NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: HPT011.EXE - Enhanced PRINTCON for HostPrint README FOR: HPT011.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare HostPrint 1.11 ABSTRACT: HPT011.EXE contains a version of the NetWare 4.1 PRINTCON utility which makes configuration of HostPrint 1.11 and HostPrint/400 easier by eliminating the need to use HPDEF and PRINTDEF. It is only for HostPrint 1.11 and HostPrint/400 1.0 on NetWare 4.1 and NetWare 3.12 servers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM: HPT011.EXE contains a version of the NetWare 4.1 PRINTCON utility which makes configuration of HostPrint 1.11 and HostPrint/400 easier by eliminating the need to use HPDEF to export print device names and PRINTDEF to import print device names.. The new PRINTCON accesses the list of HostPrint print device names directly from the HPDEF.DAT database. The HPDEF.DAT that is included with HostPrint contains print device definitions that are appropriate for most installations. Therefore, in most cases the new PRINTCON eliminates the need to use HPDEF or PRINTDEF when configuring HostPrint thus allowing configuration with just PRINTCON and CSCON. SOLUTION: Apply the files found in HPT011.EXE Self-Extracting File Name: hpt011.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ HPT011.TXT (This file) CAPTURE.EXE 381312 3-28-95 10:30:46 am CAPTURE.MSG 35157 3-28-95 10:20:34 am IBM_RUN.OVL 2815 2-1-94 8:33:50 am NPRINT.EXE 372128 3-28-95 10:48:48 am NPRINT.MSG 28679 3-28-95 10:44:30 am PCONSOLE.EXE 820687 3-28-95 10:54:00 am PRINTCON.EXE 527576 3-28-95 10:25:46 am PRINTCON.HEP 16544 9-22-94 1:01:12 pm PRINTCON.MSG 9010 3-28-95 10:20:12 am TEXTUTIL.HEP 11859 10-3-94 4:38:38 pm TEXTUTIL.IDX 9170 12-10-90 1:37:24 pm TEXTUTIL.MSG 29740 10-5-94 3:08:14 pm Installation Instructions: Installing HPT011 I. Install HPT011 only on a NetWare 4.1 or 3.12 server; it cannot be used on a NetWare 4.0x server. IIA. ONLY if HostPrint is installed on a NetWare 4.1 server, or a NetWare 3.12 server with NetSync (that is, a NetWare 3.12 server that the NetWare 4.1 utility NetSync, has modified to use NetWare 4 printer utilities in a mixed 4.1 and 3.12 environment): --1. Copy the following new files to SYS:PUBLIC on the HostPrint server: -------CAPTURE.EXE -------NPRINT.EXE -------PCONSOLE.EXE -------PRINTCON.EXE --2. Copy the following new files to SYS:PUBLIC\NLS\ENGLISH on the HostPrint server: -------CAPTURE.MSG -------NPRINT.MSG -------PRINTCON.MSG IIB. If HostPrint is installed on a NetWare 3.12 server without NetSync (that is, a NetWare 3.12 server using NetWare 3 printer utilities), there are two ways to proceed. --1. If a NetWare 4.1 server is available, copy the files described in IIA (above) to the PUBLIC directory of the NetWare 4.1 server and execute PRINTCON from there. --2. If there is no NetWare 4.1 server available, create a directory "HPUTIL" under SYS:SYSTEM of the 3.12 server, and copy the following files in HPT011 to that directory and execute PRINTCON from there. ------PRINTCON.EXE ------PRINTCON.MSG ------PRINTCON.HEP ------IBM_RUN.OVL ------TEXTUTIL.IDX ------TEXTUTIL.MSG ------TEXTUTIL.HEP III. How to Use the Enhanced PRINTCON to Configure HostPrint In Chapter 2 of the "NetWare HostPrint Administration Guide", you can skip the first 21 pages and start with "Defining Print Jobs" on page 2-22. (If you need to add more print device definitions or modify existing definitions, see pages 2-1 through 2-13 -- but you can omit the "Export Print Devices" step at the bottom of page 2-12.) When the key is pressed to define a new print job, the menu that appears has a new option, "Public Database for HostPrint". (This option appears if the HPDEF.DAT file is present on the current server and you have access rights to it.) If you select this new option, the print job configuration panel will appear, as usual. However, when you press in the "Device:" field, the selection list which appears now contains the list of HostPrint device names from the HPDEF database on the HostPrint server (the current server, where the print job definition will be saved) - rather than a list of device names from the PRINTDEF database on the target server (the server that contains the destination print queue). IV. If you want to modify an existing definition or create a new one you can still use the old configuration procedures. The old method can be used instead of or in combination with the simplified procedure. In other words, HostPrint can use any print job that contains a print device name that can be found in the HPDEF database -- regardless of whether that device name was imported into the PRINTDEF database (so that the print job could be configured the "old way") or the device name was obtained directly from the HPDEF database (using the new, simplified method). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------