NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: 4.1 NWAdmin update README FOR: 41NWAD.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare 4.1 ABSTRACT: This file contains version 4.10.2 of NWADMIN and supporting files for NetWare v4.10. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: Newer Windows client files are not compatible with older versions NWADMIN. Self-Extracting File Name: 41nwad.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ 41NWAD.TXT (This file) HCSS.HLP 35739 10-25-94 8:39:08 am HDECSNAP.DLL 27136 10-24-94 6:12:28 pm HHLPSNAP.DLL 10752 10-24-94 6:17:54 pm HMEDSNAP.DLL 44032 10-24-94 6:15:52 pm HNCPS.DLL 9728 10-24-94 6:11:36 pm HOBJSNAP.DLL 21504 10-24-94 6:17:14 pm NWADMIN.EXE 12800 10-20-94 12:59:30 pm NWADMIN.HLP 408870 10-25-94 8:37:52 am NWADMIN.INI 141 3-23-94 10:46:02 am NWADMINP.MLM 2050 1-26-95 8:42:22 am NWADMINR.DLL 319488 10-20-94 1:29:00 pm NWBRWS.DLL 184993 10-20-94 1:01:42 pm NWC0COR.DLL 212885 10-20-94 12:58:20 pm NWC0DS.DLL 243829 10-20-94 1:00:34 pm NWCNTRLS.DLL 265592 10-20-94 12:59:16 pm NWMOD00.DLL 360633 10-20-94 1:04:26 pm NWMOD01.DLL 142476 10-20-94 1:02:28 pm NWPAR.DLL 134656 11-3-94 4:37:38 pm NWPARR.DLL 21504 10-20-94 1:39:28 pm NWRCON.DLL 3584 10-20-94 12:59:36 pm NWRCON.PIF 545 1-3-92 1:25:32 pm NWVCTRLS.DLL 284665 10-24-94 4:57:36 pm NWVIS00.DLL 229951 11-8-94 3:03:52 pm NWVIS01.DLL 352211 10-20-94 1:08:44 pm NWVIS02.DLL 286335 10-26-94 10:31:14 am NWVPS.DLL 191714 10-24-94 5:50:42 pm NWVPT.DLL 182568 10-24-94 5:55:40 pm NWVQUEUE.DLL 190735 10-24-94 6:00:20 pm NW_ERROR.HLP 99058 10-25-94 8:38:40 am NW_GLOSS.HLP 97017 10-25-94 8:38:56 am Installation Instructions: ** NOTE: Because version 4.10.2 of NWADMIN has newer versions of DLL's and HLP files, it is important to keep these files separate from ones already installed. New client files, specifically NWCALLS.DLL, NWNET.DLL, NWLOCALE.DLL, NWIPXSPX.DLL, NWPSRV.DLL, and NWGDI.DLL, are required to run this version of NWADMIN. These files will need to be updated with those found in NWDLL2.EXE in NOVFILES. *************************** WARNING *************************** Customers running in a mixed server environment, I.E. 4.02 and 4.1 servers, who download NWADM1.EXE, have existing print job configurations defined and try to create/edit print job configurations get the following warning message: "You are working with a pre-4.10 printcon database. If you make nay changes, the database will automatically be upgraded to the 4.10 format. Only 4.10 or later versions of PRINTCON, CAPTURE, NPRINT, PCONSOLE, or NetWare Administrator can read both formats." Upgrading the database from a NetWare v4.02 to a NetWare v4.10 format and using NetWare v4.1 printing files in a NetWare 4.02 environment could introduce more problems in a NetWare v4.02 environment. THEREFORE, it is advisable to NOT create or change print job configurations in a 4.02 environment using this new version of NWADMIN. Instead, use the NetWare v4.02 dos utilities. IE. PRINTCON, CAPTURE, NPRINT, and PCONSOLE. *************************************************************** ** NOTE: Always make a backup of applicable files before applying new fixes. 1.) Create a sub-directory either under PUBLIC or in some other location and copy all files included in this update into the new sub-directory. 2.) Copy all .hlp files to the \PUBLIC\NLS\ENGLISH subdirectory. 3.) Check the Windows and Windows/System sub-directories for the following files: NWCALLS.DLL, NWIPXSPX.DLL, NWLOCALE.DLL, NWPSRV.DLL, NWNET.DLL, NWGDI.DLL. Make sure these files are the same ones found in NWDLL2.EXE in the NOVFILES forum on Compuserv. 4.) Execute NWADMIN by doing a FILE RUN in Windows and specifying the new NWADMIN in the newly created directory. If wanted, can set up icon that will execute the newer version of NWADMIN by setting up a new Program Item. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------