NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Modem Definition Files for Global/Remote MHS DOCUMENT ID: TID200027 DOCUMENT REVISION: B DATE: 11FEB94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: MDF178.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Global MHS 2.0 ABSTRACT: This file includes new modem definition files for Global MHS and Remote MHS. Revision B of MDF178.EXE includes an update to MHZ144.MDF and a new MDF for the OSITECH laptop modem. It also includes instructions on how to write your own MDF files. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SYMPTOM Some users are not supported under Global MHS 2.0 or Remote MHS 2.0. SOLUTION The files in MDF178.EXE are designed to assist those users who need additional support for modems not currently supported under Global MHS 2.0 or Remote MHS 2.0. MDF files are included for the following modems: AT&T v32.bis Compaq Enhanced 9600 Intel 14400 EX Megahertz C5144 Megahertz CC324FM PCMCIA 2.0 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 14400 USRobotics Sportster 14,400 Intel Wireless OSITECH This file includes new modem definition files for Global MHS and Remote MHS. Revision B of MDF178.EXE includes an update to MHZ144.MDF and a new MDF for the OSITECH laptop modem. It also includes instructions on how to write your own MDF files. For a complete explanation of the operation of these modem definition files, read all the documentation included: Self-Extracting File Name: MDF178.EXE Revision: B Files Included Size Date Time \ MDF178.TXT (This File) ATT.MDF 354 04-07-93 10:29p IWM.MDF 361 10-04-93 12:44p ATT144.MDF 319 06-11-93 3:30p CPQ96E.MDF 510 06-10-93 12:15p MHSMDF.TXT 57644 07-06-93 8:59a MHZ144.MDF 401 02-10-94 1:52p LAPTALK.MDF 511 02-10-94 2:01p INTEL144.MDF 405 06-11-93 2:56p MHZ324FM.MDF 392 06-25-93 4:28p OPTIM144.MDF 518 06-11-93 2:56p SPORT144.MDF 362 09-29-93 2:58p ULTRA144.MDF 564 06-11-93 2:56p Installation Instructions: Note for IWM.MDF Users: If you're using IWM.MDF with the Intel Wireless modem (Ericsson AT Mobidem), you must configure the modem speed in the appropriate MHS setup screen for 9600 and turn off any modem protocol negotiation. Users should realize that actual throughput performance for the Intel Wireless may be less than 9600 baud. Should you encounter connection difficulties using IWM.MDF and Remote MHS, invoke Remote MHS with the "-Z" command line switch. Example: RMHS -Z This Remote MHS 2.0 switch is an undocumented switch that reduces the B+ protocol sliding window size to zero and will virtually eliminate transmission errors. ************************************************************* The included modem definition files are being provided by Novell as a service to our many MHS users. These files have been developed internally but have not been through a formal testing procedure. As such, these files will not receive support similar to the files that are included with MHS products. Novell recommends that you use these files in a test environment initially until you are comfortable with their operation. Thank you for using NetWare MHS. ************************************************************* ÿ