Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP This menu lists the topics that you can examine or change while using SYSCON. To choose a topic, use the UP and DOWN keys to highlight it, then press the SELECT key. The following help pages describe each topic briefly. While you are in help, you may use the PAGEDOWN and PAGEUP keys to change the current page. You may press the HELP key a second time to list the keys that can be used in SYSCON, along with where they are located on the keyboard of the machine you are using. To exit help and return to the menu of available topics, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP ACCOUNTING The accounting option will allow the file server to charge users for their use of file server resources. Only high-end versions of Advanced NetWare will support accounting. The accounting option will allow you to. 1) Install accounting on a file server that supports it (you must have SUPERVISOR rights). 2) See what file server services are being charged for and the amount that is being charged. If you have SUPERVISOR rights, you can change what services are being charge for and the amount. 3) See who is allowed to charge for file services. If you have SUPERVISOR rights you can specify who can charge for services. This allows external objects such as print servers to charge users for services. Page 2 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP CHANGE CURRENT SERVER You may use the Change Current Server option to 1) List the servers you are logged in to 2) Log in to additional servers 3) Log out from additional servers* 4) Select the current server (the server and your username will appear in the header at the top of the screen) 4) Change to a different user on a server that you are logged in to* * You cannot log out from the server you were using when you ran the SYSCON program, or change to a different user on that server. Page 3 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP FILE SERVER INFORMATION You may use the File Server Information option to 1) List the file servers that are attached to your network 2) View information about the configuration of any file server in the list 3) View the number of users currently attached to any file server in the list 4) See what version of Advanced NetWare any file server in the list is running Page 4 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP GROUP INFORMATION You may use the Group Information option to 1) List the groups that exist on the selected file server 2) Examine information about each of these groups 3) Change the group information (ONLY if you have supervisor privileges) Page 5 of 7y AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP SUPERVISOR OPTIONS This brings up a menu of options that are available ONLY if you have supervisor privileges. The options that are available will depend on what level of Advanced NetWare the selected file server is running. Page 6 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP USER INFORMATION You may use the User Information option to 1) List all users on the selected file server 2) View information about each user 3) Change the user information (ONLY if you have supervisor privileges) Page 7 of 7 KNOWN NETWARE SERVERS HELP This menu lists the file servers currently on your network. To obtain information about any of these file servers, highlight its name and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1S FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP This screen shows information about the highlighted file server. A description of this information follows. SERVER NAME The name that the file server is known by on the network. NETWARE VERSION The version of Advanced NetWare the file server is using. SYSTEM FAULT TOLERANCE This entry shows the level of SFT that the server is running. This information will not be appear for file servers that are running a version prior to Advanced NetWare 2.10. Page 1 of 4} FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP TRANSACTION TRACKING This entry shows if the file server has support for TTS recovery for database files in the event of failure by the file server, workstation, or network. This entry will not appear if the file server is running a version prior to Advanced NetWare 2.10. CONNECTIONS SUPPORTED The maximum number of users that can be logged in to the file server at any one time. Page 2 of 4y FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP CONNECTIONS IN USE The number of users currently logged in to the file server. VOLUMES SUPPORTED The maximum number of disk volumes the file server can support. NETWORK ADDRESS The address of the network on which the file server is located. NODE ADDRESS The address of the node within the network where the file server resides. Page 3 of 4 FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP If you are a supervisor on the selected file server, you will also see the following: SERIAL NUMBER The serial number of the file server. APPLICATION NUMBER The application number of the file server. When you buy serialized software for your file server, your vendor may ask for both the serial number and the application number. Page 4 of 4 USER NAMES HELP This menu lists the users defined on the current file server. To view information about any of these users, highlight the desired user's name and press the SELECT key. If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you can change the list of usernames. See page 2 for a list of your options. Page 1 of 3 USER NAMES HELP If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you also have the following options: INSERT Add a new user. DELETE Remove the highlighted user. To delete several users all at once, highlight them with the MARK key, then press the DELETE key. MODIFY Rename a user. Page 2 of 3 USER NAMES HELP Some information can be changed for several users at the same time. To change information for more than one user, mark each user that you want changed using the MARK key, then press the SELECT key. Page 3 of 3 DELETE USER HELP To delete the highlighted user from the current file server, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 USER INFORMATION HELP This menu lists all the information that you can obtain about this user. To view the information, highlight the desired option and press the SELECT key. A brief description of each option that may appear is given below. Note that the actual options that will appear depend on what rights you have, what user you are examining and what features the file server supports. ACCOUNT_BALANCE Shows the user's current account balance and credit limit. This option appears if the file server supports accounting and you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as. Page 1 of 6 USER INFORMATION HELP ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS Shows restrictions that have been placed on the user's account. This option will appear if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as. CHANGE PASSWORD Allows you to change the password that is used when logging in. The Change Password option appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as and your account restrictions have the Allow User To Change Password option set to YES. Page 2 of 6 USER INFORMATION HELP FULL NAME Shows the user's full name. This option always appears. GROUPS BELONGED TO Lists all the groups that the user is a member of. This option always appears. INTRUDER LOCKOUT STATUS Shows the intruder lockout status for this users account. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges and the intruder detection option has been enabled. Page 3 of 6 USER INFORMATION HELP LOGIN SCRIPT Allows you to view and edit the user login script. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as and your account restrictions have the Allow User To Change Password option set to YES. OTHER INFORMATION Shows additional information about the selected user such as the last time the user logged in, the amount of disk space the user is using, the users bindery ID number, etc. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as. Page 4 of 6*. USER INFORMATION HELP SECURITY EQUIVALENCES Lists all other users and groups to which the selected user is security equivalent. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the same user that you are logged in as. STATION RESTRICTIONS Shows what network addresses this user is allowed to login from. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected use is the same user that you are logged in as. Page 5 of 6 USER INFORMATION HELP TIME RESTRICTIONS Show the times during the week when the selected user is allowed to be logged into the file server. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the same user that you are logged in as. TRUSTEE ASSIGNMENTS Lists all directories where the user's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. This option only appears if you have SUPERVISOR privileges or if the selected user is the same user that you are logged in as. Page 6 of 6 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP DEFAULT ACCOUNT BALANCE/RESTRICTIONS This option will appear if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option will allow you to: 1) View what the security restriction defaults are for a new user is that is created. 2) Change the security restriction defaults. Note: Changing the security restrictions defaults will not affect any existing users. 3) If the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the accounting features and accounting has been installed on the file server, you can also view and change the default account balance for new users. Page 1 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP DEFAULT TIME RESTRICTIONS This option will appear if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option will allow you to: 1) View the default times that a new user will be able to login when his account is first created. 2) Change the default login time restrictions. Note: Changing the default login time restrictions will not change the login time restrictions of any user account that has already been created. Page 2 of 7>8 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP EDIT SYSTEM AUTOEXEC FILE The system AUTOEXEC file is a file which contains console commands that the file server should "automatically execute" when it is first brought up. This option will allow you to: 1) View the system AUTOEXEC file. 2) Add or delete console commands from the AUTOEXEC file. Page 3 of 7r: SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATORS This option will only appear if the level of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the file server virtual console features. This option will allow you to. 1) View what users and groups have been authorized to run the file server console from a workstation where they are logged in. 2) Authorize or revoke a user or group's rights to run the file server console. Page 4 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT This option will only appear if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option will allow you to: 1) See if the file server is tracking when an intruder trys to break into an account. 2) Specify the criteria for the file server to determine how many incorrect login attempts constitute an intruder. 3) Specify if the file server should lock an account if it detects an intruder attempting to break into it. Page 5 of 7j? SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP SYSTEM LOGIN SCRIPT The system login script is a script that is run for all users when they login to the file server before the user's individual login script is run. The system login script is an ideal place to put messages that all users should see when they login, or enter login script commands that every user should execute when logging in. This option allows you to: 1) View the system login script. 2) Change the commands in the system login script. Page 6 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP VIEW FILE SERVER ERROR LOG The file server error log is a file where all serious errors that occur while the file server is running are recorded. This option allows you to: 1) View the errors that are recorded in the error log. 2) Clear the error log. Page 7 of 7 ACCOUNTING HELP This menu gives you the following options: ACCOUNTING SERVERS This option shows you who is authorized to charge for their services. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges you can use this option to give a new server the right to charge or to remove a server's right to charge. BLOCKS READ CHARGE RATES This option will show you if the file server is charging for the amount of data read from the file server. If the file server is charging for reading the amount being charged is shown. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges you can change when and how much the file server charges for reading data from the disk. Page 1 of 3 ACCOUNTING HELP BLOCKS WRITTEN CHARGE RATES This option will show you if the file server is charging for writing information to the disk and the amount that is being charged. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges you can change when and how much the file server is charging for writing to the disk. CONNECT TIME CHARGE RATES This option will show you if the file server is charging for the amount of time that someone is connected to it and the amount that is being charged. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges you can change when and how much the file server charges for connect time. Page 2 of 3 ACCOUNTING HELP DISK STORAGE CHARGE RATES This option shows you if the file server is charging for the amount of data that is stored on its disk drives. If disk storage is being charged for it also shows when and how much is being charged. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges then you will be able to change when and how much the file server charges for disk storage. SERVICE REQUESTS CHARGE RATES This option shows if the file server is charging for the number of requests sent to it from a work station and the amount that is being charged. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges then you will be able to change when and how much the file server charges for requests. Page 3 of 3 SELECT ACCOUNT SERVER TYPE HELP There are different types of servers that can provide services on a network. You should highlight the type of the server that you want to authorize to charge, and then press the SELECT key. Press the ESCAPE key to return to the list of authorized servers without adding a new server. Page 1 of 1 FULL NAME HELP Type the full name of the user or group, then press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If the user or group already has a full name, use the BACKSPACE key to delete it, then type the new name. If you changed the full name but do not want to save the changed name, press the CANCEL key to restore the original name. Page 1 of 1 INSERT NEW USER NAME HELP Enter the name of the new user. Page 1 of 1 USER NAME HELP Use the backspace key to delete the user's old name. Then type the user's new name, and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 FULL NAME HELP This inset shows the full name of the user or group. To return to the previous menu, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER INFORMATION HELP This screen shows other information about the selected user or group. Each of the fields that may appear on this screen are described below. LAST LOGIN This information will only appear when you are getting information about a user. The last date that the user logged into the file server is shown. If the user has not logged into the file server since his account was created, the message (Unknown) will be shown. FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATOR This information will only appear if the level of Advanced NetWare 2.1 that the file server is running supports the file server console features. It displays if the user or group has been given authorization to perform file server console functions from a workstation. Page 1 of 2 OTHER INFORMATION HELP MAXIMUM DISK SPACE This option will only appear if you are getting information about a user and the file server is enforcing disk space limitations. The maximum amount of disk space that the user can use will be shown in kilobytes (1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes). If the user does not have a maximum restriction the entry will show "Unrestricted". DISK SPACE IN USE This option will only appear if you are getting information about a user. The amount of disk space that is being used by files owned by the selected user is shown in kilobytes (1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes). USER ID (or GROUP ID) This option shows the bindery ID number of the selected user or group. Page 2 of 2 SET MULTIPLE USER INFORMATION HELP This menu allows you to change information for all the users that are marked. Each of the options is described below. ACCOUNT BALANCE Lets you change the account balance and credit limit for all the marked users. ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS Lets you change the account restrictions of all the marked users. STATION RESTRICITONS Lets you specify what stations all the marked users can login from. TIME RESTRICTIONS Lets you change the times of the week when the marked users can be logged in. Page 1 of 1 LOG OUT FROM SERVER HELP To log out from the highlighted file server, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CHARGE RATE HELP Position the highlight bar on the charge rate that you want to apply during the selected time period and then press the SELECT key. If the charge rate that you want to apply during the selected time period is not shown then select the Other Charge Rate option and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the charge rate then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 LOGIN TIME MUST BE ALLOWED HELP You have set the time restrictions so the the user can not be logged in at any time during the week. If you do not want the user to login then you should disable the account. Since time restrictions are enforced on the SUPERVISOR's account, SYSCON tries to protect you from making a mistake and locking the SUPERVISOR (or any other user) out of his account by not allowing any time periods in which he can be logged in. Mark some the time periods when the user should be able to login with an astrick (*). Page 1 of 1 NO STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP No station restrictions have been placed on this account. This user can login from any workstation on the internet. Only the SUPERVISOR can restrict what stations a user can login from. Page 1 of 1 STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP This list shows network addresses where the selected user is allowed to login from. If the list is empty, the user can log in from any workstation. If the list is not empty, the user can only login from workstations whose address is included in the list. Addresses are shown as a network number and a node number, it is also possible to specify that the user can login from any node on a specified network. Page 1 of 1 INVALID NETWORD ADDRESS HELP Network addresses must be with in the range from 1 to FFFFFFFE. You have entered a number outside this range. Check the address of the workstation that you want to allow this user to login from and reenter the correct network portion of the address. Page 1 of 1 SECURITY EQUIVALENCES HELP This menu lists the users and groups that the selected user is security equivalent to. (The selected user has all the rights of the users and groups to which he is security equivalent, in addition to the rights explicitly granted him or her as a user.) Page 1 of 1 OTHER USERS AND GROUPS HELP This menu lists the users and groups that the selected user is not security equivalent to. To make the user security equivalent to a user or group, highlight the desired user or group, then press the SELECT key. To make the user security equivalent to more than one user or group, highlight the desired users and groups with the MARK key, then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 GROUPS BELONGED TO HELP This menu lists the groups to which the selected user belongs. Page 1 of 1 OTHER GROUPS HELP This menu lists the groups that the current user is not yet a member of. To add the selected user to a group, highlight the group and press the SELECT key. To add the user to several groups, highlight the desired groups with the MARK key, then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE ASSIGNMENTS HELP This menu lists the directories in which the highlighted user or group's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. (Trustee rights extend to each subdirectory of the directory in which they are declared, unless they are specifically changed in the subdirectory.) Page 1 of 1 GRANTED TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This menu lists the rights currently granted to the user or group in the highlighted directory. You have the following options: INSERT Grant additional rights. DELETE Revoke the highlighted right. To revoke several rights simultaneously, highlight the rights with the MARK key, then press the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This menu lists the rights that have not been granted to the user or group in the highlighted directory. To grant any of these rights, highlight the right and press the SELECT key. To grant several rights, highlight them with the MARK key, then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 ALL NODES ARE ALREADY ALLOWED HELP You have already specified that the user can login from all nodes on this network. If you want to limit the user to specific nodes on the network then you must delete the entry that allows all nodes first. Page 1 of 1 EXISTING SUBDIRECTORIES HELP This menu lists the subdirectories of the volume or directory you have specified. Highlight the subdirectory which is part of the directory path leading to the directory you wish to make the user or group a trustee in. Then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 DUPLICATE STATION RESTRICTION HELP The address you have just entered is already in the list of addresses that the user is allowed to login from. You can not enter the same address into the list more than one time. Page 1 of 1