HostPrint Presales Info TID250935 DOCUMENT REVISION: B 02MAY95 NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare HostPrint 1.11 NetWare HostPrint/400 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE Information regarding HostPrint 1.11 and NetWare HostPrint/400 v1.0. Q1: What is NetWare HostPrint? A1: It is a NetWare Loadable Module that runs on a NetWare for SAA server, allowing users to send IBM host print jobs directly to NetWare print queues. Q2: What NetWare platforms do NetWare HostPrint and HostPrint/400 support? A2: NetWare 3.12, NetWare 4.02 and NetWare 4.1 Q3: What versions of NetWare for SAA are supported by these two new HostPrint products? A3: NetWare for SAA 1.3B and NetWare for SAA 2.0. Q4: What version of OS/400 is required to support HostPrint/400? A4: V2R2 for Local Transform, V2R3 for Local or Host Transform. Q5: Does NetWare HostPrint/400 supports Client Access/400 V3R1? A5: Yes, HostPrint/400 supports the new IBM Client Access/40 V3R1. Q6: Can NetWare HostPrint v1.11 install on top of v1.1? If it can, what other versions? A6: HostPrint 1.11 can be installed over HostPrint 1.1, however, it will replace the existing license. NetWare HostPrint v1.11 will NOT install on top of v1.0 Q7: Should you patch NetWare for SAA and drivers to a certain level before adding HostPrint? A7: NetWare for SAA needs to be at release 1.3.42 (1.3B) or above, however we do recommend that you apply the current maintenance patches to NetWare for SAA BEFORE you install HostPrint v1.11 or HostPrint/400. Q8: Can you install multiple licenses of HostPrint on the same server? A8: No. You can only install one license at a time. If you need to add more printer sessions to a currently installed product, you must first remove the license and then you install the new license with the higher number of sessions. Q9: If I remove a HostPrint license and install another one with a higher number of printer sessions, will my configuration parameters still be there? A9: Yes. When HostPrint is removed from the installed products list, the configuration database is not removed, leaving your configured parameters intact. Q10: How many sessions can you order for HostPrint? A10: HostPrint v1.11 is available in 16 and 256 session packages, HostPrint/400 is available in 253 sessions package only. Q11: What kind of printers are emulated by HostPrint? A11: HostPrint 1.11 emulates an IBM 3287 LU1 or LU3 type printer. Q12: What kind of printers are emulated by HostPrint/400? A12: HostPrint/400 emulates an IBM 3812 page printer or an IBM 5256 single font printer, both in SCS mode only. NetWare HostPrint 1.11, an NLM that runs on a NetWare for SAA server, enables users to send host print jobs to networked printers through server based, IBM host compatible printer emulation sessions. The NetWare HostPrint NLM routes host print jobs directly from the host to NetWare print queues, reducing network traffic and providing centralized administration and control. In contrast to traditional workstation host printer emulation, NetWare HostPrint does not require a workstation to run the host printer emulation. Host print support is simpler, faster and more efficient than traditional workstation based alternatives. Features -------- - Off-loads print services from workstations to the server - Simplifies administration - Supports large numbers of host printer sessions - Reduces network traffic Off-Loads Print Services From Workstations to the Server Traditionally, network supervisors have run IBM 3287 print emulation sessions on individual, dedicated or shared workstations, redirecting host print jobs through these workstations to networked printers. Because NetWare HostPrint runs on a server, it frees workstation memory and CPU resources and eliminates the need for workstations dedicated to 3287 print services. And because NetWare HostPrint operates in the powerful 32 bit NetWare and NetWare for SAA environments, users experience improved performance and reliability. Simplifies Administration ------------------------- Because NetWare HostPrint is an NLM, administration is simpler than for a workstation solution. The administrator configures all printer LUs in the network using familiar NetWare utilities, CSCON and PRINTCON, instead of reconfiguring each PC. Because NetWare HostPrint is integrated with NetWare print queues, the administrator can manage it with the NetWare PCONSOLE utility. NetWare HostPrint includes an enhanced printer definition utility, enabling the administrator to support large printer initialization sequences for PostScript printers. Efficiently Supports Large Numbers of Host Printer Sessions ----------------------------------------------------------- A scalable solution available in 16 and 128 session packages, NetWare HostPrint supports a large number of host printer sessions more easily and efficiently than a workstation solution. The print output from these sessions can be redirected to any NetWare print queue on the network. At least 42 individual printer emulation workstations, each individually configured and administered, would be required to provide the 128 session capacity of a single server equipped with NetWare HostPrint. Reduces Network Traffic Because NetWare HostPrint interfaces directly with NetWare print queues, it reduces traffic on the network. Print jobs go directly to the print queue on the server instead of being sent to the client and redirected to the print queue. NetWare HostPrint also provides automatic queue reconnection, a critical feature for printing to remote printers over WAN connections. Server Hardware Requirements ---------------------------- IBM 386 or 486 based PC, PS/2 or compatible 8MB of RAM (minimum) Server Software Requirements ---------------------------- NetWare HostPrint 1.11 NetWare for SAA 1.3B or above NetWare 3 or 4 NOS Implementation -------------- The NetWare HostPrint NLM can be installed on any NetWare server with NetWare for SAA. (Each server can support only one NetWare HostPrint package.) Each NetWare HostPrint session requires a dedicated LU. A workstation based configuration utility included with the product defines the relationships between the NetWare for SAA LUs defined for NetWare HostPrint, the printer emulation sessions defined for NetWare HostPrint, and the NetWare print queue to which the print job is to be sent. Ordering Information -------------------- You can order NetWare HostPrint 1.11 from any Novell Authorized Reseller. For more information on Novell Authorized Resellers, in the United States and Canada call 1-800-NETWARE (1-800-638-9273). In all other locations call 1-801-429-5588 or contact your local Novell office. Product Part Number ------- ----------- NetWare HostPrint 1.1 16 sessions 00662644026541 128 sessions 00662644026558 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------