Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Select LAN Driver Help 1 of 1 Select the LAN driver for the network board in your workstation. If the driver you need isn't on the list, press . You will then be prompted to insert a diskette containing the driver and its associated description file. WSGEN Introduction Help 1 of 1 WSGEN lets you select and configure a LAN driver for your DOS workstation. It then generates the workstation software. Before running WSGEN, configure and install the networking hardware for your workstation. To receive help, press at any time. Insert LAN_DRV_??? Diskette Help 1 of 2 To select a driver that is not supplied by Novell, insert the LAN_DRV_??? diskette in any drive; then press . The description files on the new disk are read and inserted into the driver selection list. Select the driver from this list. After you select a driver and configuration, you might be prompted to reinsert the diskette so the program can read the driver file to generate the workstation software. Insert LAN_DRV_??? Diskette Help 2 of 2 Many LAN board manufacturers write their own drivers to work with NetWare. They provide the driver file and the driver description file on a disk labeled LAN_DRV_??? (the ??? is replaced by a number). The driver file has an .OBJ extension and the description file has a .LAN extenstion. Driver Description Conflict Help 1 of 1 Two LAN driver description files have the same driver identification number. You can have only one driver of each type. Choose one. This usually happens when a new version of the same driver is encountered while reading the description files. (Novell drivers usually have a date string in parentheses at the end of the description string so you can find the most recent driver.) Select Configuration Help 1 of 1 Select the hardware configuration you will use with the network board in the workstation. The hardware configuration must match the configuration set on the network board. Generate Workstation Software Help 1 of 2 The software will be generated with the driver and configuration shown in the box. If the driver and configuration are correct for the network board in the workstation, select Yes. If the driver or configuration is incorrect, press to return to previous screens and change your selection, or select No to exit WSGEN without saving your selections. Generate Workstation Software Help 2 of 2 When the software is generated, the driver file is combined with IPX and configured as specified. A new IPX.COM file is placed in the WSGEN directory if you are running on a hard disk or a network drive. If you are running the program from a floppy diskette, IPX.COM is placed on the WSGEN disk. Generation Complete Help 1 of 1 A new IPX.COM file is now in the WSGEN directory or on the WSGEN disk. You need to run IPX.COM and a version of the NetWare DOS shell in your workstation. (You may also want to use other files on the WSGEN disk.) Refer to the Using the Network manual to determine which files to transfer to the workstation boot disk. Modify the workstation CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and create a customized SHELL.CFG file.