C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. Available Options Help 1 of 1 ===================================================================== Select Host Link Select this option if you wish to choose a host link (also known as service profile). A host link represents a physical connection from the NetWare server to a mainframe host. Change Current Server Select this option if you wish to change a communication server on which you are using HPCONSOL utility. Server - User Name Help 1 of 1 ===================================================================== From this list you can select one communication server on which you will use HPCONSOL utility, or you can attach to a new server. You can also detach from the communication server to which you are currently attached. Press this key if you wish to attach to this server in order to use HPCONSOL Press this key if you wish to attach to a new server Press this key if you wish to detach the highlighted server Press this key if you wish to exit the current menu User Name Help 1 of 1 ================================================================= Enter your valid NetWare user name. To make changes on the Printer Control Panel of a host printer session you must log in as HOSTPRT or have SUPERVISOR rights. Password Help 1 of 1 =========================================================== Enter the password that is valid for the user name you have just entered. Exit HPCONSOL Help 1 of 1 ============================================================ No Select this option if you wish to remain on HPCONSOL utility Yes Select this option if you wish to exit HPCONSOL utility Press this key if you wish to remain on HPCONSOL utility Select Server to use HPCONSOL Help 1 of 1 =================================================================== From this list, you can select one server to attach to, in order to use HPCONSOL utility. Note that this server must have had NetWare HostPrint loaded. Press this key if you wish to attach to the highligted server Press this key if you wish to exit this list Logout From Server Help 1 of 1 =============================================================== No Select this option if you wish to remain logged on to the current server Yes Select this option if you wish to log out from the current server Press this key if you wish to remain logged on to the current server Other Servers Help 1 of 1 =========================================================== From this list you can select a communication server to attach to. Press this key if you wish to attach to the highlighted server Press this key if you wish to exit this list without selecting any server Display Host Links Help 1 of 1 ===================================================================== This is a list of host links on a NetWare server that you can choose from. There is a maximum of 2 host links per NetWare server. A host link (also known as service profile) represents a physical connection from the NetWare server to the mainframe host. Press this key if you wish to select the highlighted host link Press this key if you wish to exit from this list Display Printer LUs Help 1 of 1 ===================================================================== This is a list of host printer session LU names, that you can select from. You can examine or modify certain values of the selected host printer session, such as its print job number, printer status, Characters per Line, etc.. Each host printer session name represents an LU Type 1 (LU1) or Type 3 (LU3) printer session on a link from the NetWare server to a mainframe host. Press this key if you wish to select the highlighted host printer session name Press this key if you wish to exit this list Printer Control Panel Help 1 of 5 ============================================================================ The Printer Control Panel displays fields and "buttons" that represent some of the indicators and switches found on a 3287 printer front panel. The Control Panel allows you to view the 3287 emulated host printer session. It also allows you to modify different values on the panel if you logged in as HOSTPRT or if you have SUPERVISOR rights. Print Job Number and Print Job Status When the host printer session is not active, the Print Job Number and Print Job Status both display blanks. When the host printer session is active and ready, and a print job has been submitted: - the Print Job Number shows the NetWare print job number of the print job. - the Print Job Status first shows "Adding" when the host data is being accumulated into a print buffer. Then, when the data starts being printed, the Print Job Status field shows "Ready". Printer Control Panel Help 2 of 5 ======================================================================= Print Job Name The Print Job Name represents a combination of a NetWare file server, and the print queue that this file server owns. File Server Name This is the NetWare file server that contains the print queue mentioned above. Print Queue Name This is the print queue on the NetWare server, where print jobs from this host printer session are to be directed for printing. Host Application When the host session is active and ready, this field displays the Primary Logical Unit (PLU in IBM mainframe terminology) name. When the session is not active, it displays "unbound".u Printer Control Panel Help 3 of 5 ======================================================================== Printer Session State If you wish to have the printer session start automatically when NetWare HostPrint is loaded, set this field to ON (Online to Host). Otherwise set this session state to OFF (Offline). If you wish to change the Print Job Name, you must first set the session state to OFF. Then, press on the Print Job Name field. You will be shown a list of PrintJob - Server - PrintQueue items you can select from. Printer Status This field (also known as Status Indicator) displays a 2-byte status code of the emulated IBM 3287 host printer. A Printer Status message will also display on the bottom of the screen for the non-zero status code. Printer Control Panel Help 4 of 5 ======================================================================== Chars Per Line (MPP) This field (also known as Maximum Print Position) lets you set the width of the print line that is to be assumed at the start of each print job that is spooled to the NetWare print queue. Values are from 1 to 255. Lines Per Inch (LPI) This field lets you set the density of the data to be printed. It is the combination of the Vertical Density and the Single/ Double Space features. Valid values are 3, 4, 6, and 8. Lines Per Page (MPL) This field (also known as Maximum Print Line) lets you set the height of the print page that is to be assumed at the start of each print job. Values are from 1 to 255. Print Control Panel Help 5 of 5 ======================================================================== Cancel Print = F2 This "button" is equivalent to the Cancel Print Switch on the 3287 printer front panel. Press F2 if you wish to have the Cancel Print command sent to the host. After the command is received, the host print data that has not been printed is cleared from the buffer. Reset = F4 This "button" is the equivalent of the Reset Switch. Press F4 if you wish to have a Reset performed by the host on this printer session. PA1 = F6 and PA2 = F8 These 2 "buttons" are the equivalent of the PA1 and PA2 (Program Attention) Switches. Press F6 or F8 if you wish the emulated printer to send a Program Attention Signal to the host.