NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: ATPS2.EXE is a patch for ATPS.NLM v3.1 DOCUMENT ID: TID000044 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: ATPS2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for Macintosh Pre 3.011 ABSTRACT: This file is a patch for ATPS.NLM v3.1. The patch fixes a problem where jobs, created by the Apple Laserwriter 7.1 driver, and sent to a printer, via the ATPS Print Spooler, would fail. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: ATPS2.EXE Files Included Size Date Time ATPS2.TXT (This File) ATPSFIX2.NLM 1003 3-30-92 2:53p APP710.QRY 228 3-22-92 4:22p PATCHMAN.NLM 8923 10-10-91 10:20a README PTF-W-025 ATPSFIX2.NLM This file is a patch for ATPS.NLM v3.1, included in NW-MAC 3.01. It requires PATCHMAN.NLM v2.20 or higher which is included. The patch fixes a problem where jobs created by the Apple LaserWriter 7.1 driver sent to a printer via the ATPS Print Spooler would fail. The printer would return such messages as [ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: --nostringval-- ] and the job would not be printed. To use the patch, load it on a server running ATPS.NLM v3.1. When ATPS is unloaded, the patch should be unloaded as well, and reloaded whenever ATPS is loaded again. NOTE: just because this patch is shown as a loaded module or listed as installed by the "PATCHES" console command does not mean it is active. Always unload and reload load if you unload and reload ATPS. APP710.QRY is a file included with this patch to address another problem between ATPS.NLM v3.1 and LaserWriter 7.1. The problem situation is created when a Macintosh using the LaserWriter 7.1 rDev prints to a server running ATPS before anyone has ever printed using the 7.0 rDev. The problem is exhibited when print jobs produced by LaserWriter 7.0 or 7.1 are printed by the ATPS print server. These jobs will temporarily hang the printer and then fail, with ATPS returning the following messages: printer returned bad dictionary status: %%[ Error:timeout; Offending Command: timeout ]%% PAP write: no such device or address The ATPS print server will now continually try to resend the job, with the same results. To fix this problem, copy the provided file APP710.QRY into the ATPS directory on the server (default SYS:SYSTEM\ATPS), overwriting the existing version of the file. This will fix the problem indefinitely, unless the file is deleted or the ATPS directory is changed. In this case, the file should be recopied into the ATPS directory. The problems described will be fixed in future versions of NetWare for Macintosh, and were not present in NW-MAC 3.0, only NW-MAC 3.01. The patch will not load on versions of ATPS other than 3.1. To install the patch to the ATPS: (a) Copy PATCHMAN.NLM and ATPSFIX2.NLM to SYS:\SYSTEM. (b) Add the following commands to AUTOEXEC.NCF: LOAD PATCHMAN LOAD ATPSFIX2 The lines should be added after the LOAD ATPS command line. copy the provided file APP710.QRY into the ATPS directory on the server (default SYS:SYSTEM\ATPS) (c) Down the server and re-boot, or manually load PATCHMAN and ATPSFIX2 at the NetWare console. ÿ