5Oct95 NetWare Connect 2.0 Rules of Thumb This document helps you configure NetWare Connect 2.0 software for optimal performance and reliability by providing hardware and software recommendations. What Is NetWare Connect 2.0? - a NetWare server based solution for remote computing. - a unique design allows it to scale from two ports for small offices up to 128 ports per server for large, enterprise wide installations. - allows multiple remote users to access NetWare networks and enables network workstations to access host computers through telephone lines, ISDN lines, X.25 packet switched networks or other leased lines, and direct connections. - supports industry standard remote node, remote control, and outbound technologies for bidirectional network access. - for the network administrator, offers a multilayered security system that includes comprehensive auditing functions and object-level support for the NetWare Directory Services (NDS). - can be configured with other Novell products for enterprise remote connectivity solutions such as; NetWare for SAA and NetWare for DEC Access so workstations can dial in to IBM host services and DEC services on a NetWare LAN. NetWare Connect 2.0 Services ---------------------------- NetWare Connect 2.0 provides the following 3 services for remote connectivity: - AppleTalk Remote Access Service (ARAS) for Macintosh computers - Remote Node Service (PPPRNS) for DOS & Windows computers - NASI Connection Service (NCS) for DOS, Windows, & Macintosh computers ARAS and PPPRNS are remote node services. NetWare Connect 2.0 supports the AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol, ARAP, for Macintosh dial-in access and supports the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for DOS and Windows client access. Within PPP, the TCP/IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocols can be used to extend a network over a remote link. NCS establishes a logical connection between a NetWare Connect 2.0 port and a network-based workstation or host. This connection enables network workstations to dial out of the network with 3rd party applications using a pool of modems on the NetWare Connect 2.0 server. Similarly, dial-in users can use a 3rd party application to remotely control a dedicated workstation on the network through NCS. Each NetWare Connect 2.0 service on the server, requires the following corresponding client components to be installed on the workstation. NetWare Connect ARAS Service Client Component - AppleTalk Remote Access version 1.0 or 2.0. Client Component - For NetWare 4.1 access: NetWare for Macintosh Client software from NetWare 4.1 NetWare Connect NCS Service Client Component | VLM version 1.2 or greater | IPXODI protocol stack One of the following: For a DOS client: NASI.EXE for DOS based access and a NASI compatible communications program For a Windows client: NASI.EXE or WIN2NCS (NASI redirector) for Windows-based access and a Windows based communications program For a Macintosh: MAC2NCS and a Macintosh serial driver based communications program, such as Microphone II or MacCIM NetWare Connect PPPRNS Service Client Component - VLM version 1.2 or greater (NetWare 4.1 client), NWREMOTE.COM, & NCOMX.COM One or both of the following protocol stacks: TCPIP.EXE IPXODI.COM One of the following dialing utilities: DOSDIAL.EXE DIALER.EXE NetWare Connect 2.0 Features ---------------------------- The primary features of NetWare Connect 2.0 are: - Support for up to 128 ports per server. - Dynamic Port Allocation. Ports are dynamically allocated as users require them. Ports used for incoming calls can also be used for outgoing calls, but not simultaneously. - Resource Pooling. Maximizes communication resources by sharing modems, multiport adapters, telephone lines, multiplexers, and X.25 virtual circuits. Ports need not be dedicated to specific services. The Service Selector module in NetWare Connect automatically routes incoming calls to the appropriate service. - Support for Modem Independence, allows a Connect 2.0 server to control modem initialization. This allows users to use the same generic modem initialization regardless of the port and modem type they use to connect to NCS. Additionally, this feature makes control of resource allocation easier for network administrators. - Security. You can provide restrictions on the following parameters to limit and control access to the network: ports available for use, services available, time of day or day of week when access is granted, call direction, phone number that can be called, maximum connection time allowed, and groups that can be accessed. In addition, several industry standard challenge response and token based authentication protocols are supported. - NetWare Directory Services (NDS) management. As an object within NDS, NetWare Connect 2.0 users are controlled by the same base rule set that governs local attached users in areas such as access rights. - Management. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is supported. This enables any SNMP based management console to remotely monitor NetWare Connect objects such as NetWare Connect services, configuration, and AIO port information. NetWare Connect 2.0 also supplies its own SNMP based management utility called the ConnectView utility for monitoring and managing multiple NetWare Connect 2.0 servers. - Audit Trail Maintenance. An audit trail is maintained that records the following information about each connection: date and time of connection, duration of connection, user ID, service used, connection speed used, and bytes transferred during connection. This information can be exported to a file for analysis using a spreadsheet application. - TCP/IP Network Access. To reduce the cost of IP network access, the Novell TCP/IP protocol stack is included with NetWare Connect 2.0. IP addresses can be set at the NetWare Connect client or server, negotiated between the client and server, or set by the Connect server or a BOOTP server. - Automated Setup. The installation program automatically detects your server's AIO ports and the type of modem attached to each port. - Dialer phonebook. The Windows and DOS Dialer programs (DIALER and DOSDIAL) share a common user phonebook file. This file supports multiple entries for dial-in access from a variety of locations. - Call Scripting. A set of scripting commands is provided to allow you to automate interaction with network services. - Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Support for DOS and Windows remote node access. Novell's implementation of PPP includes several performance tuning features to improve data throughput and reduce file transfer delays. - Hardware data compression support. The performance of a remote connection can be enhanced through the use of data compression. This is accomplished by reducing the amount of data that has to be transported across the link. NetWare Connect 2.0 supports modem-based hardware compression. - Scalability. With support from 1 to 128 ports on a server, it can be easily scaled to meet the needs of a single user in a home office environment or the needs of a large enterprise with thousands of remote users. - Additive Licensing allows you to increase the port capacity of a Connect server while it is running. - Development platform for 3rd party services. The NetWare Connect Software Development Kit (SDK) is available to developers to provide additional functionality to the Connect server or client using a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). - Multiple Connection Options. NetWare Connect 2.0 allows you to use a variety of different connection types, including telephone lines, leased lines, X.25, ISDN, & direct connect. NetWare Connect 2.0 Licenses ---------------------------- NetWare Connect 2.0 can be purchased with the following licenses: | 2 ports | 8 ports | 32 ports You can customize the number of ports by installing two or more licenses on a single server up to a maximum of 128 ports. You do not have to halt a NetWare Connect 2.0 server to install additional licenses. Server Requirements and Recommendations --------------------------------------- HARDWARE A NetWare server requires the following hardware to run NetWare Connect 2.0: - A minimum of an 80386 or greater PC. NetWare Connect 2.0 operates on any file server tested and approved by the Novell Labs group. Appropriate LAN and video adapters must be installed. Novell recommends a 486 or Pentium based PC. - At least one standard serial port or one of the communications adapters listed under Communications Adapters below. NetWare Connect 2.0 supports numerous add on communications devices such as multiport serial adapters and X.25 communications adapters. - Appropriate communications hardware, such as modems, multiplexers, null modem cables, analog telephone lines, & leased lines. - RAM requirements are as follows: | > NetWare Runtime 4.1 server requires from 24MB to 32MB of RAM. | > NetWare Runtime 3.12 server requires from 8MB to 16MB of RAM. NetWare 4.1 or NetWare 3.12 nondedicated server requires an additional 8MB of RAM for NetWare Connect 2.0. - A minimum of 26MB of disk space to operate NetWare Connect 2.0. Additional disk space is required to store the audit file. As the audit file grows with each connection and disconnection, NetWare Connect will require more disk space. However, the audit trail can be disabled. SOFTWARE -------- To install NetWare Connect 2.0, you need the following software: - NetWare Connect 2.0 - Standard (multiuser) NetWare 4.1, NetWare 3.12, NetWare Runtime 4.1, or NetWare Runtime 3.12 NetWare Runtime is included with the 8 port & 32 port licenses of NetWare Connect 2.0. NetWare Runtime is not included with the two port license of NetWare Connect 2.0. NetWare Connect 2.0 will not run on a NetWare 4.1 SFT III server. Workstation Requirements ------------------------ A workstation accessing NetWare Connect 2.0 requires the following hardware and software. - Remote PC dialing in to become a remote node on the network | A PC with: | 386SX/16 or greater or greater; 475KB of free conventional | DOS memory (DOS) or 4MB of RAM (Windows). | A modem or compatible communications device. | At least one COM port or an equivalent serial adapter. | NetWare 4.1 client software. | NetWare Connect 2.0 client software - Remote Macintosh dialing in to become a Macintosh node on the network | A Macintosh with at least 4MB of memory. (Novell recommends 8MB of RAM.) | OS version 7.0 or later. | A modem or other compatible communications device attached to either the modem or printer port. | AppleTalk Remote Access (software v1.0 or v2.0. AppleTalk Remote Access must be purchased from Apple Computer, Inc. We recommend v2.0. - DOS based workstation on the network dialing out | A NetWare network workstation with at least 640KB of RAM. | Access to NASI.EXE. When you install NetWare Connect, NASI.EXE is | copied to SYS:SYSTEM\NCS. Copy NASI.EXE to SYS:PUBLIC so that users can | access it. | A 3rd party application which supports NASI or Int14. For a list, see | below. | To use Int14 applications, you must access to the Int14 Redirector | provided with NetWare Connect 2.0. The files for the Int 14 Redirector | are installed in SYS:SYSTEM\NCS. Copy the files to SYS:PUBLIC so that | users can access them. The Int14 Redirector supports standard IBM BIOS | interrupt 14 function calls. - Windows based workstation on the network dialing out | A NetWare network workstation with at least 4MB of RAM. | (Novell recommends 8MB or more of RAM.) | A Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 operating | environment. | NASI.EXE or WIN2NCS (NASI redirector) | A Windows based communications application that supports NASI for DOS or | NASI for Windows, or uses the Windows Com driver (WIN2NCS). | You can use the Terminal program supplied with Windows for this | requirement. - Macintosh workstation on the network dialing out | Macintosh IIsi or later with at least 4MB of RAM. | System 7 or later. | AppleTalk Phase 2 software. | TokenTalk version 2.2 or later (required only when used on a token ring network). | Mac2NCS software (provided with NetWare Connect 2.0). | Any Macintosh communications application that uses serial ports. - Remote PC or Macintosh computer dialing in to a dedicated PC on the network. A remote control application or an application server that supports NASI. For a list of remote control applications or application servers, refer to 3rd Party NASI Applications below. NetWare for Macintosh Client software is required for a remote Macintosh to dial in to a NetWare 4.1 network. A modem. Modems ------ NetWare Connect 2.0 supports dial-up modems with features such as error correction, data compression, V.32, & speeds up to 230 Kbps. The modem definition file shipped with NetWare Connect 2.0 contains scripts for approximately 400 modems. Novell continuously prepares scripts for additional modems as requested by NetWare Connect customers. - Scripts for all currently supported modems are in the file NWCMOD.EXE in this Library. NWCMOD.EXE is updated several times per year. - Both MODEMS.TXT (in LI9PRE.EXE) and NWCMOD.TXT (in NWCMOD.EXE) contain a list of the modems currently in NWCMOD.EXE. - If you have a modem which is not currently supported you can prepare a NetWare Connect script for it by downloading and using the file NWCWRT.EXE (Windows) or NWCDRT.EXE (DOS). - If you prefer, Novell will prepare a modem script for you if you FAX the following information to 408-577-5856: | - Your CompuServe ID | - The exact name of the modem | - The Sregisters | - AT Commands | - Responses Communications Adapters ----------------------- NetWare Connect 2.0 supports ports on 3rd party communications adapters installed in the server plus up to 4 server COM ports. Communications adapters support connections through direct cable, modem, multiplexer, & X.25 public data networks. Recommended RS232 Adapters # of Ports Company/Phone# ------------------------- ---------- -------------- ACI (ISA 16 bit) 8 Cisco Systems Solutions 714-752-1511 XEM (EISA, ISA, & MCA) 8 to 64 Digi International 612-943-9020 4R (ISA 16 bit) 4 Digi International 612-943-9020 8R (ISA 16-bit) 8 Digi International 612-943-9020 PC/i (ISA 16 bit) 8 or 16 Digi International 612-943-9020 PC/16i (ISA 16 bit) 16 Digi International 612-943-9020 PC/e (ISA 16 bit) 2 to 16 Digi International 612-943-9020 MC/i (MCA) 4 to 16 Digi International 612-943-9020 MC/e (MCA) 2 to 8 Digi International 612-943-9020 MP2008 (ISA) 8 Cubix Corporation 702-883-7611 PCC/8i (ISA 16 bit) 8 Technology Concepts 44-1633-872611 Superport 186 (ISA 16 bit) 8 Technology Concepts 44-1633-872611 RocketPort-RA (ISA) 8 Comtrol Corporation 612-631-8117 Equinox-SST (EISA, ISA, & MCA) 2 to 128 Equinox 305-791-5000 WNIM+ (ISA) 4 Microdyne 800-255-3967 WNIM3000 (ISA) 8 Microdyne 800-255-3967 Recommended Synch/X.25 Adapters # of Ports Company/Phone# ------------------------------- ---------- -------------- NW2000 2 Microdyne 800-255-3967 PacketBlaster 2 Eicon 514-631-2592 Synch+ V.35, RS422, RS232 4 Microdyne 800-255-3967 Synch70 2 or 4 Digi 612-943-9020 Novell Labs has a continuous adapter testing program. As additional adapters are certified, information about them will be listed on the following electric media: - FAXback (800-414-5227) or (801-429-2776) - NetWire (currently Library 3 of NWGENF) - www.novel.com on the Web Third-Party NASI Applications ----------------------------- You can access NCS ports on NetWare Connect through NASI & a 3rd party application. The following 3rd party applications are NASI compatible according to their manufacturers. For more information on compatibility & terminal emulation support, contact the manufacturer or information service listed. To become a NASI developer, call 800-NETWARE and enroll in the Novell Professional Developers Program. DOS based Terminal Emulation Programs Application Manufacturer Phone Number ====================== ============ ============ Use these applications to access a host computer through direct connect or modem lines: Anzio Rasmussen Software 503-624-0360 Blast Professional 10.5 U.S. Robotics, Inc. 800-342-5877 CROSSTALK Mark IV v2.1.1 DCA 404-442-4930 Minisoft HP 2392 Minisoft 800-682-0200 PCAnywhere IV LAN v5.0 Symantec 800-222-2616 PC-Term Crystal Point Software 206-487-3656 Procomm Plus 2.0 LAN Datastorm Technologies 314-443-3282 Qmodem Pro 1.0 Mustang Software 800-999-9619 Reflection Walker, Richter, & Quinn 206-872-2829 Relay Gold LAN Microcom Systems, Inc. 800-822-8224 Smartcom Exec 2.1 Hayes Microcomputer Prod. 404-840-9200 Smart Term 3.0 Persoft, Inc. 608-273-6000 Softerm PC Softronics 719-593-9540 Telepathy Extrasensory Software 818-981-8367 VSCOM for Novell LAN 7.9 M/H Group 312-443-1222 Zstem LAN KEA Systems 604-431-0727 Special information services ---------------------------- Access these private information databases for information about custom user interfaces: Application Service Phone Number =========== ======= ============ CIM for DOS CompuServe Inc. 614-457-8600 WinCim MacCIM FactSet FactSet Data Systems 203-863-1500 Lexus Mead Data Central, Inc. 800-543-6862 Westmate West Publishing Co. 800-328-9352 Windows applications Application Manufacturer Phone Number =========== =========== ============ CROSSTALK for Windows 2.1 DCA 800-348-3221 LapLink 6.0A Traveling Software Inc. 800-343-8080 DynaComm for Windows Future Soft Engineering 713-496-9400 Qmodem for Windows Mustang Software Inc. 805-873-2500 PC Anywhere for Windows Symantec 800-222-2616 Procom Plus for Windows Datastorm Technologies 314-443-3282 Remote control applications Use these programs to allow a remote PC to control a workstation on the LAN. Remote users can access host workstation drives, as well as network drives & services. All processing is done on the application server. Only keystrokes, screen updates, & mouse signals travel over the communications link. Application Manufacturer Phone Number =========== =========== ============ Co/Session LAN Triton Technologies 800-322-9440 Carbon Copy for Windows 2.0 Microcom Systems, Inc. 617-551-1000 PC Anywhere IV LAN 5.0 Symantec 800-222-2616 PC Anywhere for Windows Symantec 800-222-2616 Reach-out LAN Ocean Isle Software 407-770-4777 WinView for Networks Citrix Systems, Inc. 305-755-0559 Installation Tips ----------------- - Using the NetWare Connect 2.0 Auto-Detect Function NetWare Connect 2.0 performs a modem auto-detect operation during initial server installation. If you are using asynchronous modems, each modem must be connected to a communications port and powered on, for the auto-detect feature to properly identify each modem type connected to each port. - Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with a Multiport Adapter You must have a NetWare Connect-specific AIO driver to use a multiport adapter with NetWare Connect 2.0. The NetWare Connect 2.0 package includes several AIO drivers for specific multiport adapters. The list of certified AIO adapters for NetWare Connect 2.0, included in this document, identifies the multiport adapters that have AIO driver files included. These adapters can be easily selected and configured during installation of NetWare Connect 2.0. If you have an adapter which Novell has certified for NetWare Connect 2.0 but is not one of those identified, contact the adapter's manufacturer to acquire a NetWare Connect-specific AIO driver. When you obtain the AIO driver, copy it to SYS:SYSTEM\AIO on the Connect server before starting the installation program. - Extending the NDS Schema Installation of NetWare Connect 2.0 in NetWare 4.1 environments requires administrative access privileges to the NDS schema. A utility called NWCEXTDS.NLM is provided with NetWare Connect 2.0 that allows you to extend the NDS schema so that administrators with limited or no root access privileges can install NetWare Connect 2.0 into the NDS tree. - Using Modem based Data Compression Data compression can enhance performance in remote communications. For this reason, NetWare Connect 2.0 supports the modem based data compression feature that is common on 9600bps and faster modems. For modem-based data compression to be effective, however, the data rate of the serial port to which the modem is connected must be significantly higher than the modem's connection speed. For externally attached modems, the data rate of the serial port is determined by the UART chip. If the UART chip on your system cannot support the data rate required for modem-based compression, modem-based compression will not improve performance. Configuration Tips for NetWare Connect 2.0 ------------------------------------------ - Setting Packet Receive Buffers NetWare Connect 2.0 server performance can be enhanced by setting the Receive Buffers parameters in the STARTUP.NCF file to an appropriate level. This involves different considerations for the following SET commands: | MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS | MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS - Setting the MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS Parameter This parameter sets the minimum number of packet receive buffers that are preallocated on a NetWare server. The MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS parameter in the STARTUP.NCF file should be set to at least 200. If the NetWare Connect 2.0 server is used for other applications such as file & print services, or if it is serving a large network, this number may need to be set to 1000 or greater. One consideration in setting this parameter is that it consumes server RAM. For example, setting the MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS parameter to 1000 may require 4MB of RAM, depending on the setting of the Maximum Physical Receive Packet Size parameter. - Setting the MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS Parameter This parameter sets the upper boundary for the amount of RAM that can be used for packet receive buffers on a NetWare server. If the value for the No ECB available count field in the LAN/WAN Information option of the MONITOR.NLM is greater than zero, the MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS parameter in the STARTUP.NCF file should be increased. - Setting NET.CFG Parameters Performance of remote nodes with a NetWare Connect 2.0 server can be enhanced by adjusting the following values in the netware dos requester section of the client's NET.CFG file: | PBURST READ WINDOW SIZE= | PBURST WRITE WINDOW SIZE= Novell suggests that you try different values for these parameters until you find the combination that gives you the best performance. NOTE: Depending on the nature of your data transmission, a value for these parameters that is either higher or lower than the default can increase performance. - Increasing Available DOS Client RAM with PCMCIA Systems Because the NetWare Connect 2.0 DOS remote client requires a large amount of available DOS conventional memory, you might encounter problems with standard card & socket services for PCMCIA. This is because these services typically use Terminate & Stay Resident (TSR) programs which consume DOS conventional memory. Rather than use the card & socket service TSRs, you can use a Point Enabler program, which is supplied by most PCMCIA modem vendors. Using a Point Enabler program typically frees 30K of DOS conventional memory. - Memory Used for the Audit Trail File The Audit Trail file makes a record for each connection to and disconnection from a NetWare Connect 2.0 server. To plan the amount of disk space required for the use of the Audit Trail file, it is useful to know how much disk space is used when connecting to and disconnecting from a NetWare Connect 2.0 server. The average amount of disk memory required in an Audit Trail file for connecting and disconnecting is 487 bytes. The amount of memory required to record each NetWare Connect 2.0 connection service is described in the following table. NetWare Connect 2.0 Service # of Bytes Required per Connection --------------------------- ---------------------------------- PPPRNS 463 NCS 539 ARAS 459 - Making SAA or DEC Access Requests over a Remote Connection If you are using NetWare for SAA or NetWare for DEC Access and NetWare Connect 2.0 on the same server, you must use a newer version of SPX.NLM than the one supplied with NetWare (at the time of this printing) to be able to make remote SAA or DEC Access requests over a remote NetWare Connect 2.0 dial-in connection. SPXS4N.EXE contains a newer version of SPXS.NLM. NOTE: As of this date the SPX.NLM in SPXS4N.EXE has not yet completed testing. However, if you wish to use SPXS4N.EXE at your own risk, you can download it from the NSD Forum. - Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare for OS/2 (WARP) If you are running NetWare for OS/2 4.1 on an OS/2-WARP machine, you must obtain a newer version of the BTRIEVE.NLM file to install NetWare Connect 2.0. This version of the BTRIEVE.NLM file is also required to run several other Novell products. This requirement does not apply if you are using NetWare for OS/2 running on OS/2 2.11. NOTE: As of this date, the "newer" BTRIEVE.NLM in BT610E.EXE has not yet completed testing. However, if you wish to use BT610E.EXE at your own risk, you can download it from the NSD Forum. - Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare for SAA NetWare for SAA uses the OPENNV.NLM file to forward management data to IBM's NetView utility. By default, the OPENNV.NLM file is unloaded by the NWCSTOP.NCF file used by NetWare Connect 2.0. When using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare for SAA, you must either reload the OPENNV.NLM file after running the NWCSTOP.NCF file or edit the NWCSTOP.NCF file to prevent it from unloading the OPENNV.NLM file. These procedures are necessary only if you are running NetView. Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare 3.12 ------------------------------------------- The following considerations should be observed when using NetWare Connect 2.0 with a NetWare 3.12 server: | > Support for PPP dial-in connections | > Authentication in NetWare 3.12 environments | > Using NetWare for Macintosh 3.12 with NetWare Connect 2.0 | > Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare IP - Support for PPP Dial-in Connections A maximum of 60 simultaneous PPP dial-in connections are supported. - Authentication in NetWare 3.12 Environments In NetWare 3.12 environments, NetWare Connect 2.0 authentication is performed using the bindery on the NetWare Connect 2.0 server. In NetWare 3.12 environments with more than one NetWare Connect 2.0 server operating and where the communications ports are accessible to users by a single access number, duplicate bindery entries for each user are required on each NetWare Connect 2.0 server. - Using NetWare for Macintosh 3.12 with NetWare Connect 2.0 NetWare Connect 2.0 requires a newer version of the APPLETLK.NLM software than the one supplied with NetWare 3.12. For this reason, Novell advises that you install NetWare for Macintosh on your server before installing NetWare Connect 2.0. This will allow the version of the APPLETLK.NLM software supplied with NetWare Connect 2.0 to update the version supplied with NetWare 3.12. If you need to install NetWare for Macintosh after installing NetWare Connect 2.0, recopy the APPLETLK.NLM file from the NetWare Connect 2.0 CDROM and reload the file at the server console. Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with NetWare IP ----------------------------------------- A NetWare Connect 2.0 server running NetWare IP will not operate correctly with the NLSP protocol. The following table shows which NetWare 3.12 & NetWare 4.1 configurations can have NLSP configured and lists their default NLSP configurations. - NetWare 3.12 with NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed | DEFAULT NLSP CONFIGURATION - NLSP routing with RIP/SAP compatibility | (NLSP configuration must be RIP/SAP only) - NetWare 3.12 with IPX Router Upgrade installed | DEFAULT NLSP CONFIGURATION - Not determined | (The IPX Router upgrade is available from NOVLIB. NLSP configuration must be RIP/SAP only.) - NetWare 4.1 without NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed | DEFAULT NLSP CONFIGURATION - RIP/SAP only | (The default NLSP configuration should be maintained in the default configuration) - NetWare 4.1 with NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed | DEFAULT NLSP CONFIGURATION - NLSP routing with RIP/SAP compatibility | (NLSP configuration must be RIP/SAP only.) If you experience difficulty connecting to a NetWare Connect 2.0 server when loading VLM.EXE, check to see if the NLSP routing protocol is configured on your server, as described in the following procedure. 1. Load INETCFG. 2. Select Protocols from the Internetworking Configuration menu. 3. Select IPX from the Protocol Configuration menu. 4. If this configuration is on a NetWare 4.1 server without NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed, make sure that Advanced IPX is set to Disabled. In this situation, the Routing Protocol field will be blank. This means that the default protocol RIP/SAP Only is set. 5. If your configuration is NetWare 3.12 with NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed, NetWare 3.12 with the IPX Router Upgrade installed, or NetWare 4.1 with NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.0 installed, make sure that RIP/SAP Only is selected for Routing Protocol. Using NetWare Connect 2.0 with LAN WorkPlace -------------------------------------------- If you want to access a NetWare Connect 2.0 server from the LAN WorkPlace dialer, you must enable the PAP authentication protocol on the server. This is accomplished using the NWCCON utility, as described in the following procedure. 1. Select Configure NetWare Connect in the NetWare Connect Options menu. 2. Select Services in the Configuration Options menu. 3. Select PPPRNS in the Service Options menu. 4. Select Configure Security in the PPPRNS Configuration Options menu. 5. Select Yes for Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) in the PPPRNS Security Configuration menu. Troubleshooting DOSDIAL ----------------------- If DOSDIAL reports that it is unable to read its phonebook, complete the following steps: 1. Check the FILES parameter in the client's CONFIG.SYS file. The FILES= parameter must be set to 30 or greater. 2. Check your system for duplicate LWP.INI files. Duplicate LWP.INI files indicate that the Dialer may have started from the wrong directory. 3. Check the [Paths] section of the LWP.INI file. The LWP_CFG key should be set to the C:\NET\INSTALL directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------