Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Destination NetWare server : ---------- USER ABORTED THE BINDERY EXPORT PHASE ---------- * Accounting charge rates * User restrictions * Trustee assignments The following will be migrated to the destination NetWare server: Writing accounting charge rates to the destination server. No print servers were affected. No non-Novell bindery objects were affected. Writing default account balance and account restrictions to the destination server. Creating users on the destination server. No users were affected. Creating groups on the destination server. No groups were affected. Creating print queues on the destination server. Creating print servers on the destination server. No print queues were affected. Print server operator : Full name : The directory already exists; no trustee rights were granted to the user. 036: The program cannot write a user's login control property to the bindery. 037: The program cannot read a user's login control property from the bindery. Security equivalent to : print queue group print server NetWare server unknown IDENTIFICATION Managed by : Trustee assignment : Group member : Migration summary : * Groups The following will not be migrated to the destination NetWare server: * Users * Default account restrictions * Print queues and print servers The program has completed writing information to server %s. * Data files Print queue operator : Print queue user : Print server user : 038: A random password was generated for an object, but could not be set. The password was not recorded in the NEW.PWD file. This object can login to the network without a password. Print queue server : 039: An internal error has occurred. The program cannot compress an accounting charge rate. Copying data files from the source server to the destination server. Associated file : The user already exists; migrated information (except user restrictions) is being merged. Account disabled : Account balance : Allow unlimited credit : Credit low limit : Charge rate : Console operator : Create home directory : Default home directory : Workgroup manager : Accounting activated : Charge rates : Random passwords will be generated for users and print servers which had a password on the source server. The new passwords can be found in the file SYS:SYSTEM/NEW.PWD on the destination server. Blocks read Blocks written Connection time Service requests Disk storage No random passwords will be given to migrated accounts. Instead, each user and print server will be given an empty password. 040: The program cannot obtain the object ID of the owner of a file or directory. Allowed login station : The group already exists; migrated information is being merged. The print queue already exists; migrated information is being merged. The print server already exists; migrated information is being merged. The user has been created. The group has been created. The print queue has been created. The print server has been created. SECURITY_EQUALS 010: The program cannot create a bindery property. BW_MIGRATED value not changed SUPERVISOR Owner : Date account expires : Account expires : Limit grace logins : Grace logins allowed : Time restrictions apply : Limit connections : Concurrent connections : Force password changes : Expiration interval : Require a password : Password minimum length : Require unique passwords : NetWare Migration Utility v%s, Bindery Export Phase Export phase started : Report file name : --------------- End of migration summary --------------- Writing trustee assignments to the destination server. 041: The program cannot obtain the name, type, and bindery object ID of a user. No user accounts were found. No groups were found. No print queues were found. No print servers were found. Name changed to (spaces removed) : No trustee assignments were found. HOMEDIRPATH USER_DEFAULTS Q_OPERATORS GROUP_MEMBERS LOGIN_CONTROL ACCOUNT_BALANCE ACCOUNT_SERVERS Q_USERS PS_OPERATORS MANAGERS OBJ_SUPERVISORS Q_SERVERS PS_USERS OPERATORS File left unmodified : Creation status : Bindery update status : Update failed Update succeeded Setting up properties for users on the destination server. Setting up properties for groups on the destination server. Setting up properties for print queues on the destination server. Setting up properties for print servers on the destination server. No set properties required changes. GROUPS_I'M_IN EVERYONE PASSWORD * Data file and directory attributes File attributes are copied to the destination server when data files are copied. Writing data file and directory attributes to the destination server. LaNgUaGe=English (English) 042: The named file or directory does not exist on the destination server. 043: The program cannot obtain file or directory information from the destination server. 044: The specified path exists on the destination server, but the file or directory is of the wrong type. MISC_LOGIN_INFO password Date password expires : User's home directory : NODE_CONTROL Writing user account restrictions to the destination server. BLOCKS_READ BLOCKS_WRITTEN CONNECT_TIME DISK_STORAGE REQUESTS_MADE This user account existed before the migration took place; the user's account restrictions will not be changed. unknown date unknown revision 012: The program cannot delete a bindery property. 009: The program cannot create an object. 045: The program cannot create a user's mail directory. 026: The program cannot read the value of a bindery property. 034: The program cannot write a value to a bindery property. Object : Property : 028: The program cannot find a bindery property. User can change password : 046: The program cannot give a user rights to his mail directory. 019: The program cannot add a user to a group. User : Print queue : Print server : Group : 020: The program cannot add a group to a user's list of groups. 029: The program cannot make a user security equivalent to another user or group. 033: The program cannot give workgroup manager privileges to a user or group. 006: The program cannot give console operator privileges to a user or group. 022: The program cannot give a user or group account manager privileges for another user or group. Manager : Operator : 025: The program cannot designate a user or group as an operator of a print queue or print server. Equivalent to : 032: The program cannot designate a user or group as the user of a print queue or print server. Server : 030: The program cannot designate a print server to service a print queue. NetWare server : 001: The program cannot update an account balance. 013: The program cannot update the full name of a user, group, or print server. 002: The program cannot set up an account server. Account server : 021: The program cannot install accounting on the destination server. 027: The program cannot find an object in the bindery. 007: The program cannot create a directory on the destination server. Directory path : 023: An internal error has occurred. The program cannot convert a NetWare-style path to a UNC path. 008: The program cannot create a file. File name : 014: The program cannot obtain the destination server's name. 016: The program cannot obtain the destination server's date and time. 015: The program cannot obtain an object's bindery ID. 004: The program cannot add a trustee to a directory. 031: An internal error has occurred. The program cannot translate a path on the source server to its corresponding path on the destination server. 024: The program cannot open a file. 035: The program cannot write to a file. 003: The program could not allocate %d bytes of memory. 017: The program cannot obtain file server information. 018: The program cannot read migration information from the intermediate file. The following table lists volumes selected for migration from the source server with their corresponding destination directories on the destination server : No default account balance or restriction information was found. No accounting information was found. Give a random password : ACCOUNT_HOLDS ADMIN 047: The program cannot obtain trustee information from the destination server. %s (%s) %s, %s (%s), %s = %s %s%s, %s (%s) %s%s, %s %s%s (%s) ACCT_LOCKOUT Detect intruders : Incorrect login attempts : Bad login count retention time : %d days, %d hours, %d minutes Lock account after detection : Length of account lockout : %d days, %d hours, %d minutes Writing random passwords for users. Writing random passwords for print servers. 048: The following user's account has been disabled, so a random password could not be set. When the account is enabled, the user will be able to login without a password. CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1992, 1993, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. This object has a special purpose which makes it specific to the source server. Therefore, it will not be migrated to the destination server. NaMe=BWINFO.MSG VeRsIoN=4.01 User's mail directory : 049: The program cannot set the status of the print queue. Users can add print jobs : Servers can attach to queue : Servers can service queue : %s,,%s UIMPORT IMPORT CONTROL FIELDS Name Login Script SEPARATOR=, IMPORT MODE=U Last Name To setup Directory Services login scripts, login to the Directory and run UIMPORT, using UIMPORT.CTL and UIMPORT.DAT (in SYS:SYSTEM on the destination server). Special note : The user's name and the location of his/her login script have been written to UIMPORT.DAT in SYS:SYSTEM on the destination server. Use UIMPORT to copy the login script to Directory Services. 050: An invalid NetWare object name was used. The bindery object has been created. Path name changed to : The bindery object already exists; migrated information is being merged. No non-Novell bindery objects were found. Non-Novell item property : Setting up properties for non-Novell bindery objects on the destination server. * Non-Novell bindery objects Creating non-Novell bindery objects on the destination server. Non-Novell set property :