NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NEST Program Description DOCUMENT ID: TID022007 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 23JAN95 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: MGTID2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NEST SDK 1.0 ABSTRACT: This ASCII text file contains a program description of Novell's NEST (Novell Embedded Systems Technology) program. Included is a rough outline of NEST architecture, a list of features, a description of the NEST certification procedure, and information on the NEST Early Access Program and ordering, as well as contact information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Self-Extracting File Name: MGTID2.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ MGTID2.TXT (This File) Novell Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) Program Description Novell Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) allows original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to incorporate NetWare protocols and services into their embedded system products with the NEST 1.0 Software Developer's Kit (SDK). The NEST SDK contains software products and tools designed to reduce the effort, cost, and time-to-market for OEMs developing networked embedded systems. The modular design minimizes system overhead and leverages existing software such as the operating system, device drivers, and applications. The NEST architecture allows the OEM to augment their product with NetWare connectivity without affecting other components. To reduce the effort for porting NEST components to the target platform, all code for the embedded system is provided in ANSI C source with CPU, operating system, and device dependencies minimized and isolated. The code is optimized for operating system, microprocessor, and device independence. All functions required for memory allocation, task management, I/O and other operating system services are fully documented. Developers are free to choose the operating system, microprocessor, and hardware components best suited to their application and market objectives. NEST 1.0 Architecture The Connectivity Layer The NEST protocol stacks are based on a layered architecture that separates connectivity functions for easy development and modification. The top layers are the Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX). SPX provides message delivery and maintains packet sequence. IPX provides datagram services. Both the SPX and IPX interfaces are available to application programmers. They offer connection-based and connectionless (datagram) services supporting communication between network nodes. Below IPX, the Link Support Layer (LSL) supports the network media and frame types (Ethernet 802.2, Ethernet 802.3, Ethernet II, and Ethernet SNAP). The interface to the network hardware is conducted through the Multiple Link Interface Driver (MLID). Each layer can be implemented independently of the others so the OEM can leverage existing code, i.e., build SPX/IPX on top of their own network hardware interface driver. Netware Services Layer NetWare services allow embedded systems to participate as a client on the network. NetWare offers a rich set of functions (the NetWare Core Protocols or NCPs) to client systems for file, print, directory, connection, queue and messaging. NCP calls are supported through API libraries (NWCALLS). The kit includes a NEST requester, which builds the protocol packet and adds packet signature and RSA authentication services to ensure system security cannot be breached. To reduce application size and development effort, the NEST requester also provides send and receive support services including packet burst support for efficient bulk data transfer, auto reconnect, and resending. The open platform allows OEMs to add application programming interfaces (APIs) to increase value and differentiate the product. Application Layer Two applications are included in the NEST SDK that demonstrate NWCALLs and SPX/IPX use and illustrate the ability to attach intelligent printers directly to the network. Because these applications provide valuable demonstrations of the use of NetWare bindery, file system, directory services, queue, and synchronization services through the network, they also provide value to manufacturers of devices other than printers. EPS (Embedded PSERVER): A modified version of the NetWare PSERVER. Using this application, a printer can read and transfer files from the standard NetWare print queues for printing. ENP (Embedded NPRINTER): A modified version of the NetWare Remote Printer program (NPRINTER). Using this application, a printer can establish connections to a NetWare server and transfer files from the PSERVER running on that server. Features NetWare 3.12 and 4.x connectivity: Software supports connection to the latest versions of NetWare with support for packet signatures and RSA authentication. NetWare protocol stack in source: Software for the transport layer to the NE2100 Ethernet network interface card (NIC) is organized in the SPX, IPX, LSL, and MLID model. The only module in the protocol stack with any hardware dependency is the hardware support module in the MLID. CPU-independent: All software is written in C using standard ANSI. Byte-order dependencies and other differences are reconciled. OS-independent: All system-level functions for memory and process management and event, timer, interrupt, and I/O services are specified in a simple API called the Portable Operating System Extension (POSE), available for implementation on any kernel or operating system that supports pre-emptive multitasking. To reduce development effort and time to market, reference versions of the NEST software are available on the FlexOS real-time, multitasking operating system from Novell. Media-independent: The NEST Architecture is media-independent. Contained in the NEST SDK are MLID sample sources that are designed for the NE2100 and NE2000 Ethernet NICs. A sample program demonstrates the interface to the MLID and the NIC. NetWare Client API Libraries: The NetWare Client API libraries support a subset of the NetWare Core Protocols (NCPs). NEST Software Developer's Kit (SDK) The NEST SDK contains the following: Operating System and CPU-independent source code. - SPX, IPX, LSL, and MLID - NetWare Client APIs (to access NCPs) - NEST requester (packet building and send/receive services with optimal RSA authentication, packet burst, packet signature and autoconnect support) - Embedded PSERVER - Embedded NPRINTER - Configuration tool - Software validation tools for protocol stacks and print applications Documentation: How to install the software, port it to the target platform, build the software components, and run the validation software. Test tools: Assistance in debugging and certifying the system for inclusion in the YES Program. Licenses: Five licenses for internal development use and 25 distribution licenses that can be used for beta testing. OEMs who want to distribute NEST software in their products beyond the number of licenses provided in the SDK must sign a distribution license agreement. This agreement establishes the royalty fee for each copy of the software as well as a maximum number of copies the OEM can distribute. Training: Two day NEST training for up to 2 engineers. Maintenance and Support: Up to 8 support and maintenance incidents (an incident is a request for information or to solve a problem and all the activities that go into the resolution). Certification: Certification policies and procedures are available through Novell Labs. Pricing: The cost of the NEST 1.0 Software Development Kit is $50,000. Hardware Requirements: The NEST SDK contains installation software to put the contents on a DOS-based workstation. The SPX, IPX, and LSL validation suites require an MS Windows workstation. NCP protocol testing requires a server with the latest version of NetWare 3.x or 4.x, an MS Windows workstation, and the embedded system. Certification YES, NetWare Tested and Approved: Test tools are distributed in the SDK to help developers test their port and receive assurance that their product operates properly in the NetWare environment. The SPX, IPX, and LSL are tested individually through a small loopback module in the embedded system so the protocol stack is tested in place with minimal intrusion. The APIs (NWCALLS) are tested using actual sessions between an MS Windows workstation and a NetWare server. Entire sessions are captured on the workstation so they can be reviewed to ensure proper packet contents and sequencing. The NEST SDK purchase agreement requires that every NEST software product distributed by an OEM be certified. Certification properly ensures that: - The protocol stack has been implemented. - If the OEM has ported EPS and ENP, the applications perform. Test tools for these areas are included in the NEST SDK. Instructions are provided so OEMs can run the test during development to ensure proper implementation of the source code. Certification is performed by Novell Labs and rewarded with the YES sticker. How to Order To order the NEST 1.0 SDK, please contact your Novell OEM Sales representative. For More Information For more information on NEST, the NEST Software Developer's Kit and NEST Programs, please contact your Novell OEM Sales representative or write: Novell, Inc. Extended Networks Division NEST Product Development 122 East 1700 South Provo, Utah 84606 You may also call 800-895-NEST. Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks and NCP, NetWare Core Protocol, POSE, Portable Operating System Extension, NEST, and Novell Embedded Systems Technology are trademarks of Novell, Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Novell, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ