Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Configure Print Jobs The Public PRINTCON database contains a print job with this name. Printcon Edit Print Job Configurations Select Default Print Job Configuration Available Options 020: An error occurred while deleting the print job. Error code: %X. 030: Insufficient memory remains to allocate %d bytes. Further modification of the PRINTCON database may not be possible at this time. Print Job Configurations This print job configuration does not have a print queue selected. Delete Current Print Job Configuration? Delete Marked Print Job Configurations? Enter new name: The print job configuration name cannot be blank. Change name to: A function control sequence cannot contain more than %d characters. Number of copies: Select a default print job configuration. Tab size: Form feed: Form name: Print banner: Name: Banner name: Device: Mode: 050: An error occurred while setting the default configuration. Error code: %X. 005: An error occurred while clearing the default print job. Error code: %X. Edit Print Job Configuration "%s" Select a default print job configuration. * denotes default. Print job configuration %s already exists. Please enter a unique name. NetWare Servers File contents: Print Job Contents Byte Stream Printer Forms Print Devices Device Modes Unselect default Select default 999: This utility cannot find the message file NWDSBRWS.MSG. Enter the name of the object whose PRINTCON database you want to access. Print Queues 908: The Directory Services SCHEMA.XLT translation tables cannot be initialized. 973: The Unicode table files (*.001) cannot be found in the NLS directory or in the search drives. 975: The Unicode table files cannot be opened because there are already too many open files. Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file. Do you want to save this print job configuration in your private database? NetWare server: The current specified context cannot be found. (Private Default) Device %s is not defined. You may wish to change it to a valid device. Form %s is not defined. The form has been changed to %s. 972: Access to the Unicode table files was denied. Device %s is not defined. The device has been changed to %s. Mode %s is invalid for device %s. The mode has been changed to %s. (Public Default) Server %s is unknown at this time. You will not be able to change the print queue, device, mode or form without changing the server first. 970: The attempt to open the Unicode table files failed. Form %s is not defined. You may wish to change the form. 974: The Unicode table files are corrupted. Mode %s is invalid for the device %s. You may wish to change the mode. 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the Unicode table files. Print queue %s does not exist on server %s. You may wish to change the queue. Print queue %s does not exist on server %s. The queue has been changed to %s. GUEST PRINTCON requires NetWare 2.10 or greater. Server %s is not compatible with PRINTCON. You cannot attach to the selected server. It may no longer be available. Local printer: Auto endcap: Timeout count: This print job configuration does not have a print queue or printer selected. Enable timeout: 045: An error occurred while reading the function. Error code: %X. Attachment to server %s as Guest failed. You may enter a user name and a temporary login will be attempted. Otherwise, press the ESC key to quit this operation. Press to view print job configurations. View the default print job configuration selection. View print job configurations. Enter a new print job configuration name. Change Current Object Enter the name of the print queue or printer. View a print job configuration. Notify when done: Press or to view the parent container's contents. Enter Printer/Queue: Add, change or delete print job configurations. * denotes default. View print job configurations. * denotes default. 887: The %s file could not be found. 889: The %s file found is the wrong version. The correct version is %s. Press or to view this container's contents. Press to select the parent object, to view the parent's contents. Press to select the current container object. Press to select this object, to view the container's contents. Press or to select this object. NOTE: You are working with a pre-4.10 printcon database. If you make ANY changes, the database will automatically be upgraded to the 4.10 format. Only 4.10 or later versions of PRINTCON, CAPTURE, NPRINT, PCONSOLE, and NWADMIN can read both formats. (Re-initialize) You have selected a HostPrint job configuration. HostPrint device names come from the HPDEF.DAT database, which you are unable to access at this time. This means that you cannot change the current device. Edit HostPrint Job Configuration "%s" <<< BAD MESSAGE >>> \\%s\SYS\SYSTEM\HPDEF.DAT Public Database for HostPrint In which database should the default be set? VeRsIoN=4.12 CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1986 - 1995, Novell Inc. All rights reserved. Change Current NetWare Server (Public) In which database should the configuration be created? Public Database Private Database Functions in Mode "%s" Device Function Control Sequence Number: Length: Width: Form Definition (None) Your private PRINTCON database is an old version. Use PUPGRADE to upgrade it. See your network supervisor for help. The public PRINTCON database is an old version. Use PUPGRADE to upgrade it. See your network administrator for help. Use Same Name as Public Print Job Configuration? 040: An error occurred while reading the form. Error code: %X. 015: An error occurred while creating a Directory Services context. 055: An error occurred while writing the new print job configuration to the PRINTCON database. Error code: %X. 907: The Directory Services SCHEMA.XLT translation tables cannot be loaded. 998: The file %s is version %s; must be version %s. Browse for object The object entered is invalid. Select Object Enter Object: Switch to Bindery Mode (Printer) (Queue) 060: An error occurred writing the print job to the PRINTCON database. Error code: %X. Press to change to another NetWare server. Press to add, change or delete print job configurations. Press to select a default print job configuration. Press to change to another user or container object. You are not authenticated in Directory Services. PrintCon will continue in Bindery mode. Context This user must have a SYS:MAIL directory before a private bindery print job database can be created. To create a mail directory, log this user into this server in bindery mode. See your network supervisor for assistance. Switch to Directory Services Mode Enter the number of copies (1 to 65,000 inclusive) to be printed. Choose Text or Byte Stream print job contents. Enter the length of tabs for TEXT file contents (1 to 18). Perform a form feed at the end of each print job? Notify user when each job is printed? Select a form for this print job configuration. Print a banner for each print job? Enter text for upper part of banner page (default: user name) Enter text for lower part of banner page (default: name of file printed). Select a local printer port number (1 to 9 inclusive.) Automatically end print job captures? Enable automatic print after 'time out' seconds? Time out threshold for automatic print (1 to 1000 seconds). Select a NetWare server for this print job configuration. Select a print queue on the selected NetWare server. Select a print queue or printer. Select a print device. Select a device mode for this print device. Public/System job configuration database. Contents are seen by, and can affect, all users on this NetWare server. Private/Individual job configuration database. Contents are seen by, and affect, only the current user. Add, change or delete print job configurations. Print queue: Printer/Queue: 035: An error occurred while reading the print job from the PRINTCON database. Error code: %X. Save Print Job in Private Database? Object You do not have access rights to change this PRINTCON database.