Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UNKNOWN 184: A read error has occurred. This could indicate a possible problem with your hard disk. 181: An error occurred in writing a file to the network. Make sure the NetWare server is up and running. Then try again. If the error persists, notify your network supervisor. 110: The specified path (%s) is invalid. Specify a valid network path in the command. 111: You do not have rights to print files from this directory. Try printing from a different directory or ask the network supervisor to grant you the necessary rights. 112: No files were found that match the pattern %s. Make sure you are in the correct directory; then use NDIR to list the files in the directory from which you want to print. Then type in a valid pattern. 201: A number from 1 through 18 is required with the Tabs (T=) option. 211: A number from 1 through %u is required with the Copies (C=) option. 220: A form ID number (0-255) or form name is required with the Form (F=) option. Please wait. 240: The banner must have from 1 through 12 characters. 242: The NetWare server name must have from 2 through 47 characters. 921: Either the supervisor has locked the bindery or volume SYS: is not mounted on server %s. 182: An error occurred in reading information from the destination server. Make sure the server is up and running. Then try again. If the error persists, notify your network supervisor. 298: An unknown option %s is specified on the command line. Consult your documentation for correct command syntax. 117: The given base drive is not defined. Use the MAP utility to establish a new network drive mapping; then specify the newly mapped drive in your command. 121: The destination NetWare server %s is unknown at this time. Make sure that you typed the server name correctly and that it is up and running. You can use NLIST or the NetWare Administrator utility to get a list of the servers on the network. 903: The command line syntax is invalid. 104: The path or file specification is missing from the command. If this error occurs during login, you will need to correct the problem in your login script. 183: An error occurred in reading information from the source server. Make sure the server is up and running. Then try again. If the problem persists, notify your network supervisor. 113: The file %s could not be found. Verify that the file exists and that the correct path and the correct file name were specified. 502: This utility expects that when the Server (S=) option is used on the command line, the Queue (Q=) option refers to a print queue on the specified server. The print queue name you supplied is longer than the maximum 47 characters allowed for a non-Directory Service based print queue. 170: The destination server is running on a version of NetWare not supported by this utility. Either upgrade the server to a current NetWare version or specify a different server. 114: An error occurred in getting the server name. Make sure the server is up and running. Then try again. 109: You are not attached to the specified server %s. Attach to the server and try again. 600: This utility is accessing an incorrect version of the print job configuration database. Make sure you are using the most current version of PRINTCON. Do you want to detach from NetWare server %s? (Y/N) Enter user name for NetWare server %s: Enter your password: 141: An invalid username or password was typed in. Access to NetWare server %s has been denied. GUEST The following files are being sent to server %s, print queue %s: %-12s (Job ID=%08lX) 107: This utility was unable to delete the file after sending it to the print queue. 607: The default print job configuration cannot be found. Specify a printer (P=) or print queue (Q=) (not both) on the command line, or else create a new print job configuration. Local Drive %c: 122: This utility could not attach to the NetWare server %s. Make sure that you typed the server name correctly and that it is up and running. You can use NLIST or the NetWare Administrator utility to get a list of servers on the network. 136: This user account on server %s has expired or has been disabled. Ask the network supervisor to enable the account. Would you like to change your password on server %s? (Y/N) Retype your new password: 133: Your password has expired and there are no grace logins available. Ask the supervisor to unlock your account. 132: Your password has expired. Your network supervisor may need to unlock your account. 922: Intruder detection lockout has disabled this account. 139: The account balance for this user on server %s has expired or dropped below the minimum. The network supervisor will need to reconcile the account before the user can log in. Enter your new password: 140: This user account on server %s has no accounting balance. Ask the network supervisor to increase the balance. 135: NetWare server %s does not allow you to attach during an unauthorized time period. The supervisor has limited the times that this account can be accessed. 134: Your station is not approved to attach to NetWare server %s using this user account. The supervisor has limited the stations that are allowed to attach to this server. 400: Your password on server %s has been changed. 403: Your password on NetWare server %s has not been changed. Try changing it with the NetWare Administrator utility, NETUSER, or SYSCON (NetWare 3 servers). 402: The new password has been used previously. Specify a unique password not previously used. 401: The new password is too short. Specify a longer password. 137: Too many stations are already attached to server %s using this user account. The supervisor has limited the number of active concurrent connections. Another station must log out before you can log in to this server. 405: The new password was not retyped correctly. Try again. 130: The supervisor has disabled your user account on NetWare server %s. This is probably only a temporary condition. Try logging in later. 243: The print queue name must have from 2 through 47 characters. 160: Print queue %s cannot be found. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to see which queues are defined on the NetWare server. Then make sure you specify the queue correctly in the command. 404: An invalid character was found in the specified password. Do not use the key when typing passwords. 505: There is not a default queue assigned to printer %s. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to assign a default queue to this printer. 115: The connection information on the destination server could not be obtained. Make sure the server is up and running. Then try again. Job configuration :%s Would you still like to change your password on server %s? (Y/N) 222: The form name, %s, could not be found. Default values were used. Use PRINTDEF to see which forms are currently defined on your NetWare server. 223: This utility cannot get the information about the specified form. A network error may have occurred. Wait a few minutes; then try again. 221: The form number specified must be a number from 0 through 255. 155: The NetWare Queue Management System returned a "no such object" error. This is an internal program error. Try again. If the problem persists, notify your network supervisor. 300: The destination server is busy. Abort, Retry, or Ignore? 301: A disk I/O read error occurred. Abort, Retry, or Ignore? 302: The program aborted. 920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory. 150: The print queue is full. Either the print job capacity of the print queue has been reached or the server volume is out of disk space. Try again. 151: This user account is not authorized as a print queue user for the specified print queue. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to verify that the user has an account. If not, create a new user or select a queue on which the user has rights. 152: An error occurred in the operating system that involved the print queue. Wait a few minutes and then try the command again. 153: The network supervisor or print queue operator is not allowing print jobs to enter the print queue. Try again later. 156: An unknown print queue error 0x%04x occurred. Wait a few minutes and try again. For information on the specific error code, refer to the System Messages documentation. 157: A default print queue cannot be found. Do one of the following: Specify a printer or print queue with this utility. Specify a default printer or print queue in a default print job configuration. 241: The name must have from 1 through 12 characters. 105: The file could not be opened. Try again. If the problem persists, the file may be corrupted. Delete it and replace it with a backup copy. 162: You are not authorized as a print queue user for print queue %s. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to determine what users are authorized to use this queue. If you are an authorized user and the problem persists, check with your network supervisor. 124: You are attached to NetWare server %s, but you are not logged in. Either log in to the server or try printing to a different server. 171: This utility requires a more current version of NetWare than is currently installed. Upgrade to a current NetWare version. 180: There is insufficient disk space to store the print job in the print queue. Have the supervisor increase the available disk space on the volume where the print queue is located. 601: This utility was unable to get the default print job configuration. Either specify a print job configuration using the Job (J=) option or specify a print queue on the command line. 154: The specified print server cannot service the specified print queue. You are attached to server %s. Banner Help Screen\hPurpose: Determine if a banner page will print at the beginning of your print job. You can replace the default filename and username.\hOptions: No Banner (NB) Specifies that no banner page be printed. Name (NAM=) The default is your username. Specify text that will appear on the upper part of the banner page. Banner (B=) The default is your filename. Specify text that will appear on the lower part of the banner page. Replace or with up to 12 characters of text. Place quotes ("") around the text if it contains spaces. Copies Help Screen\hPurpose: Specify the number of copies to print.\hOptions: Copies (C=<1-65000>) Use to indicate how many copies you want to print. The default number of copies is 1. 106: You have insufficient rights to delete this file. Ask your network supervisor to grant you the rights you need. 120: Your workstation cannot attach to NetWare server %s. You currently have the maximum number of NetWare bindery server attachments allowed (8). Log out of one of the servers or print to one of the eight you are already attached to. 123: There is no available slot for attachment on NetWare server %s. The maximum number of users who can be attached simultaneously has been reached. Wait until a slot becomes available. 200: The tab size specified must be a number from 1 through 18. 210: The number of copies specified must be a number from 1 through %u. 608: Printer %s was specified in a print job configuration, but the printer cannot be found in the directory. Do one of the following: Specify a printer with the Printer (P=) option. Use PRINTCON to change the specified printer. Create a printer with the specified name in the directory. 609: Printer %s was specified in a print job configuration, but no print queues are serviced by this printer. Either use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to assign the printer to a queue, or specify a different printer. Printer %s does not have a default print queue. A substitute print queue serviced by the same printer will be selected. 501: No print queues are serviced by the specified printer, %s. Either choose another printer or assign a queue to the printer. Delete Help Screen\hPurpose: Deletes the file after sending it to the print queue.\hOptions: Delete (DEL) Include this option to automatically erase the file after you print it. The default is to not delete the file or files. 500: This utility is unable to find printer, %s, in the directory. Make sure the printer name was typed correctly, or use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to make sure that it exists. 700: The mode, %s, of device, %s, cannot be found in the PRINTDEF database. Either specify a valid mode or create a new mode with the specified name. The following files are being sent to printer %s using print queue %s: Job owner :%s VeRsIoN=4.12 NPRINT will use the following option settings: CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1983 - 1995, Novell Inc. All rights reserved. (PUBLIC) 602: This utility could not open the print job configuration database, PRINTJOB.DAT owned by %s. Try specifying the NPRINT options on the command line instead of using the Job (J=) option. 603: This utility could not read the print job configuration database, PRINTJOB.DAT owned by %s. Try specifying the NPRINT options on the command line instead of using the Job (J=) option. 224: The form number supplied was not in the forms database. Use PRINTDEF to see which form numbers have been defined on your NetWare server, then try again with a correct form number. 230: In bindery mode, you can print only to a print queue. You attempted to specify a printer in the command. Specify a print queue. For example, Q=LEGAL_Q. 231: You cannot specify both a printer and a print queue on the same command line. If you are in Directory Services mode, specify either a printer or a print queue. If you are in bindery mode, specify a print queue. 232: A printer name must be specified with the Printer (P=) option. 917: This utility was unable to set the context. 116: An error occurred in getting your username from the shell. Upgrade your client software to the most current versions; then try again. Notify :Enabled Notify :Disabled Banner :%s Banner :(None) Form Feed :Enabled Form Feed :Disabled Delete File :Enabled Delete File :Disabled Tabs :%-2d Tabs :Disabled Copies :%u Form :%-3d The following files are being sent to print queue %s: The following files are being sent to printer %s: Name :%s Name :(None) Banner : %s (Job ID=%08lX) 906: The Unicode files cannot be found. Job configuration :(No job configuration found. Internal defaults were used.) >>>Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel 923: An unexpected error has occurred: %d (%04.4X). 604: An internal program error prevented NPRINT from opening the PRINTCON database. Try specifying the NPRINT options on the command line instead of using the Job (J=) option. If the problem persists, notify your network supervisor. 605: No print job configuration default has been set. Specify a print job configuration using the Job (J=) option, or specify a queue on the command line. 606: A valid print job configuration was not specified. Use PRINTCON to see which configurations are currently defined for your user account. Then specify a valid configuration with the Job (J=) option. General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send files to a network printer.\hSyntax: NPRINT [options] Options: Delete (DEL) Job (J=). Queue (Q=) Server (S=) Details (D) Version (/VER) - Display program version information Hold (HOLD) - Send a print job to a queue without having it print.\hOther help: Type /? or /? ALL General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send files to a network printer.\hSyntax: NPRINT [options] Options: Delete (DEL) Job (J=). You can also specify the context in which to look for a print job configuration if it is outside the current search path by identifying the container or user owning the configuration: J=: Queue (Q=) Printer (P=) Server (S=) Details (D) Version (/VER) - Display program version information Hold (HOLD) - Send a print job to a queue without having it print.\hOther help: Type /? or /? ALL. General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send files to a network printer.\hSyntax: NPRINT [options] Options: Delete (DEL) Job (J=) Queue (Q=) Details (D) Version (/VER) - Display program version information Hold (HOLD) - Send a print job to a queue without having it print.\hOther help: Type /? or /? ALL. General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send files to a network printer.\hSyntax: NPRINT [options] Options: Delete (DEL) Job (J=) You can also specify the context in which to look for a print job configuration if it is outside the current search path by identifying the container or user owning the configuration: J=: Queue (Q=) Printer (P=) Server (S=) Details (D) Version (/VER) - Display program version information Hold (HOLD) - Send a print job to a queue without having it print.\hOther help: Type /? or /? ALL. 158: The desired queue was incorrectly created. This queue may need to be deleted then created again. Check with your network supervisor. Form Help Screen\hPurpose: Specify a form to print on.\hOptions: Form (F=
) The default is form=0 Specify the name or number of the form to print your job on. Form Feed Help Screen\hPurpose: Leave the printer ready to start the next print job at the top of the next sheet of paper after this print job is printed.\hOptions: FormFeed (FF) If form feed is enabled, the printer starts printing the next job at the top of the next sheet of paper. However, if an application places a form feed at the end of its output, using this option causes an extra blank page to be fed through. Default is FormFeed enabled. No FormFeed (NFF) Include if you want to disable form feed at the printer. Job Help Screen\hPurpose: Specify the print job configuration to use to print this print job.\hOptions: Job (J=) Specify which job configuration to use.\hNPRINT options can be configured by using PRINTCON. The order of precedence is: 1) specific use of the command line option, 2) specific use of the Job option, 3) default job, 4) internal defaults indicated below: No NOTIfy -- Server= -- Form=0 Copies=1 -- NoTabs -- NAMe= Banner= -- FormFeed Job Help Screen\hPurpose: Specify the print job configuration to use to print this print job.\hOptions: Job (J=) You can also specify the context in which to look for a print job configuration if it is outside the current search path by identifying the container or user owning the configuration: J=:\hNPRINT options can be configured in a print job configuration using NetWare Administrator or PRINTCON utilities. The order of precedence is: 1) specific use of the command line option, 2) specific use of the Job option, 3) default job, 4) internal defaults indicated below: No NOTIfy -- Form=0 Copies=1 -- NoTabs -- NAMe= Banner= -- FormFeed Notify Help Screen\hPurpose: Receive messages from the print server when a job has printed.\hOptions: Notify (NOTI) Include if you want to be notified that your data has printed. A message will appear on your screen: >> PRINTED ON . The banner name is either the name of the file you are printing or the text you specified with the Banner option. No Notify (NNOTI) Include if you do not want to be notified. You need this only if NOTIfy is enabled in your PRINTCON job configuration and you want to disable it. The default is No Notify. Queue Help Screen\hPurpose: Direct a print job to a specific print queue.\hOptions: Queue (Q=) There is no default print queue set up unless you specified a print queue in a print job configuration. The queue name can be any number of characters from 2 through 47. Printer/Queue Help Screen\hPurpose: Direct a print job to a specific printer or print queue.\hOptions: Printer (P=) Indicate which printer the print job should be sent to. The print queue associated with the printer will be used. If you want to know which print queue will be used, include the Details (D) option. Queue (Q=) Indicate which print queue the print job should be sent to. There is no default set up unless you have created a print job configuration. The Printer and Queue options cannot be used in the same command. Server Help Screen\hPurpose: Direct a print job to a NetWare server.\hOptions: Server (S=) Specify the NetWare bindery server that data should be sent to for printing. The default is your default server. Tabs Help Screen\hPurpose: Control tab size in print jobs.\hOptions: The default No Tabs (NT) option eliminates potential problems with byte stream print jobs. This option ensures that all tabs in your print job arrive at the printer unchanged. Tabs (T=) If your printer does not interpret tabs, specify the number of spaces from 1 through 18 to replace each tab in your print job. Details Help Screen\hPurpose: Request additional information about printing parameters.\hOptions: Details (D) Include if you want to verify that the combination of command line options and print job configuration options are producing the desired effect. The Details option also clarifies which print queue is being used when this information might not otherwise be displayed. It also causes pagination of the normal display of filenames to the screen. For help, type NPRINT /? 219: A form name can be no longer than 12 characters. 503: This utility is unable to find print queue %s in the directory. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to make sure the print queue exists in the specified location. 504: This utility is unable to find print queue %s on server %s. Use the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility to make sure the print queue exists and is located on the specified server. Server Help Screen\hPurpose: Direct a print job to a NetWare bindery server.\hOptions: Server (S=) Specify the NetWare server containing the bindery queue you want to send the print job to. This option forces bindery attachment to the server and should be used only to access NetWare servers outside of the Directory. 613: The ":" in the Job (J=) option is valid only under Directory Services. Use NPRINT J=. 233: You cannot specify both a printer and a server on the command line. Specify a queue instead of the printer. 614: NPRINT cannot locate the job configuration owner specified in the J=: option. Make sure that the context (user or container) exists and that the context is correct. If is a user name, "CN=" must precede the user name. Examples: NPRINT J=MYPRINTER:.PRINTING.SALES.NOVELL NPRINT J=MYPRINTER:PRINTING.. NPRINT J=MYPRINTER:.CN=SMITH.SALES.NOVELL NPRINT J=MYPRINTER:CN=SMITH.. VERSION=4.10.4 506: There are no printers or queues assigned to print job configuration %s. Specify a printer (P=) or print queue (Q=) (not both) on the command line, or assign one to the print job configuration using PRINTCON. 615: An internal program error prevented NPRINT from opening the PRINTCON database. Try specifying the NPRINT options from the command line. If the problem persists, notify your network supervisor. 611: The print job configuration %s could not be found in the directory. PRINTCON databases in Directory Services are attached to users or to containers. Use PRINTCON or NetWare Administrator to create a valid configuration in your user database or in the container's database. If you specify a user name for in the J=: option, "CN=" must precede the user name. 507: Nprint cannot access queue %s. Verify that the NetWare volume associated with this queue is mounted. If the problem persists, notify your network supervisor. 612: The print job configuration %s could not be found on your default server %s. Use PRINTCON to view valid configurations on this server. Then either create a configuration with the name specified or specify a valid configuration. 253: The volume for this print queue is on a different server. This queue cannot be used in bindery mode. LaNgUaGe=English (English) Display Program Version Information \h Purpose: Display information about NPRINT.EXE\h Options: Version (/VER) The /VER option will display: The path to the NPRINT.EXE file. Version and copyright information. Additional files required to run NPRINT. You cannot use /VER with other options. General Help Page 2\hNPRINT configuration options: Banner (B=) Name (NAM=) No Banner (NB) [No] FormFeed (FF or NFF) [No] NOTIfy (NOTI or NNOTI) Tabs (T=<1-18>) No Tabs (NT) Copies (C=<1-65000>) Form (F=) General Help Page 2\hNPRINT configuration options: Banner (B=) Name (NAM=) No Banner (NB) [No] FormFeed (NFF or NFF) [No] NOTIfy (NOTI or NNOTI) Tabs (T=<1-18>) No Tabs (NT) (default) Copies (C=<1-65000>) Form (F=) General Help Page 2\hNPRINT configuration options: Banner (B=) Name (NAM=) No Banner (NB) [No] FormFeed (FF or NFF) [No] NOTIfy (NOTI or NNOTI) Tabs (T=<1-18>) No Tabs (NT) (default) Copies (C=<1-65000>) Form (F=) Hold Help Screen\hPurpose: Send a print job to a queue without having it print.\h HOLD Submit a print job to a queue, but do not print it until the user or a print queue operator removes the hold by using the PCONSOLE or NetWare Administrator utility. User hold :Enabled User hold :Disabled 616: Both and are missing form the J=: option. NPRINT J=: is used to specify the owner of a print job configuration outside of the current search path. NPRINT without the J= option will use the current default print job configuration. 142: NPRINT encountered an error while logging in to NetWare server %s as a bindery user. The BINDERY CONTEXT is probably not be set on the server. Verify that the BINDERY CONTEXT is set on the server %s, then try NPRINT again. 229: The job configuration contains a form that does not exist. 620: NPRINT attempted to use a HostPrint job configuration from the command line or as a default. The print job configuration specified can be used only with HostPrint. It cannot be used with NPRINT.