Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. EDIT BRIDGE REMOTE SERVER NAME HELP The "Remote Server Name" option allows you to specify the name of the remote bridge for the selected driver. Spaces are not allowed in the remote bridge name, but the underline character may be used instead. To specify the remote bridge name, type the name and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT BRIDGE ID STRING HELP The "ID String" is an optional but recommended security feature that helps control access to the network. The remote workstation shell or remote bridge you create later must use the exact ID string you specify here in the bridge software; otherwise, the remote location will not be able to establish a connection with the bridge. You must use the same letter case when specifying the ID string in the bridge software and in the remote workstation shell. "ABC" and "abc" are NOT THE SAME! To specify the ID string, enter as many as nine characters and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT BRIDGE CONTROL PASSWORD HELP The "Control Password" is an optional but recommended security feature that helps control access to the network. The control password is used in running the LCONSOLE utility. The letter case specified for the control password during bridge configuration must agree with that used to run LCONSOLE. "ABC" and "abc" are NOT THE SAME! To specify a control password, type the password and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT BRIDGE HELP You must configure the bridge for each remote driver you selected during the bridge generation process. The first two items in the "Edit Bridge" window, "Number of lines" and "LAN Driver," have already been selected and cannot be edited. The following items may be configured from the "Edit Bridge" window: Remote Server Name ID String Control Password Page 1 of 1 EDIT BRIDGE SAVE CHANGES HELP The "Save Changes" confirmation box allows you to save the bridge configurations you just selected. To save the selected bridge configurations, highlight "Yes" and press the SELECT key. To delete the selected configurations, highlight "No" and press the SELECT key. The "Main Menu" will reappear on the screen. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE BAUD RATE HELP The "Baud Rate" option allows you to select the baud rate for the modem at the bridge end of the selected connection. The recommended baud rates for your modem are listed in the manual that came with it. If you are using a Hayes or compatible modem, set its baud rate to the highest it will support. Page 1 of 2 EDIT LINE BAUD RATE HELP If you are using a modem that is not a Hayes or compatible, set its baud rate to the highest common denominator of all the modems you are using. If you are using a COM1/COM2 board in a nondedicated external bridge, you must use a baud rate of 2400 or less. If you need a baud rate greater than 2400, you must use a dedicated bridge. To specify the baud rate, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 2 of 2 EDIT LINE MODEM TYPE HELP The "Modem Type" option allows you to specify whether the selected line's modem is a "Hayes Compatible" or a "Special Configuration." If your modem is not a Hayes or compatible, you must select the "Special Configuration" option. The "Special Configuration" option allows you to use almost any modem; however, the bridge configuration process will allow you to specify only the baud rate if this option is selected. To select the modem type, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE DIAL MODE HELP The "Dial Mode" option allows you to specify whether the modem will make the selected connection by using a touch tone or pulse dial mode. If you have a Hayes or compatible modem, you must select the "Dial Mode." To specify the phone type, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE AUTO CONNECT HELP The "Auto Connect" option allows you to instruct the bridge to automatically establish a connection with the remote target. To establish an automatic connection, press "Y" and the SELECT key. If you do not wish to establish an automatic connection, press "N" and the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE PHONE NUMBER HELP The "Phone Number" option allows you to specify the phone number of the bridge you are dialing. If you have a Hayes or compatible modem and have specified an automatic connection, you must enter the phone number of the bridge. The prompt provides a portion of the command string that corresponds with the selected baud rate. This portion cannot be edited. Add the phone number of the bridge to this string and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE AUTO ID STRING HELP The "Auto ID String" option allows you to specify the ID string of the bridge you are calling. The letter case of the "Auto ID String" must match the case entered when the ID string of the remote bridge was specified. "ABC" and "abc" are NOT THE SAME! To specify the "Auto ID String," type the ID string of the bridge you are calling and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE LIFE CLASS HELP The "Life Class" option allows you to indicate whether the selected line connection will be continuous or timed. If the connection is continuous, it must be terminated manually. If the connection is timed, it will be terminated automatically when no packet activity has occurred for a specified period of time. Set the amount of time at the "Idle Time-Out" option. To specify the life class, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE IDLE TIME-OUT HELP The "Idle Time-Out" option allows you to specify how long a connection can remain inactive before being automatically terminated. If you selected the "Timed" option for the "Life Class" entry, you must specify the "Idle Time-Out." To specify the "Idle Time-Out," type the number of minutes and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE HELP The options in the "Edit Line" window allow you to configure each line for each of the remote drivers you selected during the bridge configuration process. If you have a COM1/COM2 or X.25 communication board, you only need to configure one line. If you have a WNIM communication board, you will need to fill out this form for each of the four lines available. Page 1 of 2 EDIT LINE HELP The following items in the "Edit Line" window may be configured: Baud Rate Modem Type Dial Mode Auto Connect Phone Number Auto ID String Life Class Idle Time-Out Page 1 of 1 EDIT LINE SAVE CHANGES HELP The "Save Changes" confirmation box allows you to save the line configurations you just specified. To save the line configurations, highlight "Yes" and press the SELECT key. If you do not wish to save the line configurations, highlight "No" and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL ID STRING HELP The "ID String" option allows you to specify the ID string of the bridge you will be calling. This identification may be found by referring to the record of the ID string made during configuration of the bridge software. The remote workstation shell and the bridge software must have identical ID strings; otherwise, the remote workstation will not be able to establish a connection with the bridge. In particular, the letter case of the ID string must agree with that specified during bridge configuration. "ABC" and "abc" are NOT THE SAME! To specify, type the ID string and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL WORKSTATION ID HELP The "Workstation ID" option allows you to specify the name you would like the remote workstation to be known by: "John's computer" or "Provo Office," for example. The workstation ID is displayed when you run the LCONSOLE utility. To specify the workstation ID, type the chosen identification and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL COM PORT HELP The "COM Port" option allows you to specify which COM port will be used by the remote shell. The number you choose will determine how you install the serial communication port. To specify the COM port number, press the SELECT key. Two options will appear on the screen: COM1 and COM2. Highlight the appropriate port number and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL BAUD RATE HELP The "Baud Rate" option allows you to select the baud rate for the modem at the remote workstation. The recommended baud rates for your modem are listed in the manual that came with it. If you are using a Hayes or compatible modem, set its baud rate to the highest the modem will support. If you are using a modem that is not a Hayes or compatible, set its baud rate to the highest common denominator of all the modems you are using. To specify the baud rate, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL MODEM TYPE HELP The "Modem Type" option allows you to specify whether the remote workstation's modem is a "Hayes Compatible" or a "Special Configuration." If your modem is not a Hayes or compatible, you must select the "Special Configuration" option. The "Special Configuration" option allows you to use almost any modem; however, the shell configuration process will allow you to specify only the baud rate if this option is selected. To select the modem type, press the SELECT key. A window containing the two options will appear on the screen. Highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL MODEM STRING The "Modem String" option allows you to specify the phone number of the bridge you are dialing. If you have a Hayes or compatible modem, you must enter the phone number of the bridge. The prompt provides a portion of the command string that corresponds with the selected baud rate. This portion cannot be edited. You may use a variety of characters (up to 35) to complete the command string. Refer to the users manuals provided with your modem for an explanation of possible command strings. Add the phone number of the bridge to this string and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL HELP Options in the "Edit Shell" window allow you to configure the remote workstation shell. The following six items may be configured: ID String Workstation ID COM Port Baud Rate Modem Type Modem String (if you are using a Hayes or compatible modem) Page 1 of 1 EDIT SHELL SAVE CHANGES HELP The "Save Changes" confirmation box allows you to save the remote workstation configurations you just specified. To save the current configuration information, highlight "Yes" and press the SELECT key. If you do not wish to save the configurations, highlight "No" and press the SELECT key. The "Edit Shell" window will reappear on the screen. Page 1 of 1>5 FILENAME HELP Enter the name of the file (OS, BRIDGE, or IPX) that you want to configure. The file name should include the volume name (OSEXE-1, SHGEN-1, BRGEN-2, etc.) followed by a colon (:) followed by the actual file name including the extention (NET$OS.EX1). NOTE: If you are configuring a split OS (a NET$OS file that is on 2 disks as NET$OS.EX1 and NET$OS.EX2) you must use the command line format: ARCONFIG OSEXE-1:NET$OS.EX1 helpvol S. You must replace "helpvol" with the name of the volume which contains the file ARCONFIG.HLP. Page 1 of 2 FILENAME HELP NOTE: You may NOT specify a drive letter (A:BRIDGE.EXE) at this prompt! Valid entries would include: SHGEN-2:IPX.COM BRGEN-1:BRIDGE.EXE To configure a split OS file you might type (from the DOS command line prompt): ARCONFIG OSEXE-1:NET$OS.EX1 BRUTILS S Page 1 of 2 SELECT LINE HELP The "Select Line" window allows you to specify the line you wish to configure. This window appears only if you are installing a WNIM communication board. To specify the line number, highlight the line you want to configure and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 MAIN MENU HELP The "Main Menu" option allows you to specify whether you want to configure the bridge server or a particular line. The screen displays the following two options: CONFIGURE BRIDGE SERVER This option allows you to configure the parameters of the bridge. CONFIGURE A PARTICULAR LINE This option allows you to specify parameters for individual lines. To specify which configuration you want to edit, highlight the appropriate option and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1