Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NetWare Server Installation V3.12 NetWare Install You do not have enough free memory to run this utility. Upgrade NetWare v3.1x Move cursor bar Install new NetWare v3.12 Select A README file to view NetWare Installation and Upgrade Utility Create remote installation diskette For help at any time, press . Create a DOS partition Enter Server Name: Server name: Enter IPX Internal Network Number: Internal network number: Enter a unique name for this NetWare server. For guidelines, press . Step 1 in installing a new v3.12 NetWare network Server: (Example: MY_SERVER) IPX internal network number must be between 1 and 8 digits long. (Example: AEFD2498) A unique IPX internal network number is required. You may accept this default or modify it to create a number for your server. For guidelines, press . Format the DOS partition No source path has been specified. Specify a source path by pressing . This machine either (1) has no DOS hard disk or (2) has one that has not had SETUP run on it. FILE SERVER NAME IPX INTERNAL NET FORMAT.COM Select a Method for Creating a DOS Partition Exit to save files Disk partition size exceeds the size of the hard disk. Specify a smaller partition size. Disk partition size must be at least 5MB. Specify a larger size. WARNING! Insert the diskette labeled "%s" in drive A. The DOS partition will now be formatted. The program will try to locate FORMAT.COM in the current source path. Name the new server Assign an internal IPX number to the server Continue This computer does not have an Intel 80386 or equivalent processor. NetWare v3.12 cannot be installed on this computer. The server name must be between 2 and 47 characters long. DOS partition: If you are installing from NetWare distribution diskettes, when the system restarts, the installation will be restarted. Continue with NetWare installation. Select an option. Executing SERVER.EXE Destination path: Enter the destination path (drive:[directory]) Change current destination path Copy server boot files to the DOS partition No destination path has been specified. Specify a destination path by pressing . Source path cannot be identical with the destination path. Change either source or destination path. There is not enough space in the current destination path for all necessary boot files. The media the files are being copied from is defective. Further execution is not possible. Specified source path does not exist. Specify a valid source path. Previous screen Unable to format hard disk. You need to format the hard disk manually. Select an Installation Option You have insufficient rights in the specified source path. Manual disk partitioning Specified destination path does not exist. Specify a valid destination path. Automatic disk partitioning Invoking FORMAT.COM... Add this partition and destroy the data on your hard disk? There is not enough space in the destination path to copy all the boot files. Select DOS partition size Enter new DOS Partition size (in MB) Size in MB: Partition The total space required by files that will be copied is larger than the free space available. Specified destination path does not exist. Enter a destination path by pressing . Copy files to the DOS partition NetWare-1 Specified partition size is not valid. Minimum size: 5MB. Unable to read partition table on the hard disk. Check physical connections to the hard disk. The server boot files will be copied from the source directory to the destination directory. Enter the source path (drive:[directory]) Source path: COMMAND.COM Specified path cannot be found. Unable to access command processor "%s". COMSPEC File %s is not locatable in the current source path. Exit to DOS Select Change current source path Save and continue Press to continue. This file is on the "%s" diskette. To change the source path, press . Creating a DOS partition will destroy all data and all partitions on your hard disk! If you have any necessary data on your hard disk, exit and save the data NOW. NetWare Installation Utility Disk Partition Options Insert diskette labeled "%s" in drive %c. Press to continue. Unable to read installation command file "%s". Unable to load system message file "%s". Unable to open installation command file "%s". Installation command file "%s" must be version 3.12 or greater. Installation command file "%s" does not contain a version. Installation command file "%s" does not contain a fileset of class BOOT. Unable to allocate sufficient memory to proceed. Installation command file "%s" does not contain a "CopyToStartup SERVER.EXE" command. Loading system message file... Loading NetWare Installation Utility... DOS returned error %d while loading the installation utility "%s". Copying File: 0% 100% Insert the diskette labeled "%s" in drive %c, or press to specify a different path. File "%s" from the "%s" diskette is missing. Unable to continue. Unable to create a STARUP.NCF file in the destination directory. Existing disk partitions on C: Start End Size Do you want AUTOEXEC.BAT to load SERVER.EXE? Retain current disk partitions Create a new DOS partition Unable to open the STARTUP.NCF file found in the destination directory. Installation process will continue. Unable to access %s. A new partition has been created. The computer will now reboot to allow DOS to recognize the new partition. Press any key to continue. Unable to load SERVER.EXE. After this program completes you need to load the server manually by typing SERVER. DOS partition (12 bit FATs) XENIX partition DOS partition (16 bit FATs) Extended DOS partition DOS Huge partition NetWare v2.X partition NetWare partition Unknown partition type Free space - - This step will delete any existing data on your hard disk as it prepares the disk for NetWare. If you have any necessary data on your hard disk, exit and save the data NOW. Unable to create the directory "%s". Do you want to create "%s"? The destination drive does not exist, is not ready, or is a network drive. This is not a valid destination path. C:\SERVER.312 Unable to modify the existing AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Unable to load help file. CP/M-86 partition Unable to create an AUTOEXEC.NCF file in the destination directory. Unable to create the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. REM The following lines were created by the server installation program. REM They will cause the server to come up whenever this computer is booted. FORMAT No files matching "%s" could be found in the source path. /S/V:NWDOS/X/U Insert the diskette containing COMMAND.COM in drive %c. The server name contains illegal characters. Delete existing NetWare disk partitions and data? A system error has occurred. Execution cannot continue. Unknown procedure The description of the error is not available. Enter the path to your existing STARTUP.NCF file. Path: This utility can only be used for hard disk installation. If you want to create a DOS partition with another utility, you should exit, create the partition, and restart the installation. The NetWare installation utility requires a DOS partition on your hard disk in order to install the NetWare operating system. If you do not want to create a DOS partition on your hard disk, you should exit and perform the installation manually. If you continue, you will be guided through the process of creating a DOS partition on your hard disk. The active DOS partition must be at least %d%s%d MB in size to continue with the installation. Press for help. There is no active DOS partition on the disk. If you want to use an existing partition for the installation, you must designate one of your DOS partitions as active using the FDISK utility. Press for help. There is no DOS partition on the hard drive. If you desire to continue with this installation, you must create a partition using the FDISK utility, and format it with the FORMAT utility. Press for help. K-401-7 *Indicates the active partition The help file for this utility is not the correct version. The IPX internal network number must be greater than 0 and less than FFFFFFFF. Some files may be overwritten and replaced, meaning that you may have sufficient space, but that cannot be determined by the installation utility. Press ENTER to continue, ALT-F10 to exit and delete unnessessary files, or ESCAPE to return to the previous screen. The active partition on the disk is not a DOS partition. If you want to use an existing partition for the installation, you must designate one of your partitions as active using the FDISK utility. Press for help. Proceed without executing existing STARTUP.NCF file The utility did not find an existing STARTUP.NCF file in the destination directory. Proceed in spite of this condition? OK to invoke existing STARTUP.NCF file? One of the support files for "%s" was not copied. This must be copied by hand at a later time. The specified destination directory does not contain a copy of SERVER.EXE. Enter the path to your existing SERVER.EXE file. The specified directory does not contain the file SERVER.EXE. Don't look for previous version If you are installing from any other source you should restart this program by typing INSTALL. Exit this utility and either set up the computer so DOS can see a disk and/or run SETUP on this machine. VeRsIoN=3.12 CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1993, Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enter the path to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file INSTALL The following drivers were found in the existing startup directory, but were not updated by the installation procedure: The installation script file contains an unrecognized command "%s". Press to view choices Country Code: Code Page: Keyboard Mapping: Available Country Codes Available Code Pages Available Keyboard Mappings New values are for the server, and will not change your DOS configuration. This is the current DOS configuration. Use these values, or select new ones. If you do not use country information in your DOS configuration, choose country code 1, code page 437. Don't use locale information Accept locale settings The utility was unable to create the LCONFIG.SYS file. You must create this manually. LOAD KEYB Change value Select field If your keyboard is not a US English keyboard, also choose a country specific keyboard mapping. There may be special set commands that are required for your server, usually relating to drivers that require memory below 16 megabytes. Some of these may only be used in the STARTUP.NCF file. For example: Auto Register Memory Above 16 Megabytes=Off. Warning: Do you want to specify any special startup set commands? Discard and continue Enter any SET COMMANDS specific to your system. Enter the commands exactly as you would in STARTUP.NCF. Specially Required Startup Set Commands Do not specify any load commands for drivers. An Expanded (EMS) Memory manager is loaded. The server cannot be loaded. Press for help. %s exists as a file, not a directory. It cannot be used as the destination directory. Select the filename format NetWare - allows extended lower case filenames DOS - maps lower case characters to upper case in filenames You must use a shell (e.g. NETX.EXE) rather than a requester (e.g. VLM.EXE), to access lower case extended filenames. The following table shows the %d filename characters which NetWare allows as lower case, but which DOS converts to upper case. An error prevented the utility from setting the language of the server to the preferred language. An error prevented the utility from selecting NetWare filenames. The top row represents the NetWare allowable filename character. The bottom row displays the character as it will be converted if you select DOS filenames. NetWare Filename Format DOS Filename Format (recommended) Select the format you desire and press Press for more information. Existing files on this server which contain extended lower case filenames will be mapped to upper case when the volume is mounted, if you select DOS filename format. Press to view upper case mappings, for more information. After finishing with the installation you should "DOWN" the server and reconfigure DOS with the new code page. This will assure that NetWare and DOS use the same code page. The server needs at least %d kilobytes of free memory to boot. This machine has approximately %d kilobytes of free memory. Press for help. Select a locale configuration for the server Display Information (README) File The utility was unable to open the information (readme) file. Previous Page Next Page This country code and code page combination is not supported by NetWare. Please select a different country code or code page.