2-95 12:00:00 am SETUP.EXE 24624 2-2-95 12:00:00 am SETUP.IN_ 749 2-2-95 12:00:00 am SETUP.LST 537 2-2-95 12:00:00 am SETUPAPI.INC 55620 2-2-95 12:00:00 am TRNANY.DLL 5057 2-2-95 12:00:00 am _MSTEST.EXE 89504 2-2-95 12:00:00 am Installation Instructions: To install, start Windows and select File->Run -> setup.exe ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------