NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: AFPFIX4.NLM Macintosh Patch for NetWare 3.11 DOCUMENT ID: TID000026 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: AFIX4.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for Macintosh Pre 3.011 ABSTRACT: This file contains AFPFIX4.NLM. This patch has a set of changes required for compatibility with Farallon PhoneNET Talk, which uses AFP Short Names. However; if you are unable to mount a volume from Farallon's PhoneNET Talk, change the volume name so that it has no period (.) and fewer than eight characters. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: AFIX4.EXE Files Included Size Date Time AFIX4.TXT (This File) AFPFIX4.NLM 2555 2-28-92 12:28a PATCHMAN.NLM 8923 10-10-91 10:20a README PTF-W-023 This is AFPFIX4.NLM. With this patch we made a set of changes required for compatibility with Farallon PhoneNET Talk, which uses AFP Short Names. However, if you find that you are unable to mount a volume from Farallon's PhoneNET Talk, change the volume name so that it has no period (.) and fewer than 8 characters. When using this patch, NetWare volumes can be mounted from the PC using PhoneNET Talk as long as the volume names meet certain restrictions: 1. If the transformed volume name is no more than eight characters and does not contain a period, then PhoneNET Talk will have no problem. This is the recommended configuration for servers with PhoneNET Talk clients. 2. If the transformed volume name is longer than eight characters and does not contain a period, then PhoneNET Talk will be able to mount the volume using a simply truncated volume name. For example, a volume called "Andromeda" will be mounted as "ANDROMED". 3. If the transformed name contains a period, but conforms to DOS 8.3 naming conventions, then PhoneNET Talk will be able to mount the volume. For example, the volume "Server99.SYS" will be mounted as "SERVER99.SYS". 4. If the transformed name contains a period after the 9th character, then PhoneNET Talk will not be able to mount the volume. For example, a volume called "FileServer.SYS" will not be mountable. This will be extremely common in the field due to automatic transformation of the SYS volume name. 5. If there are multiple volumes and the transformed names do not differ in the first eight characters, then PhoneNET Talk will not be able to distinguish between the volumes. It will successfully mount the first volume on the list when attempting to mount any of the volumes. We should expect this configuration to occur in the field, as some System Administrators may wish to associate all volumes with the server in the fashion "ServerName.Volume". To install the patch to the AFP.NLM: (a) Copy PATCHMAN.NLM and AFPFIX4.NLM to SYS:\SYSTEM. (b) Add the following commands to AUTOEXEC.NCF: LOAD PATCHMAN LOAD AFPFIX4.NLM The lines should be added after the LOAD AFP command line. (c) Down the server and re-boot, or manually load PATCHMAN and AFPFIX4 at the NetWare console. ÿ