Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BROADCAST MESSAGE HELP Type the message that you want to broadcast then press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to broadcast a message, press the CANCEL key then the ESCAPE key. page 1 of 1 UPGRADE UTILITY MAIN MENU HELP This program facilitates upgrading a Novell 2.1x file server to a Novell 386 v1.0 file server. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to bring up a NetWare 386 1.0 file server with sufficient disk space to copy part or all of the information on a NetWare 2.1x file server. If you do not have sufficient disk drives to do this, you can back up a NetWare 2.1x file server to offline storage media, then restore it to a NetWare 386 file server. Either of these two methods will retain bindery information, trustee rights, and file and directory flags. Select an option using the UP and DOWN keys, then press SELECT. Press ESCAPE to exit the Upgrade Utility. page 1 of 2 UPGRADE UTILITY MAIN MENU HELP Choose "TRANSFER 286 2.1X TO 386 1.0" to directly transfer files, directories, flags and trustee rights, and\or bindery information from a NetWare 2.1x file server to a NetWare 386 1.0 file server. Choose "BACKUP 286 2.1X FILE SERVER" to copy files, directories, flags and trustee rights, and\or bindery information from a NetWare 286 2.1x file server to a storage device. Choose "RESTORE 386 1.0 FILE SERVER" to restore files, directories, flags and trustee rights, and\or bindery information to a NetWare 386 1.0 file server. page 2 of 2 OUT OF MEMORY - FATAL The workstation you are running this utility on does not have enough memory to run this utility. To run this utility, do one of the following: 1) Reboot your workstation with fewer Terminate and Stay Resident Programs (TSRs). TSRs are programs such as Borland Sidekick that pop up when the appropriate hot keys are pressed. 2) Reboot your workstation without a RAM disk. 3) Use a workstation with more memory. page 1 of 1 OUT OF MEMORY HELP The workstation you are running this utility on does not have enough memory to do the selected option. To use this option, do one of the following: 1) Reboot your workstation with fewer Terminate and Stay Resident Programs (TSRs). TSRs are programs such as Borland Sidekick that pop up when the appropriate hot keys are pressed. 2) Reboot your workstation without a RAM disk. 3) Use a workstation with more memory. This utility will return to the previous menu. page 1 of 1 BACKUP MENU HELP This menu provides the backup functions for the Upgrade utility. The SelectSourceFileServer and SelectWorkingDirectory options should be used before any of the Backup options. SELECT SOURCE FILE SERVER This option allows you to select the file server you wish to back up. SELECT WORKING DIRECTORY This option allows you to select the directory where the work files will be located. The working directory may NOT be on the Source File Server. You may not select a working directory that has work files for a file server other than the select Source File Server. page 1 of 2 BACKUP MENU HELP BACKUP FILE SERVER This option allows you to backup an entire file server, including bindery and file system. BACKUP BINDERY This option allows you to backup the bindery. BACKUP DIRECTORY This option allows you to backup files in a single directory or a directory structure. VIEW ERROR LOG This option allows you see see a log of all the errors generated. page 2 of 2 Save Bindery Error Help CONFIRM ABORT HELP Choose YES to abort or NO to continue. Press the UP or DOWN key to highlight your choice. Then press the SELECT key. page 1 of 1 PUSH LIST HELP The list stack is full. The Upgrade utility is unable to perform the function you requested. page 1 of 1 OPTIONS FORM HELP This form allows you to enter the parameters for a backup or restore operation. You can move from field to field by using the UP and DOWN keys. To edit a highlighted field, press SELECT. Not every field appears every time. Only those fields which are needed for a particular operation will appear on the form. The fields that may appear are as follows: TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: This field is a description of the transfer that will appear in the status portal, in reports, and in the working files. This field is required: it must be non-blank and may not consist of all dashes. page 1 of 5V OPTIONS FORM HELP VERIFY AFTER WRITE: This field should be set to YES if you want all writes to a backup device to be verified by reading them back in and comparing them with what was written. If you set this field to YES, the backup processes will take longer to execute. BACKUP SUBDIRECTORY: If you want to back up directories and files below the selected source directory, set this field to YES. BACKUP TRUSTEES: If you want trustee assignments for each directory preserved, set this field to YES page 2 of 5 OPTIONS FORM HELP FILES TO INCLUDE: This field consists of a list of file specifications of files to back up. If this list is not empty, only those files which match a specification in the list will be backed up. If the list is empty, all files will be backed up. However, any file which match a specification listed in FILES TO EXCLUDE will not be backed up even if it matches a file specification in the FILES TO INCLUDE list. FILES TO EXCLUDE: This field consists of a list of file specifications of files to not back up. Any file that matches a specification in this list will not be backed up, regardless of whether it matches a specification in the FILES TO INCLUDE list. page 3 of 5 OPTIONS FORM HELP DATA COMPACTION: This field should be set to YES if you want the data to be compacted on the backup device. Data compaction allows more information to be placed on the backup media. Compacted data can take longer to backup and restore. DATA ENCRYPTION: This field should be set to YES if you want the data to be encrypted on the backup device. Encrypted data is more secure -- it can only be used if the encryption key is know. Encrypted backup takes a little longer than non encrypted backup. SOURCE DIRECTORY: This field contains the directory to backup. If the BACKUP SUBDIRECTORY field is set to YES, all subdirectories to this directory will also be backed up. page 4 of 5 OPTIONS FORM HELP TARGET DIRECTORY: This field contains the directory to restore to. All subdirectories backed up will be restored relative to this directory. DIRECTORY EXISTS: This field shows what action the Upgrade utility will take if a directory being restored already exists. FILE EXISTS: This field shows what action the Upgrade utility will take if a file being restore already exists. page 5 of 5 POP LIST HELP An attempt to restore an internal list failed. This usually results in the program aborting. page 1 of 1 Bad Block Size Help DESCRIPTION REQUIRED HELP A description is required for all backup, restore, and transfer requests. Enter a description or press ESCAPE to abort. page 1 of 1 RESTORE MENU HELP This menu provides restore functions for the Upgrade utility. The SelectTargetFileServer and SelectWorkingDirectory options should be used before any of the other Restore options. SELECT TARGET FILE SERVER This option allows you to select the file server to restore to. SELECT WORKING DIRECTORY This option allows you to select the directory where the work files will be located. page 1 of 2 RESTORE MENU HELP RESTORE SESSION This option allows you to restore whatever was backed up, including the bindery and file systems. If the bindery has not been restore, this option will not appear. RESTORE BINDERY This option allows you to restore the bindery. If the bindery has been fully restored, this option will not appear. VIEW ERROR LOG This option allows you see see a log of all the errors generated. page 2 of 2 Bad Block Type Help Internal Error Help An unexpected internal error has occured. This is most likely due to hardware or system software failure. To correct this problem, try exiting this utility, logging off the network, rebooting, then starting this utility again. If the problem reoccurs, notify your NetWare distributor. Page 1 of 1 EMPTY FILE INVALID HELP You entered a file name with no characters. A file name must consist of at least one character. Enter a valid file name (wild cards OK) or press escape to exit. page 1 of 1 INVALID FILE CHARACTERS HELP You entered a file name with invalid characters. Invalid characters are '/', '\', ':', and space. Enter a valid file name (without a path) or an escape to exit. page 1 of 1 INVALID DIRECTORY CHARACTERS HELP You entered a directory name with invalid characters. Invalid characters are '*', '?', and space. Enter a valid directory name or an escape to exit. page 1 of 1 FILE NAME TOO LONG HELP You entered a file name of more than twelve characters. Enter a file name of tweleve characters or less. page 1 of 1 EMPTY DIRECTORY INVALID HELP You entered a directory path with no characters. A directory path must consist of at least one character. Enter a valid directory path or press escape to exit. page 1 of 1 Start Date Help Enter the date on which you want to start the backup session. page 1 of 1 Start Time Help Enter the time you want to start the backup operation. page 1 of 1 Time Form Help Enter the date and time you want to start the backup. page 1 of 1 Start Backup Menu Help This menu allows you to choose to start the backup now, start the backup at a later date, or abort the backup. To start the backup now, use the UP and DOWN keys to select Start Backup Now, then press SELECT. To start the backup later, use the UP and DOWN keys to select Start Backup Later, then press SELECT. To abort the backup, press ESCAPE. page 1 of 1 Bad Checksum Help Bad File ID Help Bad File Type Help Bad Header String Help Bad Media ID Help Bad Session ID Help Bad System Version Help Bindery Restore To Different File Server Help Close Bindery Error Help Close File Error Help Create Directory Error Help Create File Error Help Destination Directory Is Full Help DOS Bit Not Cleared Help End of Media Error Help Enter Valid AFP Name Help Enter Valid DOS Name Help Execute Only Error Help File Already Exists Help File Handle Open Already Open Help File In Use Help File Server File Copy Help Get Next Block Error Help Illegal Directory Name Help Illegal File Name Help Initialize Error Help Invalid Call To StatusMediaID Help Invalid Date And Time Help Invalid Display Mode Help Invalid File Handle Help Invalid Session Mode Help Logout Connections From 386 Server Help Logout Connections From Pre 3.0 Server Help Apple AFP Support Not On Volume Help Directory Record Header Expected Help File or Directory Record Header Expected Help File Record Header Expected Help UTS File Or Directory Record Header Expected Help UTS or File Record Header Expected Help Must Select Path Help Bindery Not On Local Drive Help No Rights To Path Help No Sessions In Working Directory Help Open Bindery Error Help Error On Open File Help Parse Path Error Help Path Length Error Help Prompt Flag Not Set Help Read File Error Help Read File Record Trailer Error Help Read Media Error Help Read Valid Path Error Help Rename Existing File Help Rename File Error Help Rename Restored File Help Seek File Error Help Select Session Help Source Directory Is Empty Help Temporary Name Not Available Help Trailer Not Found Help Error Getting Basedrive Help UTS Address Not Allowed Help Volume Doesnt Exist Help Working Directory Required Help Working Directory Is Removeable Help Working Files Corrupt Help Write File Error Help Write Media Error Help Create Session Files Error Help Destination Path Required Help Bad Block Type Help Prompt For Next Media Help Write File Media Help End Session Help CLEAR PHYSICAL RECORD LOCK HELP