NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare DS.NLM 4.89a , DSRepair.NLM 4.26b README FOR: 41NDS4.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare 4.1 ABSTRACT: This update contains version 4.89a of DS.NLM and version 4.26b of DSREPAIR.NLM for NetWare version 4.10. If upgrading 4.0x servers to 4.10 YOU MUST get the upgrade kit 4X241.EXE and read and follow instructions to ensure a smooth upgrade. If upgrading from NetWare version 3.1x, you still will benefit by applying the new DS.NLM prior to upgrading. This file may be updated occasionally as new versions of DS.NLM are released. As new DS.NLM 's are released the naming format will be 41NDSx, where x denotes the revision of the patch file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: Servers running NetWare version 4.10 should be running the latest DS.NLM, currently at version 4.89a. DSRepair version 4.26b should be used on all NetWare version 4.1 servers and supercedes any previous versions. Mixed versions of Netware 4.10 Directory Services (DS.NLM) interoperate completely, but it is best to upgrade all Netware 4.10 servers to the same version to insure consistency and easier future maintaince. Self-Extracting File Name: 41nds4.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ 41NDS4.TXT (This file) 41NDS4.TXT 5300 9-6-95 10:32:22 am DS.NLM 366889 8-30-95 9:06:36 pm DSREPAIR.NLM 149352 9-5-95 4:09:00 pm Installation Instructions: For NetWare 4.10 servers: ** NOTE ** Always make a backup copy of original files. 1. Log into the network as ADMIN or a user with rights to the SYS:SYSTEM of the file server. Locate the files SYS:\SYSTEM\DS.NLM and SYS:\SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.NLM. (Files may be flagged Sharable Read-Only). Rename existing files with .OLD extension. 2. Copy the files provided in this update to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the NetWare 4.1 file server. 3. At the file server console of the server being upgraded (or using RCONSOLE) toggle to the system console screen. 4. At the system console screen enter the command "SET DSTRACE = *." and press to reload the Directory Services (DS.NLM 4.89a) without downing the server. 5. To confirm that the DS.NLM 4.89a is loaded, at the system console screen type MODULES. Scroll through the modules screens and find DS.NLM. The following information should appear: DS.NLM NetWare 4.1 Directory Services Version 4.89a August 30, 1995 Copyright 1993-1995 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. 6. Repeat the process for each 4.10 server in the network which may be running the older versions. ================================================================- ========================== If installing from a staging server: Copy the new DS.NLM to the NW410/SYSTEM/PREINST subdirectory. Copy the new DSREPAIR.NLM to the NW410/SYSTEM subdirectory. ================================================================- ========================== For Upgrading NetWare 4.0x servers: PLEASE REFER TO 4X241.EXE for proper upgrade procedures. 1. Copy the new DS.NLM into the existing SYS:SYSTEM subdirectory on the 4.0x server. Because DS is linked into SERVER.EXE in NetWare 4.0x, the new DS.NLM will not effect operation on NetWare 4.0x servers. 2. When upgrading a 4.0x server to NetWare 4.10, the install program runs the "Preliminary file copy". At this time the DS.NLM contained on the cd-rom would normally be copied to the file server. Install will detect a newer version already present and will display the file name and ask "over write newer version?" Answer "NO" and continue with the installation. 3. Copy the DSRepair.NLM 4.26b to the 4.0x server ONLY AFTER the NetWare 4.0x server is upgraded to NetWare 4.1. ================================================================- ========================== For Upgrading NetWare 3.1x servers: 1. Copy the new DS.NLM and DSRepair.NLM into the existing SYS:SYSTEM subdirectory on the 3.1x server. 2. When the NetWare 4.10 install program runs the "Preliminary file copy" the DS.NLM and DSRepair.NLM contained on the cd-rom would normally be copied to the file server. Install will detect a newer version is already present it will display the file name and ask "over write newer version?" Answer "NO" and continue with the installation. 3. When DS.NLM loads and executes it will be the new version. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------