9 About Envoy Viewer 24 Add Pages 25 Arrange Icons 100 Author 101 Background Color (note) 70 Button 140 Cancel Link 148 Cascade 107 Center Bookmark in Window 71 Center Destination in Window 26 Change Hypertext Properties 141 Change Link 27 Change the Thumbnail Defaults 28 Change the Zoom Levels for the Main Viewer 92 Clear (hypertext QuickMenu) 38 Close a File 72 Colored Text 1 Contents 29 Control Document Size and Quality 30 Create a Bookmark 31 Create a File with Drag and Drop 32 Create a Hypertext Link 33 Create a New File in the Envoy Viewer 5 Create a Runtime File 34 Create or Edit a Sticky Note 151 Custom Options 152 Custom Options: Bitmap Color 135 Customer Support 35 Customize Bookmarks 36 Customize Highlighting 37 Customize or Resize a Note 3 Cut and Paste Note Text 76 Default Zoom 40 Delete Pages 129 Directories list 41 Display Links 42 Display the Thumbnail Views 130 Drives 117 Edit a File 43 Edit a Hypertext Link 44 Edit a Link 46 Edit an Embedded Object 93 Edit Link 94 Edit Source 47 Embed an OLE Object into an Envoy File 48 Export 131 File Name 49 File Navigation 111 First Page 108 Fit Bookmark to Window 83 Fit to Height 84 Fit to Width 85 Fit to Window 11 Fonts 73 Framed Rectangle 112 Go To Bookmark 113 Go To Page 77 Greek below: 22 greeked text 10 Help Menu 50 Hide and Display Annotations 23 Highlight 4 How Do I 99 Hypertext Properties (QuickMenu) 104 Icon Style 51 Import a File 52 Import Annotations 21 Invisible Rectangle 109 Label 114 Last Page 53 Link an Object to Envoy 133 List Files of Type 88 Maximize Document Window 115 Next Page 59 Next View 143 OLE client (definition) 125 OLE Concepts 144 OLE embedding (definition) 145 OLE linking (definition) 146 OLE server (definition) 18 Open a File 12 Open in Envoy Viewer 79 Position 89 Preferred Zooms (main view) 80 Preferred Zooms (thumbnail) 116 Previous Page 45 Previous View 6 print destination 54 Print to Paper 55 Print to the Envoy Driver 138 QuickMenu 56 Rearrange Pages 137 runtime file 19 Save a File 13 Save as Envoy File 16 Save as Runtime Viewer 17 Save in Spool Directory 8 scaling 57 Search for Annotations 58 Search for Text 134 Security 110 Select Bookmark Content after Jump 60 Select Text or Graphics for Export 61 Select Thumbnails 62 Send an Envoy File by E-Mail 14 Send to E-mail Users 63 Set Up the Envoy Driver 20 Set Up the Printer 90 Set Zoom To: 153 Settings list 64 Show or Hide the Toolbar and Status Bar 81 Show Page Numbers 74 Source Text Color 105 Text Color (note) 106 Text Options 149 Tile 150 Tile Horizontal 75 Underlined Colored Text 69 Underlined Only 142 Update Now 65 Use a Hypertext Link 66 Use Bookmarks 2 Use Help 126 Use the Window Menu 127 Use Thumbnails 128 Use Thumbnails to Move to Another Page 67 Zoom In 68 Zoom Out