DOS Client Message File: BREQUEST 6.10, Tran 1.0 The message file %s is invalid; BREQUEST cannot be loaded. Usage: BREQUEST [/d:data_buffer_length] /d: The size of the largest data buffer which BREQUEST can send or receive. /s and /r are obsolete parameters which are accepted but ignored. /c:0 or /c:1[,loginName[,password]] run-time server support disabled/enabled /o on-the-fly compression The option specified is not a valid option. The value specified for the Data Message Length (/d) option is invalid. The workstation has insufficient memory to load BREQUEST. BREQUEST is already loaded. XQL or NSREQ is already loaded; BREQUEST must be loaded first. DOS 2.00 or greater is not loaded; load DOS 2.00 or greater. The SPX.COM file is not loaded; load the file SPX.COM. The function SPXInitialize returns an error. Make sure the file IPX.COM is loaded. The IPX socket table is full. Btrieve Requester. Version %s Copyright %s, Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The value or the name specified for the Run Time Server Support (/c) option is invalid.