%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% README FOR 215DOWN.EXE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following files are included in 215DOWN.EXE for this fix: DOWNDED FIX 3247 1-31-92 1:57p DOWNTTS FIX 3249 1-31-92 1:57p DOWNND FIX 3249 1-31-92 1:57p DOWNSFT FIX 3249 1-31-92 1:57p DOWNFIX BAT 2271 1-31-92 11:54a ZAPOBJ EXE 28660 7-31-90 4:24p README ZAP 2355 2-25-91 2:00p 215DOWN TXT (this file) Purpose: This fix is intended for all versions of NetWare v2.15 for dedicated and non- dedicated servers. This patch fixes the ABEND message "Stack overflow" that occurs if any DOS process has more than 25 files open at the time the server is DOWNed. This patch allocates more space so that the "stack overflow" ABEND does not occur at the time the server is downed, if there are 240 or less open files per process. With this patch, if the server is downed while files are open, the message "files still open, do you want to down the server?" will appear at the file server console. To implement this patch, ZAPOBJ.EXE is run against a .OBJ file using a .FIX parameter file. Parameter files (ie. *.FIX) containing temporary fixes are supplied for both 3.5" and 5.25" media. The first 8 characters of the .FIX files are named the same as the .OBJ files which are to be patched. ZAPOBJ syntax is: ZAPOBJ .OBJ .OBJ .FIX This should be run for each .OBJ which needs to be patched. ZAPOBJ.EXE must be run in the same directory as the .OBJ. The .OBJ file has a different name than the .OBJ file, but it should be renamed to .OBJ after the patch process. For example, in order to patch Advanced NetWare 3.5" media, 1) Copy ZAPOBJ.EXE and DOWNDED.FIX to the ADOBJ diskette or subdirectory. 2) Execute the statement: ZAPOBJ ADV.OBJ NEWADV.OBJ DOWNDED.FIX 3) Rename ADV.OBJ to ADV.BAK and rename NEWADV.OBJ to ADV.OBJ 4) Run NETGEN and ensure that the "Link/Configure NetWare Operating System" option is selected and that NET$OS.EXE is copied to your network. This patch need only be run against the one .OBJ file corresponding to the network operating system you are generating (i.e. Advanced, SFT, or TTS - SFT with TTS). The following is a list of .FIX files, their associated .OBJ files to be patched, the diskettes or subdirectories where the .OBJ file is located, and the applicable media size. DOWNDED.FIX ADV.OBJ ADOBJ (for 3.5" media) DOWNND.FIX NDADV.OBJ ANDOBJ (for 3.5" media) DOWNSFT.FIX SFT.OBJ SFTOBJ (for 3.5" media) DOWNTTS.FIX TTS.OBJ TTSOBJ (for 3.5" media) DOWNDED.FIX ADV_1.OBJ ADOBJ (for 5.25" media) DOWNND.FIX NDADV_1.OBJ ANDOBJ (for 5.25" media) DOWNSFT.FIX SFT_1.OBJ SFTOBJ (for 5.25" media) DOWNTTS.FIX TTS_1.OBJ TTSOBJ (for 5.25" media) If you encounter any errors, view the file ERROR.FIL. Refer to the README.ZAP for further details on this utility. ***************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software. Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this software may be provided at the discretion of Novell. *****************************************************************************