Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 416: The program could not obtain the number of LAN Server servers in the domain. ---------- USER ABORTED LAN SERVER IMPORT PHASE ---------- * Accounting charge rates * User restrictions * Access control profiles These will be read from the source domain: Domain : 417: The program could not obtain workstation information. 426: The program could not read the number of access control entries for a resource. 427: The program could not read access control entries for a path. Reading users from the domain controller. 428: The program could not read the size of an access control list. Reading groups from the domain controller. 429: The program could not read an access control list. Reading printer queues from the domain controller. 430: The program could not read the names of the domain's servers. Data will be migrated from the following domain drives : \print\ 431: The program could not read the list of hard drives for a server on the network. 400: The program could not read the number of groups in the domain. 401: The program could not read the number of users in the domain. 421: The program could not update the intermediate file. LAN Server : Point of view Protected resource 432: The program could not obtain the size of a buffer for holding LAN Server information. Access permissions : group 405: The program could not read group information. No groups will be read from the domain controller. Domain controller : Group member : Migration summary : * Groups These will not be read from the source domain: * Users * Default account restrictions * Printer queues Done reading from domain %s. * Data files CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1992, 1993, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. 433: An internal error has occurred. The program could not split a UNC path into its component parts. NaMe=LSINFO.MSG %s%s, %s (%s) %s, %s (%s) %s (%s) Full name : Associated file : User comment : Account disabled : Allow password changes : Require a password : Account expires : Account expiration date : Account expiration flag Default home directory : Maximum password age : %d days Minumum password length : Has a password 406: An internal error has occurred. The program could not allocate a record for the intermediate file, probably due to lack of memory. VeRsIoN=4.01 LaNgUaGe=English (English) 434: The domain contains %d access control profiles, but the program could read only %d of them due to lack of memory. Those that were not read will not be migrated. Force password changes Disk storage 422: The program could not allocate %d bytes of memory. Netname : Force password changes : 407: An internal error has occurred. The program could not add a data field to a record, probably due to lack of memory. Field : Comment 408: The program could not read the number of members in a group. Require unique passwords : Group : 409: The program could not read the members of a group from the domain controller. Group member 410: The program could not read the number of aliases in the domain. No aliases will be read from the domain controller. 411: The program could not read alias information. Alias type : Require unique passwords <<< BAD MESSAGE >>> NetWare Migration Utility v%s, LAN Server Import Phase Import phase started : Report file name : --------------- End of migration summary --------------- Reading access control profiles from the domain controller. No user accounts were found. No groups were found. No print queues were found. No aliases were found. directory printer queue communication device unknown Comment : Reading file attributes from the domain controller. * Data file and directory attributes Netname Home directory Attributes for files and directories will be copied when the files and directories are copied. They will not be stored in the intermediate file. Full name Server 402: The program could not obtain the date and time from the domain controller. 412: The program could not read user modal information. 413: The program could not read user information. Network administrator User : Network administrator : Maximum password age Minimum password length User comment Allow password changes Password required Account disabled Account expiration Logon hours Alias name : 414: The program could not read printer queue information. Path : Printer queue : Alias Share mode Maximum concurrent connections Printers Share mode : Maximum concurrent users : Queue print device :