NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: LI3PRE.EXE; Library 3 Presales Info README FOR: LI3PRE.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare Connect 2.0 NetWare for SAA 2.0 NetWare For DEC Access 1.1 NetWare HostPrint 1.11 NetWare HostPrint/400 1.0 ABSTRACT: LI3PRE.EXE contains presales information regarding NetWare Connect 2.0, NetWare for SAA, HostPrint, and NetWare for DEC Access. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: LI3PRE.EXE contains presales information regarding NetWare Connect 2.0, NetWare for SAA, HostPrint, and NetWare for DEC Access. 400CAPAC.TXT Independent Session Capacity with AS/400 400SAA.TXT SAA and AS/400 Access CERTAIO.TXT Certified AIO Drivers & Boards CONNECT1.TXT NetWare Connect Questions & Answers DECACE.TXT Questions and Answers about NetWare for DEC Access DECRUL.TXT Rules of Thumb for DEC Access FEATURES.TXT New Features provided by NetWare Connect 2.0 HOSTPRIN.TXT HostPrint Presales Information MODEMS.TXT Modems currently supported for NetWare Connect NWCRUL.TXT Rules of Thumb for Netware Connect 2.0 PRICE3.TXT Prices and part numbers for Library 3 products RUNTIME.TXT Information about RunTime SA2RUL.TXT NetWare for SAA 2.0 Rules of Thumb SAA20.TXT NetWare SAA Presales Questions and Answers SAADRIVE.TXT Certified WAN & SDLC Board/Driver combinations for NetWare for SAA 2.0 Contacts for Further Information Phone Number -------------------------------- ------------------- Product Information 800-638-9273 options 1,5 Product Information FaxBack 800-638-9273 options 1,4,1 Product Information FaxBack (direct dial) 801-429-2772 Novell Labs FaxBack 800-414-5227 Novell Labs FaxBack (direct dial) 801-429-2776 or 800-414-5227 Self-Extracting File Name: li3pre.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ LI3PRE.TXT (This file) 400CAPAC.TXT 2949 5-9-95 11:29:30 am 400SAA.TXT 2738 5-9-95 10:54:10 am CERTAIO.TXT 4874 10-10-95 2:49:06 pm CONNECT2.TXT 5175 8-16-95 4:12:40 pm DECACE.TXT 8985 7-20-95 3:13:26 pm DECRUL.TXT 17701 7-31-95 1:45:50 pm FEATURES.TXT 3494 7-20-95 3:12:34 pm HOSTPRIN.TXT 7711 5-9-95 10:50:04 am LI3PRE.TXT 3944 10-11-95 9:57:08 am MODEMS.TXT 19824 9-29-95 11:19:38 am NWCRUL.TXT 34204 10-5-95 10:46:46 am RUNTIME.TXT 1009 5-4-95 2:53:02 pm SA2RUL.TXT 45920 5-9-95 11:35:38 am SAA20.TXT 2763 5-9-95 10:55:50 am SAADRIVE.TXT 3048 10-10-95 2:47:50 pm Installation Instructions: Only text files, no installation required. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------