NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Current update for Novell DOS 7 README FOR: D70U14.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: Novell DOS 7 ABSTRACT: This file contains the current updates to the release of Novell DOS 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM: For symptoms, review the file HISTORY.TXT. New files for this release: IBMBIO.COM - Several minor changes. IBMDOS.COM - Several minor changes. COMMAND.COM - Memory allocation issues fixed. Return error code from last program fixed for DMAKE compatibility. EMM386.EXE - XMS 3.0 functionality issues, Intel SatiFAXtion, UMB >F000 and Windows crash, MEMMAX -V and /GATEA20 issues fixed. HIMEM.SYS - XMS handles issues fixed. DPMS.EXE - VCPI >8MB memory allocation, XMS 3.0 functionality issues fixed. TASKMGR.EXE - XMS upper memory blocks, Network drive termination ans LOCAL HANDLES issues fixed. MEMMAX.COM - MEMMAX +-V updates UMB root DOS internal variables correctly. MEM.EXE - Using XMS 3.0 to determine free XMS on 386+ processors. KEYB.COM - Corrected Hungarian enhanced keyboard layout. NLSFUNC.EXE - NLSFUNC was crashing on load when NCACHE2 was loaded before and both were using HMA. DISKCOPY.COM - Changes only serial number in extended boot record. DISKCOMP.COM - No longer unnecessarily physically formats floppies. FORMAT.COM - No longer physically formats floppies which have already the correct physical format but had a different logical format before. FDISK.COM - DELPURGE.EXE - Last modified date reported now correctly when file was deleted while DELWATCH was active. UNDELETE.EXE - Last modified date now reported correctly when recovering file that was deleted with DELWATCH active. LOCK.EXE - LOCK /T:X pop-up now correct when the system is still active. EDIT.COM - All subdirectory are displayed, not just those that matched file mask. EXE2BIN.EXE - Several minor changes. SOLUTION: Apply the files as indicated in the installation instructions. Self-Extracting File Name: d70u14.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ D70U14.TXT (This file) ASSIGN.COM 7613 7-31-95 7:00:00 am CHKDSK.EXE 59459 7-31-95 7:00:00 am COMMAND.COM 56613 7-31-95 7:00:00 am DEBUG.EXE 39555 7-31-95 7:00:00 am DELPURGE.EXE 27317 7-31-95 7:00:00 am DISKCOMP.COM 16283 7-31-95 7:00:00 am DISKCOPY.COM 16492 7-31-95 7:00:00 am DPMS.EXE 36310 7-31-95 7:00:00 am EDIT.COM 103746 7-31-95 7:00:00 am EMM386.EXE 182272 7-31-95 7:00:00 am EXE2BIN.EXE 9845 7-31-95 7:00:00 am FDISK.COM 19265 7-31-95 7:00:00 am FILELINK.EXE 99851 7-31-95 7:00:00 am FORMAT.COM 22676 7-31-95 7:00:00 am HIMEM.SYS 14760 7-31-95 7:00:00 am HISTORY.TXT 33390 8-11-95 9:01:32 am IBMBIO.COM 25624 7-31-95 7:00:00 am IBMDOS.COM 30884 7-31-95 7:00:00 am KEYB.COM 40575 7-31-95 7:00:00 am LOCK.EXE 31408 7-31-95 7:00:00 am MEM.EXE 16674 7-31-95 7:00:00 am MEMMAX.COM 2411 7-31-95 7:00:00 am NLSFUNC.EXE 2771 7-31-95 7:00:00 am NWCACHE.EXE 34969 7-31-95 7:00:00 am NWCACHE.OV1 33565 7-31-95 7:00:00 am NWCACHE.OV2 29463 7-31-95 7:00:00 am NWCDEX.EXE 21736 1-23-95 7:00:00 am PRINT.COM 22496 1-23-95 7:00:00 am SETFIFO.EXE 1982 4-1-94 8:55:22 am SHARE.EXE 4856 7-31-95 7:00:00 am SUBST.EXE 7835 7-31-95 7:00:00 am TASKMGR.EXE 44992 7-31-95 7:00:00 am TREE.COM 12511 1-23-95 7:00:00 am UNDELETE.EXE 100976 7-31-95 7:00:00 am XDEL.EXE 13491 1-23-95 7:00:00 am XDIR.EXE 22380 1-23-95 7:00:00 am Installation Instructions: Make a backup copy of each file being replaced before copying the new file into that same directory. The integrity of any file can be verified by comparing the file's checksum with the checksum located in HISTORY.TXT. To calculate the checksum of any file, use the Novell DOS 7 command XDIR /C from the command line. Copy all files to the NWDOS directory except for IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM, and COMMAND.COM. Instructions for these three files are as follows: ----------- COPY A:\COMMAND.COM C:\COMMAND.COM / ----------------------- XCOPY A:\IBMBIO.COM C:\IBMBIO.COM /HRV ATTRIB -A +R +S +H C:\IBMBIO.COM XCOPY A:\IBMDOS.COM C:\IBMDOS.COM /HRV ATTRIB -A +R +S +H C:\IBMDOS.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------