Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Clear Trace File Help 1 of 1 This option clears the default NetWare SQL trace file, SYS:SYSTEM\NW$SQL.LOG. Action Keys =Return to previous screen =View Help Btrieve Monitor Help 1 of 2 The Btrieve Monitor utility allows you to select the following monitoring functions: Active Resources Displays all active files, all users for each file, and all files for each user. User Information Displays all active Btrieve users and all files for each user. =Exit Help =Next Btrieve Monitor Help 2 of 2 Resource Usage Displays current, peak, and maximum values for files, handles, locks, and transactions in use, as well as total active users. Communication Statistics Displays SPX protocol statistics for the communications module you have loaded (BSPXCOM, BSPXSTUB, or RSPXSTUB). Action Keys = Go to selected option = Exit the Btrieve Monitor = View Help = Previous Screen Btrieve Resource Usage Help 1 of 1 *Files Active files. *Handles Number of times files have been opened, including multiple openings of the same file. Locks Internal page-level locks in use. Btrieve allocates and uses these lock resources dynamically. *Transactions Active transactions. *Clients Clients. The maximum is twice the number of SPX sessions. Threads Concurrent Btrieve processes. *You can use the Btrieve Setup utility to configure these items. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help Active Btrieve Files Help 1 of 1 This screen displays the sorted file path of all active Btrieve files. Action Keys = Display statistics about selected file = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen Btrieve File Statistics Help 1 of 2 This screen displays statistics for the selected Btrieve file. Handles Total handles associated with this file Open Mode Current open access mode: Read Only Accelerated Normal Exclusive Page Size The page size for the file TTS Flag Indicates whether the Transaction Tracking System is active for this file. Y Yes, N No =Exit Help =Next Btrieve File Statistics Help 2 of 2 Read-Only Flag Indicates whether the file is flagged as read only. Y Yes, N No Record Locks Indicates whether there are any multiple- or single-record locks currently on this file. Y Yes, N No Transaction Lock Indicates whether the entire file is locked by a transaction. Y Yes, N No Action Keys = Display all users using selected file = Return to previous screen = View Help = Previous help screen Btrieve File Users List Help 1 of 1 This screen displays the users currently accessing the selected Btrieve file. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen Btrieve User List Help 1 of 2 This screen displays a list of Btrieve users active on the current server. The utility identifies each user based on location, as follows: If the user is located at a workstation, the utility displays the user name (such as JDOE). If the user is located at a local server, the utility displays the user name (such as JDOE) or the full name of the process (such as NetWare SQL). =Exit Help =Next Btrieve User List Help 2 of 2 If the user is located at a remote server, the utility displays either the process-supplied, 2-character agent ID or the full name of the process (such as NetWare SQL). Action Keys = Display information about selected user = Return to previous screen = View Help = End selected user's Btrieve session = Update list of active users = Previous help screen Btrieve User Information Help 1 of 4 This screen lists information about each Btrieve user. Handles Shows the number of Btrieve handles that the user has open. Connection Number Displays the NetWare connection number if the process originates at a workstation. If the process originates at a server, the field is empty. Task Number Contains the process supplied task number if the process originates at a server, a Windows work- station, or an OS/2 workstation. If the process originates at a DOS workstation, this field contains the SPX socket number. =Exit Help =Next Btrieve User Information Help 2 of 4 Site Specifies the location of the user process, as follows: LS Local server RS Remote server WS Workstation User Location Identifies the user process, as follows: If the user is located at a workstation, this field contains the network number and node address. If the user is a located at a server, this field contains the server name. =Exit Help =Next =PreviousA" Btrieve User Information Help 3 of 4 Locks Used Shows the number of locks the user has specifically requested. This number varies, depending on whether the user is in a transaction. For more detailed information, refer to the Btrieve 6.1 Installation and Operation manual. Locks Available Indicates the total number of locks available to the user. Records Read This field shows the number of Btrieve records the user has read. Records Inserted This field shows the number of Btrieve records the user has inserted. =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve User Information Help 4 of 4 Records Deleted Number of Btrieve records the user has deleted. Records Updated Number of Btrieve records the user has updated. Disk Accesses Number of times the user has made Btrieve calls that required disk I/O. Cache Accesses Number of times the user has made Btrieve calls that accessed the Btrieve cache buffers. Action Keys = List files accessed by selected user = Return to previous screen = View Help = Update list of active files = Previous Help Screen Btrieve User Files List Help 1 of 1 This screen lists the Btrieve files that the selected user is currently accessing. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help = Update list of files NetWare SQL and Btrieve Resource Usage Help 1 of 2 This screen allows you to view the following resources for NetWare SQL and Btrieve: NetWare SQL Dictionaries Databases with at least one active session. Views Total active views. Sessions Total active NetWare SQL sessions. Active Requests Concurrent requests being serviced. Total Logins Count of all sessions since NetWare SQL was loaded. =Exit Help =Next NetWare SQL and Btrieve Resource Usage Help 2 of 2 Btrieve *Files Active files. *Handles Times files have been opened, including multiple openings of the same file. Locks Internal page-level locks in use. These lock resources are allocated and used dynamically by Btrieve. *Transactions Active transactions. *Clients Clients. The maximum is twice the number of SPX sessions. Threads Concurrent Btrieve processes. * -> You can use the Btrieve Setup utility to configure these items. Action Keys =Return to previous screen =View Help Named Databases Help 1 of 1 This screen shows each named database currently being advertised across the network as well as the server on which the database resides. The databases are sorted by server name. NOTE: Each database should have a unique name. If there are two databases on the network with the same name, one of the databases will be ignored. Use the NetWare SQL Setup utility to rename one of the databases. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen Communications Statistics Help 1 of 1 This screen displays SPX communications statistics for NetWare SQL. The "Total" values are cumulative from the time NetWare SQL is loaded. The "Current" values are cumulative from the time you enter this screen. The monitor utilty periodically updates the screen. NOTE: The NetWare SQL requests and concurrent process statistics are for SPX communications; they do not include requests made by local NLMs. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help NetWare SQL Monitor Help 1 of 3 The NetWare SQL Monitor utility allows you to select the following monitoring functions: Active Resources NetWare SQL Displays all active dictionaries, all active sessions for each dictionary, and detailed information on each session. Btrieve Displays all active files, all users for each file, and all files for each user. User Information NetWare SQL Displays all active sessions and detailed information for each session. Btrieve Displays all active Btrieve users and all files for each user. =Exit Help =NextD9 NetWare SQL Monitor Help 2 of 3 Resource Usage Displays current, peak, and maximum values NetWare SQL Displays dictionaries, views, sessions, and threads in use as well as total logins. Btrieve Displays files, handles, locks, and transactions in use as well as total active clients. Communication Statistics Displays current, available, maximum, and peak values for various NetWare SQL and Btrieve SPX statistics. Named Databases Shows all named databases being actively advertised on network and the server on which each database resides. (To add, modify, or delete a database name, use the NetWare SQL Setup utility.) NetWare SQL Monitor Help 3 of 3 Trace File Control Allows user to control tracing of various NetWare SQL operations, including logins/logouts, failed logouts, and all other operations. You can also clear the trace file or save the trace data to another file. Action Keys = Go to selected option = Exit the NetWare SQL Monitor = View Help Trace File Control Help 1 of 2 This screen allows you to choose between various NetWare SQL tracing options. The trace information is stored in SYS:SYSTEM\NW$SQL.LOG. To view the trace file, use any standard text editor. Trace Options NetWare SQL Logins/Logouts Use Failed NetWare SQL Logins to toggle between All other NetWare SQL Calls ON and OFF. =Exit Help =Next Trace File Control Help 2 of 2 Clear Trace File Erases default trace file Save Trace Information Copies the contents of the default trace file to a user-specified file. Action Keys =Select control operaton =View Help =Return to previous screen Active Resources Help 1 of 1 This option allows you to view a list of active Btrieve data files. Action Keys = List active Btrieve files = Return to previous screen = View Help User Information Help 1 of 1 This screen allows you to choose between viewing user information for NetWare SQL or NetWare Btrieve. Action Keys =Go to selection =Return to previous screen =View HelpAE Btrieve User Information Help 1 of 3 This screen lists information on each Btrieve user. User_Name For a workstation process, this field contains the NetWare User ID. For a server process (VAP or NLM), it contains the internal, application-specified, 2-byte Agent ID or the application name, if known (NetWare SQL, for example). Conn# For a workstation process, this field contains the NetWare connection number. Otherwise, it is empty. =Exit Help =NexthH Btrieve User Information Help 2 of 3 Task# For a Windows or OS/2 application, this field contains the task number for that environment. For a DOS application, it contains the dynamic SPX socket number. For a server process, it contains the application- specified task number. Site This is the location of the user process, as follows: LS Local Server RS Remote Server WS Workstation Handles This shows the number of Btrieve handles open by the user. =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve User Information Help 3 of 3 User_Location If the user is a workstation process (WS), this field contains the network number and node address. If the user is a server process (LS or RS), the field contains the server name. Locks_Used Number of locks used / Total user locks available Action Keys = View file information for the selected user = Return to previous screen = View Help = Reset selected user's Btrieve session = Refresh screen = Previous help screen Btrieve Client Information Help 1 of 3 This screen lists information about all files that the selected user has open. User Information: Shows cumulative totals for this user, including records read, records inserted, records deleted, records updated, disk accesses, and cache accesses. File Information: Shows the file path, open mode, transaction type, and lock information for each file, as follows: File Path Shows the complete path of each file this user has open =Exit Help =Next Btrieve Client Information Help 2 of 3 File Information (continued): Open Mode Shows the Btrieve open mode: A Accelerated N Normal E Exclusive R Read Only Locks Shows the type of record lock: s Single-record lock outside a transaction m Multiple-record locks outside a transaction N No record locks S Single-record lock within a transaction M Multiple-record locks within a transaction =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve Client Information Help 3 of 3 File Information (continued): Trans Indicates the current type of transaction lock: N No transaction requested X Exclusive transaction, without locks C Concurrent transaction, without locks XL Exclusive transaction, whole file locked CL Concurrent transaction, all or part of file locked XW Exclusive transaction, waiting to lock file CW Concurrent transaction, waiting to lock all or part of file Action Keys = Return to previous screen = Refresh screen = Previous help screen = View Help Active Btrieve Files Help 1 of 2 This screen displays the following information for each active Btrieve file: Handles Total handles associated with this file Open Mode Accelerated Mode User has shared read/write access Exclusive Mode User has exclusive access Normal Mode User has normal shared read/write access Read Only Mode User has read only access Page Size The page size in bytes of this file = Exit Help = Next Active File Information Help 2 of 2 Read-only Flag Whether the file is flagged as read only Y Yes, N No Record Locks Whether there are any multiple- or single-record locks currently on this file Y Yes, N No Transaction Lock Whether there is a transaction lock on this file Y Yes, N No TTS Flag Whether TTS is being used with the file Y Yes, N No Action Keys = Display all users using selected file = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen = Previous help screen Btrieve File Information Help 1 of 5 This screen lists user information for each open Btrieve handle. Static Information Flagged TTS? (Y)es / (N)o Flagged Read Only? (Y)es / (N)o Btrieve Page Size (in bytes) Btrieve User Information User Name For a workstation process, this field contains the NetWare UserID. For a server process (VAP or NLM), it contains the internal, application- specified, 2-byte Agent ID or the application name, if known (NetWare SQL, for example). =Exit Help =Next Btrieve File Information Help 2 of 5 Btrieve User Information (continued): Conn# For a workstation process, this field contains the NetWare connection number. Otherwise, it is empty. Task# For a Windows or OS/2 application, this field contains the task number for that environment. For a DOS application, it contains the dynamic SPX socket number. For a server process, it contains the application-specified task number. Site This is the location of the user process. LS Local server RS Remote server WS Workstation =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve File Information Help 3 of 5 Btrieve User Information (continued): User Location If the user is a workstation process (WS), this field contains the network number and node address. If the user is a server process (LS or RS), the field contains the server name. Open Mode This field shows the the Btrieve open mode, as follows: A Accelerated N Normal E Exclusive R Read Only =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve File Information Help 4 of 5 Btrieve User Information (continued): Trans This field indicates the current type of transaction lock: N No transaction requested X Exclusive transaction, without locks C Concurrent transaction, without locks XL Exclusive transaction, whole file locked CL Concurrent transaction, all or part of file locked XW Exclusive transaction, waiting to lock file CW Concurrent transaction, waiting to lock all or part of file =Exit Help =Next =Previous Btrieve File Information Help 5 of 5 Btrieve User Information (continued): Locks This field shows the type of record lock, as follows: s Single-record lock outside a transaction m Multiple-record lock outside a transaction N No record locks S Single-record lock within a transaction M Multiple-record locks within a transaction Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help = Reset user's Btrieve session = Refresh screen = Show file information = Previous help screen Active NetWare SQL Dictionaries Help 1 of 1 This screen displays all dictionaries currently being accessed by NetWare SQL. The screen includes the following information: Active Dictionary Path List of active NetWare SQL dictionary paths # Sessions Number of active sessions for each dictionary Action Keys = Display all sessions for selected dictionary = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen NetWare SQL Dictionary Information Help 1 of 3 This screen lists information on each active session for the selected dictionary. Session # An internal index used to uniquely identify each NetWare SQL session ID For an attached workstation, the NetWare connection number For an unattached workstation, a code showing the origin of the unattached request: WR Windows DR DOS OR OS/2 For a local server process, the internal 2-byte agent ID =Exit Help =Next NetWare SQL Dictionary Information Help 2 of 3 User_Location For a workstation process, the network number and node address of the workstation For a server process: Either the name of known server processes ("DAL CLIENT" for Macintosh clients, for example) or "LOCAL NLM" for others The task number passed in by the server process when the process logged in Login_Time The Month/Date, Hour/Min/Sec when NetWare SQL established the session NetWare SQL Dictionary Information Help 3 of 3 User_Name The user name given to this session at login time or, if no user name is given and the user is logged into this server through NetWare, the NetWare user ID Btr_Calls The total number of Btrieve calls this session has made Action Keys = Display detailed information on selected session = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen = Clear the selected session NetWare SQL Session Information Help 1 of 2 Miscellaneous Information User Name Name given user at login time Dictionary Path Server\Volume:Directory path of dictionary files Login Time Time session was established Current Operation The last SQL-level function or relational primitive called by the session Number of Views Number of active views for this session Active Trans Transaction type of the current transaction: N None C Concurrent transaction X Exclusive transaction =Exit Help =Next NetWare SQL Session Information Help 2 of 2 View/Table Information View # Number of this view within the total views for the session View Name Name of this view, if one has been given Table Name Name of each table in the view Sort Flag Temporary sort active for this view? Y Yes N No Lock Flag Explicit user locks set? Y Yes N No - In transaction; user locks ignored Action Keys = Return to previous screen = Refresh screen = View Help NetWare SQL Users Help 1 of 3 This screen lists information on all active NetWare SQL sessions. Session # An internal index used to uniquely identify each NetWare SQL session ID For an attached workstation, the NetWare connection number For an unattached workstation, a code showing the origin of the unattached request: WR Windows DR DOS OR OS/2 For a local server process, the internal 2-byte agent ID =Exit Help =Next NetWare SQL Users Help 2 of 3 User_Location For a workstation process, the network number and node address of the workstation For a server process: Either the name of known server processes ("DAL CLIENT" for Macintosh clients, for example) or "LOCAL NLM" for others The task number passed in by the server process when the process logged in Login_Time The Month/Date, Hour/Min/Sec when NetWare SQL established the session NetWare SQL Users Help 3 of 3 User_Name The user name given to this session at login time or, if no user name is given and the user is logged into this server through NetWare, the NetWare user ID Btr_Calls The total number of Btrieve calls this session has made Action Keys = Display detailed information on selected session = Return to previous screen = View Help = Refresh screen = Clear the selected session NetWare SQL Trace Log Help 1 of 1 This option allows you to view the NetWare SQL trace file. Action Keys =Return to previous screen =View Help Save Trace File Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the file in which you wish to save the NetWare SQL trace file (SYS:SYSTEM\NW$SQL.LOG). Enter only the file name; NetWare SQL automatically adds a .LOG extension and stores the file in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. You can then view the file with any standard text editor. Action Keys =Return to previous screen =View Help Trace File List Help 1 of 1 This screen displays a list of files that have the extension .TRC and reside in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. Only the default trace file is managed by NetWare SQL and Btrieve. Others are created when a user chooses the SAVE option from the Trace menu and saves the contents of the default file to a new file for future viewing. Action Keys =Return to previous screen =View Help Communications Statistics Help 1 of 1 This screen allows you to choose between viewing communications statistics for NetWare SQL or NetWare Btrieve. Action Keys = Go to selection = Return to previous screen = View Help Communications Statistics Help 1 of 1 This screen displays SPX communications statistics for Btrieve. Total values are cumulative from the time Btrieve is loaded; Current values are cumulative from the time you display the screen. The Monitor utility updates the screen dynamically. The communication activity shown reflects that of the module loaded at your server: If you loaded BSPXCOM, you see incoming SPX statistics. If you loaded PSPXSTUB, you see all zeros for the statistics. If you loaded RSPXSTUB, you see outgoing SPX statistics from BROUTER. The screen does not show communication activity of any remote NLMs. Action Keys = Return to previous screen = View Help