NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: MPRDRV: NW2000 & SYNCPLUS LAN Drivers README FOR: MPRDRV.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 NetWare 4.1 NetWare 3.12 NetWare 4.02 ABSTRACT: This patch contains new server LAN drivers for NW2000 and SYNCPLUS. It is recommended for all sites using NW2000 and SYNCPLUS network interface cards. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: The NW2000 driver has corrections for two problems: 1. If a frame is received that is larger than the configured MTU size, the server hangs in the interrupt handler. Attempts to enter the debugger fail. 2. If frames larger then 1024 bytes are transmitted, the port may stop outputting and the monitor statistics MSMTxFreeCount shows 0. This problem is very intermittant but occurs more often if the line is at 100% load. The SYNCPLUS driver has a minor table change necessary to load the driver when NetWare is running in a Symmetrical Multi Processor (SMP) environment. Self-Extracting File Name: mprdrv.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ MPRDRV.TXT (This file) NW2000.LAN 48493 9-18-95 2:43:36 pm SYNCPLUS.LAN 54990 9-14-95 3:04:48 pm Installation Instructions: 1. Make a backup copy of each LAN file. 2. Copy the new LAN files to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------