NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Readme for image file copy utility README FOR: IMGCPY.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare 3.12 NetWare 4.1 ABSTRACT: This file contains IMGCOPY.NLM. Which is a NetWare Loadable Module that is used to copy a coredump image file residing on the file server's local drive to the SYS: volume while the server is running. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: After directing a core memory image to a local DOS device users are unable to copy the image while the server is running. Use IMGCOPY.NLM to copy the core memory image from the local DOS device to the NetWare SYS: volume after the server has been restarted. IMGCOPY.NLM is a NetWare Loadable Module that is used to copy a coredump image file residing on the file server's local drive to a network drive while the server is running. IMGCOPY reduces file server down time by copying the image file to a network drive as a background process, allowing the server to be used for normal activities. Self-Extracting File Name: imgcpy.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ IMGCPY.TXT (This file) IMGCOPY.NLM 4775 9-4-91 8:35:54 am Installation Instructions: IMGCOPY can either be run from a floppy drive or can be copied to SYS:SYSTEM. After an image file has been generated and the server brought back up, type the following at the file server console screen*: LOAD IMGCOPY < > NOTE: For both 3.11 and 4.10 SFT III. Load IMGCOPY in the Mirrored Server Engine. Depending on how the parameter "MSEngine Use Primary Server For DOS I/O" is set will determine which machines' DOS hard drive will be used. You will need to either set this to on or off depending on where the image to be copied resides. where: SOURCE PATH Full path (including file name) of the image file which resides on the local hard drive. If no source path is specified, the default is C:\COREDUMP.IMG. DESTINATION PATH The location on the SYS: volume where the image file should be copied. This must be a complete NetWare path specification, including volume and file names. The default destination path is SYS:COREDUMP\COREDUMP.IMG. If the destination path does not already exist, IMGCOPY will attempt to create that directory on the network drive. If the file specified already exists, it will be overwritten without any warning to the user. PRIORITY This parameter specifies what priority level is to be used when copying the image file. The valid options are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. If no priority is given, MEDIUM is assumed. When running at LOW priority, IMGCOPY allows the file server to service user requests for longer intervals. LOW priority will exhibit the least amount of server degradation, but it will take much longer to complete the file transfer. At MEDIUM priority, there is no degradation of server functionality, although the transfer time is reduced considerably. At HIGH priority, the server will almost exclusively be processing transfer requests, thereby making it nearly impossible for the file server to perform other duties until the file has been transferred. This is the fastest transfer priority available. Note that all the above parameters are optional, and may be specified in any order. Once loaded, IMGCOPY will immediately begin to transfer the image file from the server's local DOS partition, to the network drive. A status screen will be displayed, showing the selected source and destination files, as well as the priority level. Also, a counter indicating the number of bytes successfully transferred will be display. The user can toggle out of the IMGCOPY screen by typing Alt + Esc. When the image file has been successfully transferred, IMGCOPY will display a message to the file server console and automatically unload itself. File server activity will then resume at normal operating levels. It is possible to abort the file transfer by unloading IMGCOPY while the transfer is taking place. A note about Real and Protected mode: During normal operation, the file server runs in protected mode. However, in order to access the local DOS partition to read the image file, the file server must switch to real mode each time a read request is processed. While in real mode, all normal file server activity ceases. Due to this frequent state switching, users may experience loss of keystrokes at the file server console if a key was pressed while the server was in real mode. These keystrokes are stored in a real mode buffer and will not be seen at the file server console. The higher the priority level, the more apparent this will become. At the MEDIUM and HIGH priority settings, users may not be able to toggle between screens easily or type anything at the server console. This condition will disappear as soon as the file has been transferred and IMGCOPY has been unloaded. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------