Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP This menu shows the options that you can select while running the file server console program. To choose an option, use the UP and DOWN keys to highlight the desired option, then press the SELECT key. Each option is described briefly on the following pages. While you are viewing help, you can use the PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys to change the current page of help. You can also press the HELP key a second time to list the keys on your keyboard that can be used while in the FConsole program. To exit help and return to the menu of available options, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 11t FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP BROADCAST CONSOLE MESSAGE This option allows you to send a broadcast message to all stations logged in to the current file server. The message will be sent at the system console message priority. To broadcast a console message you need to be a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges. Page 2 of 11` FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP CHANGE CURRENT FILE SERVER This option allows you to select another file server as the current file server. All other file server console options show information and change the status of the currently selected file server. This option also allows you to login to additional file servers or log out from file servers. This option can be selected by anyone. Page 3 of 11 FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP CONNECTION INFORMATION This option displays a list of all connections on the file server where someone is logged in. If you are a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges then you can examine detailed information about that status of each connection. Page 4 of 11y FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP DOWN FILE SERVER This option will allow you to down the file server. You will be warned if there are files currently open and asked if you want to force down the file server. You must have SUPERVISOR privileges on the currently selected file server to select this option. Page 5 of 11} FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP FILE/LOCK ACTIVITY This option allows you to examine information in the following catagories: Open Files Physical Record Locks Logical Record Locks Semaphores Active Transactions This option shows information about a single file, logical record name or semaphore name. It shows all connections that are using the file, lock or semaphore and their current status. It will also show all stations that have transactions currently in progress. You need to be a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges on the current file server to select this option. Page 6 of 11 FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP LAN DRIVER INFORMATION This option will show the LAN configuration of the selected file server. This includes the number and type of LAN cards in the file server and the network address assigned to each one. This option can be selected by anyone. Page 7 of 118 FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP PURGE ALL SALVAGE FILES This option allows you to purge all salvage files on the currently selected file server. When a file is deleted, it is temporarily kept by the file server as a salvage file so that it can be recovered by the user who deleted it. The disk space used by these files is not released until the salvage file is purged by the operating system. Salvage files are automatically purged if the user deletes another file or creates a new file. If you are very short on disk space, this option allows you to throw away all salvage files being kept by the operating system. You must be a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges to select this option. Page 8 of 11t FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP STATISTICS This option gives you detailed information about how the file server is performing. You must be a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges to select this option. Page 9 of 11/ FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP STATUS This option shows the current status of the following: Server Date and Time Logins Enabled Transaction Tracking Enabled You can change the status of any of these items. You must be a file server console operator or have SUPERVISOR privileges on the current file server to select this option. Page 10 of 11 FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPTIONS HELP VERSION INFORMATION This option shows the version of NetWare that is running on the file server. Anyone can select this option. Page 11 of 11 SELECT PHYSICAL DISK HELP Position the highlight bar on the disk drive whose configuration information you want to view, then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to view the configuration of any disk drive then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 FILE/LOCK ACTIVITY HELP This menu allows you to view information about the use of files, locks, semaphores or transaction tracking on the entire network. Each of the options is described briefly below: CURRENT TRANSACTIONS This option displays how many transactions are currently being tracked by the transaction tracking system. It also lists the connection and tasks where the transactions are occurring. This option only appears if the file server supports transaction tracking. FILE/PHYSICAL RECORDS INFORMATION This option will show all connections that are using a file as well as the file's status. It will also show all physical record locks on the file. Page 1 of 2 FILE/LOCK ACTIVITY HELP LOGICAL LOCK INFORMATION This option will show all connections using a logical record lock and the status of the lock. SEMAPHORE INFORMATION This option will show all connections using a semaphore and the semaphores current value. Page 2 of 2 FILE/PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS INFORMATION HELP FILE STATUS This option will display the current status of the selected file. This includes how the file is open, if the file is locked, if TTS is holding the file open or locked, or if the file is detached. PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS This option will display any physical record locks that the selected connection has in this file, and the status of the lock. Page 1 of 1 SELECT VOLUME HELP Position the highlight bar on the volume whose information you want to view, then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to view the information of any volume then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CONNECTION INFORMATION HELP This menu shows information that you can view about the selected connection. Position the highlight bar on the option you want and then press the SELECT key. When you are finished viewing information about the selected connection, press the ESCAPE key. BROADCAST CONSOLE MESSAGE This option allows you to send a console message to the selected connection. CLEAR CONNECTION This option allows you to clear the selected connection. This option will only appear if you have SUPERVISOR privileges. Page 1 of 4.$ CONNECTION INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS This option will display all logical record locks by the selected connection. It will display which task is using the lock and the current status of the lock. OPEN FILES/PHYSICAL RECORDS This option will display all files that are open by the selected connection. It will show the status of the file and will show any physical record locks that the selected connection has in the file. Page 2 of 4 CONNECTION INFORMATION HELP OTHER INFORMATION This option shows additional information about the connection. This includes information about who is logged in, where they are logged in from and when they logged in. SEMAPHORES This option shows the status of any semaphores being used by the selected connection. Page 3 of 4 CONNECTION INFORMATION HELP TASK INFORMATION This option shows what tasks are currently active at the selected connections workstation. It also shows if the workstation is waiting for a lock or semaphore. USAGE STATISTICS This option shows information about how much file server resource this connection is using. Page 4 of 4%* FILE SERVER STATISTICS HELP This menu shows the different catagories of statistics that you can view. Each category is described briefly below. CACHE STATISTICS This display shows information about the file server's disk caching. CHANNEL STATISTICS This display shows information about the disk channels on the selected file server. DISK MAPPING INFORMATION This display shows the number of physical disks and logical disks. It shows which physical disks are mirrored and the status of each disk. Page 1 of 4 FILE SERVER STATISTICS HELP DISK STATISTICS This option shows the type and size of each physical disk, as well as error accessing the disk and information about the number of redirected blocks. FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS This option shows information about the file system. This includes the number of requests to open a file, read from a file, write to a file etc. LAN I/O STATISTICS This displays information about the number of packets being received and routed by the file server. It also shows information about lost packets and invalid packets. Page 2 of 4 FILE SERVER STATISTICS HELP SUMMARY This display shows a summary statistics about the file server's operation. These include current utilization of the file server, and the maximum configured limit and peak used of a number of file server resources. TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS This option will only appear if the selected file server supports transaction tracking. This display shows the number of transactions, how many transactions have been backed out, the volume where backout information is being stored, the size of the transaction backout files etc. Page 3 of 4 FILE SERVER STATISTICS HELP VOLUME INFORMATION This option displays information about each volume on the file server. This includes if the volume is cached, hashed, mounted, the drive the volume is on and the volume size. Page 4 of 4 SELECT LAN HELP Position the highlight bar on the LAN whose configuration you want to view, then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to view the configuration of any LAN then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 NOT FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATOR HELP You are not a file server console operator on the currently selected file server. There are only a few options available to you on this server these options are: CONNECTION INFORMATION See what connections are in use and who is logged in at the connection. LAN DRIVER INFORMATION See the LAN drivers that this file server is using and the network address assigned to each one. VERSION INFORMATION See what version of NetWare the file server is running. Page 1 of 1 NO SUPERVISOR RIGHTS HELP You do not have SUPERVISOR privileges on the currently selected file server. Only a user with SUPERVISOR privileges can down the file server. Page 1 of 1 CONNECTION INVALID HELP The user who was logged in at this connection has logged out. You can not get any further information about the connection. Page 1 of 1 NO DISKS HELP This file server is configured with no disk drives. You can not get information about any disk drives. Page 1 of 1 NO CHANNELS HELP This file server is configured with no active disk channels. You can not get information about any disk channels. Page 1 of 1 NO FILES HELP The directory that you have selected does not have any files in it. If you know that a file is about to be created, then type in the files name directly. Otherwise select another directory with files in it. Page 1 of 1 NO VOLUMES HELP This file server is configured with no volumes. You can not get information about any volume. Page 1 of 1 SERVER NOT DOWN HELP The file server was not taken down. If you still want to take the server down then ind the users who have files open and get them to close the files, or force the server to go down. Page 1 of 1 FILES HELP This list shows all the files in the selected directory. To choose one of these files for viewing, position the highlight bar on the file name and then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to view one of these file then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CURRENT CONNECTIONS HELP This list shows all the connections that are currently in use on the selected file server. This list is automatically updated every 2 seconds. To get more information about any one of the connections, position the highlight bar on that connection and press the SELECT key. You can send a broadcast message to several connections at the same time by marking each connection that the message should be broadcast to using the MARK key and then pressing the SELECT key. If you have SUPERVISOR privileges you can clear a connection. To do this, position the highlight bar on the connection and press the DELETE key. You can clear several connections at the same time by marking each connection with the MARK key and then pressing the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 CURRENT CONNECTIONS HELP This list shows all the connections that are currently in use on the selected file server. When you have finished examining the connections, press the ESCAPE key. You will not be able to gain any additional information about these connections because you do not have file server console operator rights on this file server. The list of connections is automatically updated every 2 seconds. Page 1 of 1 FILES IN USE BY A CONNECTION HELP This list shows all files that the selected connection has open or logged. The complete path from the volume to the file is shown as well as the task that is using the file. To get additional information about a file's current status or physical record locks that the selected connection has on the file, position the highlight bar on the file and press the SELECT key. When you are finished viewing the list of files, press the ESCAPE key. This list will be automatically updated every 2 seconds to show what files are open by the selected connection. Page 1 of 1CG CONNECTION OTHER INFORMATION HELP This display shows additional information about the user who is logged at the selected connection. OBJECT NAME This displays the login name of the object. The object may be a user or it may be another type of an object such as a print server that is servicing a queue on this file server. OBJECT TYPE This shows the type of the object that is logged in. Type 1 is a user. Page 1 of 2 CONNECTION OTHER INFORMATION HELP FULL NAME This entry will only appear if a full name has been entered for this object. It will show the full name that was entered by the SUPERVISOR. LOGIN TIME This entry shows the date and time that this object logged into the file server. NETWORK ADDRESS This entry shows the physical address where the workstation, that is logged in, is located. The network address is shown followed by the node address. Page 2 of 2 SERVER DATE HELP To change the server date, enter the new date in this field and then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the date then press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. The server date can be entered in many different ways. Months can be entered as numeric or alphanumeric. The country code will be used in determining the order of the month, day and year positions. If only 1 number is entered, it is assumed to be the day. In this case the previous month and year will be used. If 2 numbers are entered they are assumed to be the month and day. In this case the previous year will be used. Page 1 of 1 SERVER TIME HELP To change the server time, enter the new time in this field and then press the SELECT or ESCAPE keys. If you do not want to change the time then press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. While you are editing the time, it will stop changing. When you have finished, it will resume changing with each second. The time can be entered in a variety of ways. The country code will be used to determine the format for the time in your area, and whether the time is shown with AM and PM indicators or as a 24 hour time. If you enter only 1 number it will be assumed to be the hour and the previous minute and second will be used. If you enter 2 numbers they will be assumed to be the hour and minute and the previous second value will be used. Page 1 of 1 ENABLE LOGIN HELP If you want users to be able to login to the file server right now then answer YES. If you do not want users to be able to login then answer NO when you have made your selection press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this setting the press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If you select NO then any user who attempt to login to the file server will be told that the SUPERVISOR has disabled login, and they will not be allowed to login. Page 1 of 1 ENABLE TRANSACTION TRACKING HELP If you want the transaction tracking system to track changes made to files that are flagged transactional then you should answer YES. If you do not want transactions to be tracked then answer NO. When you have made your selection press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this setting then press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If transaction tracking is enabled then all changes that are made be a workstation during a transaction will be tracked. If a failure occurs at the workstation, network or file server before the transaction is complete, the file server will restore the original data to all files that are flagged transactional. This will prevent database files from becoming corrupted by partially completed transactions. Page 1 of 1lX FILE SERVER STATUS HELP This display shows the current server date and time, if user login is enabled and if transaction tracking is available or enabled. It also allows you to change each of these settings. To change any of these settings position the highlight bar on the information to be changed and press the SELECT key. Note that if transaction tracking is not available, you will not be able to move to the transaction tracking entry. When you are done examining and changing these settings, press the ESCAPE key to return to the main menu. Page 1 of 3h[ FILE SERVER STATUS HELP The meaning of each of these setting is described below. SERVER DATE AND TIME This is the current date and time according to the file server's clock. If the date of time is wrong you should correct it to the show the current date and time. ALLOW NEW USERS TO LOGIN This entry shows if users are allowed to login to the file server. Normally users should be allowed to login. If the file server is about to go down, or the system administrator is performing some type of system maintenance that will be disturbed by other users logging in, then login should be disabled. Page 2 of 3 FILE SERVER STATUS HELP TRANSACTION TRACKING If the server supports transaction tracking, this entry will show if transaction tracking is currently enabled. Normally transaction tracking will always be enabled. If the volume where the transaction backout files are being kept runs out of space of fails in some other way, the file server will disable transaction tracking. After the problem is corrected you can reenable transaction tracking. If the server does not support transaction tracking then the message Not Available will be shown in this entry and you will not be able to move onto the entry. Page 3 of 3 BROADCAST MESSAGE HELP Type in the message that you want to be broadcast and then press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to broadcast a message then press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 SEMAPHORE NAME HELP Enter the name of the semaphore that you want to examine. After you have entered the semaphore name press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to examine a semaphore, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. You must know the name of the semaphore in order to examine it. If you do not know the name, you may be able to find the name by examining a connection that you know is using the semaphore. Page 1 of 1 LOGICAL RECORD NAME HELP Enter the name of the logical record that you want to examine. After you have entered the logical record name press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to examine a logical record, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. You must know the name of the logical record in order to examine it. If you do not know the name, you may be able to find the name by examining a connection that you know is using the logical record. Page 1 of 1 FILE NAME HELP Type in the name of the file whose current status you want to view. When you have entered the file name press the SELECT or the ESCAPE keys. If you decide not to view the status of a file in selected directory, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If you do not remember the name of the file, press the INSERT key and you will be shown a list of all the files in the current directory. Page 1 of 1 DOWN SERVER HELP If you want to take the file server down then answer YES, otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you answer YES to this question, but there are active files still open, you will be warned and asked if you want to force down the file server. Page 1 of 1 PURGE SALVAGE FILES HELP If you want all of the salvage files on the file server to be purged then answer YES. Otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. When a file is deleted, it is temporarily kept by the file server as a salvage file so that it can be recovered by the user who deleted it. The disk space used by these files is not released until the salvage file is purged by the operating system. Salvage files are automatically purged if the user deletes another file or creates a new file. If you are very short on disk space, this option allows you to throw away all salvage files being kept by the operating system. Page 1 of 1 CLEAR OWN CONNECTION HELP You have requested that your own connection with the file server be cleared. If you really want to clear your own connection answer YES. Otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you clear your own connection the FCONSOLE program will terminate. If you current drive was mapped to a directory on this file server, you will be left on an invalid drive. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM FORCE DOWN SERVER There are still active files open on the file server. If you want to force the file server to go down anyway then answer YES. If you do not want to force the file server to go down with active files still open then answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 13p CONNECTIONS PHYSICAL LOCKS ON THIS FILE HELP This list shows all physical record locks that the selected connection has on this file. A physical record lock can prevent any other station from accessing or changing a range of bytes in the file. Unlike the logical record locks, the physical record lock is enforced without the cooperation of other stations. If another station attempts to access a range of bytes that is physically locked they will get an access denied error. The list of physical records is updated automatically every two seconds. Page 1 of 3 CONNECTION PHYSICAL LOCKS ON THIS FILE HELP For each physical record lock, the following information is displayed: The byte range that is being locked (in hex) The task that is using the physical record The lock status of the physical record 1) Record is not locked 2) Record is locked shareable 3) Record is locked exclusive 4) Record lock is being held by the transaction tracking system The log status of the physical record 1) Record is not logged 2) Record is logged Page 2 of 3 CONNECTION PHYSICAL LOCKS ON THIS FILE HELP If a record is logged, that means the station has included it in a list of records that it will want to lock as a set. Locking a group of records as a set avoids deadlock with other stations that may be trying to lock the same records. If the record is locked shareable, that means that other stations may also lock the record shareable, but no other station can lock the record exclusively. The shareable mode is most often used when reading data that another station should not change. If the record is locked exclusively then no other station can lock the record. The exclusive mode is used most often when the station is changing data and no other station should be reading or writing the data. If data is being updated in a file that is "transaction tracked" then the file server will hold exclusive locks until the entire transaction has been completed. This allows the transaction to be backed out cleanly in the event that a workstation, the network, or the file server fail during the transaction. Page 3 of 3 LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP This screen shows all logical record locks being used by the selected connection. Logical record locks are used by programs to control the access of multiple users to data. Logical record locks limit access to data by "convention". That is to say that a program assigns a name to each section of data that needs to be locked. The database program then locks this name whenever it accesses the data. If the program attempts to lock the name and it fails because another station already has the name locked, then it knows that it must wait for the other user to finish. This means that the program could access the data even if the name was already locked, the locking is enforced only to the extent that the program checks the name each time it needs to access the data. This list of logical record locks is automatically updated every 2 seconds. Page 1 of 3k} LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP For each logical record lock, the following information is displayed: The logical record's name The task that is using the logical record The lock status of the logical record 1) Record is not locked 2) Record is locked shareable 3) Record is locked exclusive 4) Record lock is being held by the transaction tracking system The log status of the logical record 1) Record is not logged 2) Record is logged Page 2 of 3 LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP If a record is logged, that means the station has included it in a list of records that it will want to lock as a set. Locking a group of records as a set avoids deadlock with other stations that may be trying to lock the same records. If the record is locked shareable, that means that other stations may also lock the record shareable, but no other station can lock the record exclusively. The shareable mode is most often used when reading data that another station should not change. If the record is locked exclusively then no other station can lock the record. The exclusive mode is used most often when the station is changing data and no other station should be reading or writing the data. If data is being updated in a file that is "transaction tracked" then the file server will hold exclusive locks until the entire transaction has been completed. This allows the transaction to be backed out cleanly in the event that a workstation, the network, or the file server fail during the transaction. Page 3 of 3 CONNECTION SEMAPHORES HELP This list shows all semaphores that are being used by the selected connection. Semaphores are used for two purposes. The first is to limit how many tasks can be using (or changing) a resource at the same time. When a task uses a semaphore to ask for the use of a resource (a resource could be anything that the programmer needs to limit the use of) then several things can occur. If the resource is available the task is allowed to proceed. If the resouce is not available the task if forced to wait until it becomes available, or the maximum time the task agreed to wait is reached. If the resouce is still not available after the task has waited, an error is returned indicating it is not available. The second use of semaphores is to limit the number of workstations that can run a program at the same time. This is a form of copy protection. In this case, each workstation where the program is run opens a semaphore and checks the open count to see if it is greater than the maximum number of stations that are allowed to use the program. If the Page 1 of 2 CONNECTION SEMAPHORES HELP open count is not greater than the limit then the program continues. If it is greater then the program prints a message indicating that the maximum number of users licenced to use that program are already using it and someone must exit before the program can be run. The program then terminates. The following information is shown for each semaphore: The semaphore name, what task on this connection has the semaphore open, the total number of connections/tasks that have this semaphore open, the current value of the semaphore. If the value is a positive number it indicates how many resources are currently available. If it is 0 it means no resources are available and no stations are waiting for it. If it is a negative value it is the number of stations that are waiting for the resource being limited by this semaphore. Page 2 of 2 CONNECTION TASK INFORMATION This display shows information about tasks in the selected workstation that are using the network. The Connection Status window will show if the connection is waiting for a lock or a semaphore. The Active Tasks window shows all tasks at the selected connection that are using the network. The Connection Status window can display the following information: CONNECTION IS NOT WAITING The connection is not waiting for a lock or semaphore. Page 1 of 5 CONNECTION TASK INFORMATION CONNECTION IS WAITING ON A PHYSICAL RECORD LOCK The connection has asked to lock a physical record that is still locked by another station. The connection is waiting for the other station to unlock the physical record. The task that is trying to lock the record will be displayed as well as the byte range of the physical record. CONNECTION IS WAITING ON A FILE LOCK The connection has asked to lock a file that is locked by another station. The connection is waiting for the other station to unlock the file. The task that is trying to lock the file will be displayed as well as the name of the file that it is trying to lock. Page 2 of 5 CONNECTION TASK INFORMATION CONNECTION IS WAITING ON A SEMAPHORE The connection has asked to use a resource that is being limited by a semaphore. It is waiting for another connection that is using the resource to release it. The task that is waiting to use the resource is shown as well as the name of the semaphore that it is waiting on. The following information may be displayed for each task that is using the network: NORMAL The task is using files, locks or semaphores on the network. Page 3 of 5/ CONNECTION TASK INFORMATION EXPLICIT TRANSACTION IN PROGRESS The task has issued an explicit begin transaction. All changes made by this task to files that are flagged transactional are being tracked by the transaction tracking system so that they can be backed out if the workstation, network, or file server fail before the transaction is completed. IMPLICIT TRANSACTION IN PROGRESS The task has locked a physical or logical record that has caused the transaction tracking system to assume an implicit begin transaction. All changes made by this task to files that are flagged transactional are being tracked by the transaction tracking system so that they can be backed out if the workstation, network, or file server fail before the transaction is completed. Page 4 of 5 CONNECTION TASK INFORMATION SHARED FILE SET LOCK IN PROGRESS The task has issued a begin shared file set transaction. All the files that it had open are locked. When the shared file set transaction is finished, the files will become detached and no further access will be allowed until they are locked again. The transaction tracking system is NOT tracking changes. EXPLICIT TRANSACTION AND SHARED FILE SET LOCK IN PROGRESS The task has issued an explicit begin transaction call to the transaction tracking system and has issued a begin shared file set transaction call. IMPLICIT TRANSACTION AND SHARED FILE SET LOCK IN PROGRESS The task has locked a physical or logical record that caused the transaction tracking system to assume an implicit begin transaction and has issued a begin shared file set transaction call. Page 5 of 5 SEMAPHORE INFORMATION HELP This display shows all the connections that are using the selected semaphore. Semaphores are used for two purposes. The first is to limit how many tasks can be using (or changing) a resource at the same time. When a task uses a semaphore to ask for the use of a resource (a resouce could be anything that the programmer needs to limit the use of) then several things can occur. If the resource is available the task is allowed to proceed. If the resouce is not available the task if forced to wait until it becomes available, or the maximum time the task agreed to wait is reached. If the resouce is still not available after the task has waited, an error is returned indicating it is not available. The second use of semaphores is to limit the number of workstations that can run a program at the same time. This is a form of copy protection. In this case, each workstation where the program is run opens a semaphore and checks the open count to see if it is greater than the maximum number of stations that are allowed to use the program. If the Page 1 of 3 SEMAPHORE INFORMATION HELP open count is not greater than the limit then the program continues. If it is greater then the program prints a message indicating that the maximum number of users licenced to use that program are already using it and someone must exit before the program can be run. The program then terminates. The following information is shown: OPEN COUNT This count shows how many connection are using the semaphore. Page 2 of 3 SEMAPHORE INFORMATION HELP VALUE If the value is a positive number it indicates how many resources are currently available. If it is 0 it means no resources are available and no stations are waiting for it. If it is a negative value it is the number of stations that are waiting for the resource being limited by this semaphore. Each connection that is using this semaphore is also shown along with the task that is using it. Page 3 of 3& LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP This screen shows all connections that are using the selected logical record lock. Logical record locks are used by programs to control the access of multiple users to data. Logical record locks limit access to data by "convention". That is to say that a program assigns a name to each section of data that needs to be locked. The database program then locks this name whenever it accesses the data. If the program attempts to lock the name and it fails because another station already has the name locked, then it knows that it must wait for the other user to finish. This means that the program could access the data even if the name was already locked, the locking is enforced only to the extent that the program checks the name each time it needs to access the data. This list of logical record locks is automatically updated every 2 seconds. Page 1 of 5 LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP For each logical record lock, the following information is displayed: USE COUNT This shows the number of connections that are using this logical record. A connection can be using the logical record by having it locked or logged as part of a set of logical records that the connection wants to lock at the same time. SHARE COUNT If no connections have this logical record locked shareable then this count will be zero. If this count is non-zero it shows the number of connections that have this logical record locked shareable. Page 2 of 5V LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP STATUS The logical record lock status will be one of the following: NOT LOCKED LOCKED EXCLUSIVE LOCKED SHAREABLE All connections that are using the selected logical record lock will be shown. For each connection, the following information is shown: The connection number, the task number, the lock and log status. The lock status can be any of the following: NOT LOCKED The logical record is not locked by this connection. Page 3 of 5p LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP LOCKED SHAREABLE The logical record is locked shareable by this connection. Other stations can also lock this logical record as shareable but no station can lock the record exclusively. Shareable locks are most often used when a station is reading data and does not want another station to be changing the data while it is using the data. LOCKED EXCLUSIVE The logical record is locked exclusively by this connection. No other station can lock the record. Exclusive locks are most often used when a station is changing data and does not want any other stations to read or change the data at the same time. Page 4 of 5 LOGICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP TTS HOLDING LOCK This means that the connection has a transaction in progress that is being tracked by the transaction tracking system. The connection has unlocked the logical record, but the transaction tracking system is holding the logical record lock until the connection finishes the transaction. The lock is held so that if the workstation, network, or file server fail before the transaction is completed, the transaction tracking system will be able to restore the original data to the file. The log status will show NOT LOGGED or LOGGED. If the log status shows LOGGED, then the connection has registered this logical record lock as one of several that it will want to lock simultaneously. Page 5 of 5 FILE STATUS HELP This display shows the current status of the selected file. The following information is shown: USE COUNT This is a count of the number of connections that are using this file. A connection can be using a file by having the file open, having the file locked, or having the file logged. OPEN COUNT This is a count of the number of connections that have this file open. Page 1 of 58 FILE STATUS HELP OPEN FOR READ This count shows the number of connections that have opened this file requesting access to read from the file. OPEN FOR WRITE This count shows the number of connections that have opened this file requesting access to write to the file. DENY READ This count shows the number of connections that have opened this file and requested that other stations not be allowed to open the file with read access. Page 2 of 5 FILE STATUS HELP DENY WRITE This count shows the number of connections that have opened this file and requested that other connections not be allowed to open the file with write access. STATUS This field will show the lock status of the selected file. The following status information can be shown: NOT LOCKED LOCKED BY FILE LOCK LOCKED BY SHARED FILE SET TRANSACTION If the file is locked, which connection has the file locked will be displayed in the list of connections using the file. Page 3 of 5\ FILE STATUS HELP The list of connections using the file shows the following information: The connection number, the task number, the lock status and the log status. The lock status can be any of the following: FILE LOCK IS BEING HELD BY THE TRANSACTION TRACKING SYSTEM This means that the connection has a transaction in progress that is being tracked by the transaction tracking system. The connection has unlocked the file but the transaction tracking system is holding the file lock until the connection finishes the transaction. The lock is held so that if the workstation, network or file server fail before the transaction is completed, the transaction tracking system will be able to restore the original data to the file. Page 4 of 5 FILE STATUS HELP LOCKED EXCLUSIVE This connection has the file locked exclusively. No other connection can lock the file. SHARED SET LOCK This connection has the file locked by a shared file set lock. No other connection can lock the file. NOT LOCKED This connection does not have the file locked. The logged status can be the LOGGED or NOT LOGGED. If the connection has the file logged that means that it has registered the file as one of several files that it wants to lock simultaneously. Page 5 of 5b PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP This list shows all physical record locks that any connections have on this file. A physical record lock can prevent any other station from accessing or changing a range of bytes in the file. Unlike the logical record locks, the physical record lock is enforced without the cooperation of other stations. If another station attempts to access a range of bytes that is physically locked they will get an access denied error. The list of physical records is updated automatically every two seconds. Page 1 of 3 PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP For each physical record lock, the following information is displayed: The byte range that is being locked (in hex), the number of connections that are using this byte range, the lock status of the byte range. If the physical record is locked exclusively, the connection and task that have it locked will be displayed. If the physical record is locked shareable the number of connections that have it locked will be displayed. If no lock information is shown then the physical record is logged but not locked by any connection. Page 2 of 3 PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS HELP If a record is logged, that means the station has included it in a list of records that it will want to lock as a set. Locking a group of records as a set avoids deadlock with other stations that may be trying to lock the same records. If the record is locked shareable, that means that other stations may also lock the record shareable, but no other station can lock the record exclusively. The shareable mode is most often used when reading data that another station should not change. If the record is locked exclusively then no other station can lock the record. The exclusive mode is used most often when the station is changing data and no other station should be reading or writing the data. If data is being updated in a file that is "transaction tracked" then the file server will hold exclusive locks until the entire transaction has been completed. This allows the transaction to be backed out cleanly in the event that a workstation, the network, or the file server fail during the transaction. Page 3 of 3 CURRENT TRANSACTIONS HELP This display shows the transactions that are currently being tracked by the transaction tracking system. Transaction can occur in two ways. First, the program at the workstation can explicitly tell the file server that it is starting a transaction and then tell it that it has finished the transaction. Second, the file server can be set to implicitly determine that a transaction has been started by the workstation when it does a physical or logical record lock, and the it has finished when the record locks are released. The second method allows programs that were not written with transaction tracking calls to be run on a transaction tracking server. Because there are programs that keep some records locked all the time, a threshold can be set to specify what physical record lock or what logical record lock should cause the file server to implicitly assume that a transaction is in progress. Page 1 of 4 CURRENT TRANSACTIONS HELP The transaction tracking system will track all changes that are made to files that are flagged as transactional files. The original data and the new data are remembered until the entire transaction has been completed and all changes have been successfully written to the disk. If the workstation, network or file server fail for any reason before all changes made during the transaction have been written to the disk then the file server will backout the transaction. When a transaction is backed out, all the original data is restored. This prevents database files from becomming corrupted by updates that were only partially completed. Page 2 of 4 CURRENT TRANSACTIONS HELP The following information is shown: TRANSACTIONS IN PROGRESS This count shows all transactions currently in progress. This includes transactions that the workstation has finished, but have not yet been written to disk, and transactions that are currently in progress by a workstation. If the transaction is currently in progress by the workstation, the connection and task that is performing the transaction will be displayed. NEW TRANSACTIONS This count shows the number of new transactions that have been started in the last second. The display is updated automatically once a second. Page 3 of 4 CURRENT TRANSACTIONS HELP TOTAL TRANSACTIONS This count shows the total number of transactions that have been tracked by the transaction tracking system since the file server was brought up. The connection number and the task number is also shown for all connections that have a transaction in progress. The connection number and task number will no longer be shown once the transaction has been completed. Page 4 of 4 VERSION INFORMATION HELP This display shows the version of NetWare that is running on the selected file server. It shows the company that is selling this version. The type of NetWare such as Advanced NetWare, SFT level 1 or 2 and if transaction tracking is supported. Next the version number is shown along with the date when this version was created. Finally the copyright notice is shown. Page 1 of 1l PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP This display show information about the physical disk drives on the file server. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each entry is described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the selected file server was last brought up. DISK TYPE This entry shows the number assigned to this disk type and the text description of the disk type. The next line under the disk type shows if the drive is a removable drive. This entry can say NON-REMOVABLE DRIVE or REMOVABLE DRIVE. Page 1 of 7 PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP DISK CHANNEL This entry shows which disk channel this drive is located on. CONTROLLER NUMBER This entry shows the controller number on the disk channel that is used to access this drive. DRIVE NUMBER This entry shows drive number on the controller that is used to access this drive. CONTROLLER TYPE This entry shows the numeric type assigned to the controller that is used to access this drive. The text description may also be shown after the numeric type. Page 2 of 7 PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP DRIVE SIZE This entry shows the total drive size in bytes. This does not include the area on the disk that has been set aside for Hot Fix. Hot Fix is a feature of SFT Level 1. The Hot Fix area is reserved to redirect disk blocks to if the area on the disk where the information was originally being stored goes bad. DRIVE CYLINDERS This is the number of cylinders on the disk drive. If the file server does not know how many cylinders there are, a 0 will be shown Page 3 of 7 PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP DRIVE HEADS This is the number of heads on the disk drive. If the file server does not know how many heads the disk has then a 0 will be shown. SECTORS PER TRACK This is the number of sectors (a sector is usually 512 bytes of data) that fit on a track on the disk (the number of tracks is the number of cylinders times the number of heads). Since some disk drives fit more sectors per track on the outside tracks than they do on the inside track this entry may show VARIES. If the file server does not know how many sectors per track the drive supports then VARIES will also be shown. Page 4 of 7& PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP IO ERROR COUNT This is the number of errors that have occurred while accessing this disk drive. HOT FIX TABLE START This is the block number on the disk where the area reserved for Hot Fix starts. This will be blank if Hot Fix is not enabled. Page 5 of 7O PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP The hot fix status is shown next. This status can be: HOT FIX ENABLED This server supports SFT Level 1 and Hot Fix is functional on this disk drive. HOT FIX DISABLED This server supports SFT Level 1 but due to repeated failures on this disk drive, Hot Fix has been turned off. HOT FIX NOT AVAILABLE This server does not support SFT Level 1. Page 6 of 7 PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS HELP HOT FIX TABLE SIZE This entry shows the number of blocks on the disk that have been reserved for Hot Fix. HOT FIX REMAINING This entry shows how many of the reserved blocks are still available to have blocks bad blocks redirected to them. There are 6 blocks that are used to keep track of what blocks have been redirected by Hot Fix. To find out how many blocks have been redirected on this drive, take the HOT FIX TABLE SIZE - 6 - the HOT FIX REMAINING. Page 7 of 7 DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about the selected disk channel. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each of the entries shown in this display is described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the selected file server was last brought up. Page 1 of 6 DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP STATUS This entry shows the current channel status. The following status messages can appear: CHANNEL IS RUNNING This is the normal channel status for a working channel. CHANNEL IS BEING STOPPED Some type of failure occurred during a disk access. The SFT recovery code is taking over the channel so that it can attempt to recover from the disk error. All other disk accesses on this channel are being stopped. CHANNEL IS STOPPED The SFT code has control of this channel. It is attempting to recover from some type of disk error. CHANNEL IS NON-FUNCTIONAL This indicates a serious failure on this channel. No disk drives on this channel are accessible. Page 2 of 6( DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP SYNCHRONIZATION This entry shows the channel synchronization state. Some channels are shared with other software (such as MSDOS or PCDOS). For channels that are shared, access to the channel must be synchronized so that only one software program is using the channel at a time. For the channels that are shared, the synchronization entry shows who is controlling the channel. For channels that are not shared, this entry will always say NO ONE IS USING THE CHANNEL. The following synchronization states can appear for shared channels: NO ONE IS USING THE CHANNEL NETWARE IS USING THE CHANNEL NETWARE IS USING THE CHANNEL, SOMEONE ELSE WANTS IT SOMEONE ELSE IS USING THE CHANNEL SOMEONE ELSE IS USING THE CHANNEL, NETWARE NEEDS IT THE CHANNEL HAS BEEN RELEASED, NETWARE SHOULD USE IT Page 3 of 6 DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP DRIVER TYPE This entry will show the assigned numeric driver type followed by the driver name. The driver is the part of the operating system that knows how to read and write to disk drives on this channel. DRIVER VERSION This entry shows the version number of the driver. IO ADDRESSES Some drivers use IO addresses to communicate with the physical hardware (controller or disk co-processor) for the channel. If this driver uses IO addresses, these addresses will be shown here. Page 4 of 6` DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP SHARED MEMORY ADDRESSES Some drivers use shared memory to communicate with the physical hardware (controller or disk co-processor) for the channel. If this driver uses shared memory, the memory addresses will be shown here. INTERRUPTS USED Some drivers use hardware interrupts addresses to communicate with the physical hardware (controller or disk co-processor) for the channel. If this driver uses hardware interrupts, the interrupt numbers that it uses will be shown here. Page 5 of 6 DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS HELP DMA CHANNELS USED Some drivers use direct memory access to communicate with the physical hardware (controller or disk co-processor) for the channel. If this driver uses direct memory access, the DMA channels that it uses will be shown here. CHANNEL CONFIGURATION This is the text description of the hardware configuration that this channel is set to. The information shown here is a summary of the information shown in the IO ADDRESSES, SHARED MEMORY ADDRESSES, INTERRUPTS USED and DMA CHANNELS USED entries. Page 6 of 6 CONNECTION USAGE STATISTICS HELP This display shows the amount of file server resources that the connection has used since it logged in. The following information is shown: CONNECTION TIME How long the connection has been established with the file server. REQUESTS RECEIVED The number of request packets that the connection has sent to the file server Page 1 of 2 CONNECTION USAGE STATISTICS HELP DISK BYTES READ The number of bytes that the connection has read from the file server disks. DISK BYTES WRITTEN The number of bytes that the connection has written to the file server disks. Page 2 of 2 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about network packets that are being received and sent by the file server. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each of the entries on this display are described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the file server was last brought up. The totals shown on this display are totals since the file server was last brought up. TOTAL PACKETS RECEIVED This entry shows the total number of packets that the file server has received since it was brought up. This includes file service requests, packets routed to another network and packets to other IPX sockets in the file server. Page 1 of 13Q LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP PACKETS ROUTED This entry shows the total number of packets that the file server has routed to another network since the file server was brought up. FILE SERVICE PACKETS This entry shows the total number of file service request packets that have been received by the file server. Page 2 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP NETBIOS BROADCASTS This entry shows the total number of NetBIOS broadcasts that have been rebroadcast by this file server. When NetBIOS attempt to register a name, it must check with all other NetBIOS's on the network to see that the name has not already been registered. Likewise, when NetBIOS attempts to establish a session, it must check with all other NetBIOS's on the network to find the address of the target with whom the session is to be established. The packets to register or locate a name must be broadcast on every network. This entry shows the number of times that this file server has received one of these NetBIOS broadcast packets and has rebroadcast that packet on all other LAN's to which it bridges. Page 3 of 13_ LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP PACKETS WITH INVALID SLOTS This entry shows the number of packets that the file server has received with an illegal slot (connection) number. The only slot numbers between 1 and the number of connections that the file server support are allowed. INVALID CONNECTIONS This entry shows the number of packets that the file server has from a workstation and that workstations connection is no longer valid. This situation will occur when a workstation's connection is cleared or when the file server is taken down and back up without logging out a workstation. This error indicates that the connection number is not allocated, or is allocated to a workstation with a different address. Page 4 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP INVALID SEQUENCE NUMBERS This entry shows the number of times that the file server has received a file service request from a workstation that is connected to the file server and the sequence number is incorrect. Each request that is made has a sequence number. The sequence number should be one higher than the sequence number of the previous request (or the same sequence number if the workstation got tired of waiting for a reply and retried the same request). INVALID REQUEST TYPE This entry shows the number of file service request packets that have been received with an unknown file service request type. Page 5 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP DETACH WITH INVALID SLOT This entry shows the number of times that file server has received a packet to detach a workstation from a connection on the file server and the slot number is an illegal number. FORGED DETACH REQUESTS This entry shows the number of times that file server has received a packet to detach a workstation from a connection on the file server and that workstation's address does not match the address of the workstation that is connected at that slot. Page 6 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP NEW REQUEST DURING PROCESSING This entry shows the number of times that the file server has received a new request from a workstation while it is processing the previous request. This happens when the a workstation reissues a request, then reply the answer from the previous request and sends its next request. If the file server gets the next request while it is reexecuting the first request. NEW ATTACH DURING PROCESSING This entry shows the number of times that a workstation has requested a connection number from the file server while the file server was still processing a request from the workstation. This will happen when a workstation is rebooted and reattaches to the file server before the file server has finished processing the last request. Page 7 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP IGNORED DUPLICATE ATTACH This entry shows the number of times that the file server got a duplicate packet requesting a connection. If the file server is processing a previous request from a workstation for a connection and receives another request, the second request is ignored. REPLY CANCELED BY NEW ATTACH This entry shows the number of times that the reply to a request was canceled. If the file server received a new request to attach while it was still processing a file service request then it will cancel the reply to the file service request. Page 8 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP DETACH DURING PROCESSING IGNORED This entry shows the number of times that the file server received a request to terminate a connection while it was still processing a request for that connection. The request to terminate the connection is ignored. REEXECUTED REQUESTS This is the number of time that the file server reexecuted the same request for the workstation. This will happen when the reply to the first request is lost by the network or when the workstation gets impatient and reissues the request just as the file server is sending the reply. Page 9 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP DUPLICATE REPLIES SENT This entry shows the number of times that the file server was asked to reexecute a request, but did not have to reexecute the request because the previous reply was still in memory. Some types of file service requests can not be reexecuted (like find the next file, or get the next queue job). If these requests were reexecuted they would get a different result than they did the first time. The file server saves the replies to these requests in memory so that if the workstation reissues the same request it can send it the correct reply. Page 10 of 131 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP POSITIVE ACKNOWLEDGES SENT This entry shows the number of positive acknowledge packets the file server has sent to workstations. When the file server is processing a request that takes a long time and the workstation reissues the request, the file server will send a positive acknowledgment packet to the workstation. This packet is not the reply to the request, but it lets the workstation know that the request was received, and that the file server is busy processing the request. Page 11 of 13$! LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP FILE SERVICE USED ROUTE This entry shows the number of times that a file service request was received by the file server and no file service processes were available. In this case the file service request is placed in a routing buffer until a file service request becomes available to service the request. PACKETS DISCARDED BECAUSE THEY CROSSED MORE THAN 16 BRIDGES This entry shows the number of packets received by this file server that had already crossed 16 bridges. It is assumed that the packet is lost or traveling in a circle and the packet is discarded. Page 12 of 13 LAN I/O STATISTICS HELP PACKETS DISCARDED BECAUSE DESTINATION NETWORK IS UNKNOWN This is the number of packets that are destined for a network that this file server does not know about. This usually results if a network is no longer accessible, but the workstation sending packets to that network has not yet discovered that the network can no longer be reached. The packet is discarded. INCOMING PACKETS LOST BECAUSE OF NO AVAILABLE BUFFERS This count shows the number of packets that could not be received because there were no more buffers available. In this case the packet is lost. OUTGOING PACKETS LOST BECAUSE OF NO AVAILABLE BUFFERS This count shows the number of packets that could not be sent because there were no available routing buffers. Page 13 of 130( STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP This display shows a summary of the file server statistics. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each entry is described below: FILE SERVER UP TIME This entry shows the elapsed time since the file server was last brought up. Entries that show totals, show the total since the file server was last brought up. NUMBER OF FILE SERVICE PROCESSES This entry shows the number of file service processes. Each file service process can service a request at the same time that other file service processes are servicing requests. The number of file service processes is dependant on the number and type of LAN and disk drivers in the OS and the features the OS supports. Page 1 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP CURRENT SERVER UTILIZATION This entry shows the percentage of time that the file server CPU is being used. This percentage is calculated by tracking the amount of time that the CPU is idle. DISK REQUESTS SERVICED FROM CACHE This entry shows the number of percentage of requests to read or write information to the disk that were serviced from the cache. The file server keeps the most recently accessed disk information in the server's memory. When this information is needed, the file server does not need to access the disk drive to get the information. Page 2 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP PACKETS ROUTED This entry shows the number of packets that the file server routed in the last second. Packets that are routed are received on one LAN and sent out on another LAN so that they can get to their destination address. TOTAL PACKETS RECEIVED This is the total number of packets that the file server has received since it was last brought up. This includes file service requests, packets to be routed and packet destined for IPX sockets other than the file server socket. Page 3 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP FILE SERVICE PACKETS This entry shows the number of file service request packets that were received in the last second. TOTAL NUMBER OF CACHE BUFFERS This entry shows the total number of cache buffers that this file server has. All the remaining memory after the operating system has been initialized is used for cache buffers. The number of cache buffers can be changed by adding or removing memory from the file server. Page 4 of 20z2 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DIRTY CACHE BUFFERS This entry shows the number of cache buffers with updated information that needs to be written to the disk. The file server will write these cache buffers to the disk as soon as they are filled with new information, or if they have not been filled but have had updated information for 3 seconds. TOTAL SERVER MEMORY This is the amount of memory installed in the file server. The amount of memory is shown in bytes. Page 5 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP UNUSED SERVER MEMORY This is the total amount of memory that is not in use. This is memory that is fragmented and not in big enough hunks to be used for anything. ROUTING BUFFERS - MAXIMUM This entry shows the number of routing buffers that the file server has. This number is configured during the network installation. ROUTING BUFFERS - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak number of routing buffers that have been in use at one time since the file server was brought up. Page 6 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP ROUTING BUFFERS - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry show the number of routing buffers that are in use at the current time. Routing buffers are used to store incomming packets when no file service processes are available, and to store all packets being sent by the file server except replies to file service requests. OPEN FILES - MAXIMUM This entry shows the maximum number of files that can be open at the same time. This number is configurable during network installation. Page 7 of 20!: STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP OPEN FILES - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak number of files that have been open at the same time since the file server was brought up. OPEN FILES - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the number of files that are currently open by the file server. INDEXED FILES - MAXIMUM This entry shows the maximum number of indexed files that can be open and active at the same time. The number maximum number of indexed files is configurable during network installation. Page 8 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP INDEXED FILES - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak number of indexed files that have been open and active since the file server was brought up. INDEXED FILES - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the number of indexed files that are currently active. Turbo FAT indexing increases the performance of random reads and writes to large database files. These operations will be speed up by a factor of 2 to 4 times for database files larger than 1 megabyte if the file is flagged as indexed. When the file server opens an indexed file, it builds a index in memory of where the file is located on the disk. This index allows rapid access to any position in the file without scanning through the FAT tables. Page 9 of 20f@ STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP TRANSACTIONS - MAXIMUM This entry shows the maximum number of transactions that can be active at the same time. This number is configurable during network installation. If transaction tracking is not available on this file server N/A will be shown for this number. TRANSACTIONS - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak number of transactions that have been active at the same time since the file server was brought up. If transaction tracking is not available on this file server then N/A will be shown in this entry. Page 10 of 20|D STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP TRANSACTIONS - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the number of transaction that are currently active on this file server. If transaction tracking is not available then this entry will show N/A. The transaction tracking system will track all changes that are made to files that are flagged as transactional files. The original data and the new data are remembered until the entire transaction has been completed and all changes have been successfully written to the disk. If the workstation, network or file server fail for any reason before all changes made during the transaction have been written to the disk then the file server will backout the transaction. When a transaction is backed out, all the original data is restored. This prevents database files from becomming corrupted by updates that were only partially completed. Page 11 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP BINDERY OBJECTS - MAXIMUM This is the maximum number of objects that can be created in the bindery. This is used to track and limit the amount of disk space that any object can use. This entry is configurable during network installation. If you choose not to use the ability to restrict the amount of disk space an object can use then this entry will show N/A. If N/A is shown the number of bindery objects is not limited. BINDERY OBJECTS - PEAK USED This entry shows the maximum number of bindery objects that have existed at the same time since the file server was brought up. If the option to limit the amount of disk space each object could use was not selected then N/A will be shown in this entry. Page 12 of 20]K STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP BINDERY OBJECTS - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the number of objects that currently exist in the bindery. A bindery object is created for many different types of entities. For example: users, groups, print servers, print queues, file servers, etc. are bindery objects. If the option to restrict the amount of disk space each object can use was selected during network installation then this entry shows the number of objects that currently exist in the bindery and whose disk space utilization is currently being tracked. If you did not select the option to limit the amount of disk space each object can use then an N/A will be shown in this entry. Page 13 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP CONNECTIONS - MAXIMUM This entry shows the maximum number of objects that can be connected to the file server at the same time. This number is not configurable. It is fixed for the version of NetWare that the file server is running. CONNECTIONS - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak number of objects that have been connected to the file server at the same time since the file server was brought up. Page 14 of 20pP STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP CONNECTIONS - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows how many objects are connected to the file server at the current time. DYNAMIC MEMORY 1 - MAXIMUM This entry shows the total memory available in the 1st dynamic memory pool. The amount of memory available is shown in bytes. For the 8086 and 80286 operating systems this is the DGROUP memory pool. This memory is used for mapping directories and for temporary buffers while a file service request is being processed. For the 8086 and 80286 operating systems this is not configurable. Page 15 of 20cS STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DYNAMIC MEMORY 1 - MAXIMUM (continued) For the 68000 Star there is only one memory pool. It is used to track each object that logs in, files that are open and locked, where directories are mapped, for the server and router advertising tables and for temporary buffers while a file service request is being processed. This memory pool size is configurable during network installation. DYNAMIC MEMORY 1 - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak amount of memory from the dynamic memory 1 pool that has been in use at the same time since the file server was brought up. Page 16 of 20]V STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DYNAMIC MEMORY 1 - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the amount of memory in the dynamic memory 1 pool that is currently in use. DYNAMIC MEMORY 2 - MAXIMUM This entry shows the total amount of memory available in the second dynamic memory pool. The amount of memory is shown in bytes. For the 8086 and 80286 operating systems this memory pool is used for keeping track of open files, file locks and record locks. The amount of memory in this pool is configurable during network installation by setting the maximum number of files that can be open at the same time. Page 17 of 20?X STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DYNAMIC MEMORY 2 - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak amount of memory from the second dynamic memory pool that has been in use at the same time since the file server came up. DYNAMIC MEMORY 2 - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the amount of memory from the second dynamic memory pool that is currently in use. Page 18 of 20-Z STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DYNAMIC MEMORY 3 - MAXIMUM This is the amount of memory available in the third dynamic memory pool. The amount of memory is shown in bytes. For the 8086 and 80286 operating systems the third dynamic memory pool is used to track server and routing information. The size of the third dynamic memory pool is not configurable. Page 19 of 20 STATISTICS SUMMARY HELP DYNAMIC MEMORY 3 - PEAK USED This entry shows the peak amount of memory from the third dynamic memory pool that has been in use at the same time since the file server was brought up. DYNAMIC MEMORY 3 - CURRENTLY IN USE This entry shows the amount of memory in the third dynamic memory pool that is currently in use. Page 20 of 20/^ DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP This display show information about the file server disk drivers. This includes information about what channels are being used, how many drives the file server has and which drives are mirrors of other drives. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each entry is described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the selected file server was last brought up. Page 1 of 10%b DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP SFT SUPPORT LEVEL This is the level of system fault tolerance that the file server supports. Level 0 has duplicate copies of all directory and FAT information stored on each disk. Level 1 has the features of Level 0 plus the ability to redirect bad blocks on the disk during normal file server operation. This means if a area on the disk goes bad, the file server will automatically move the data to another area on the disk without any need for user intervention. Level 2 has all the features of Levels 0 and 1 plus it allows for mirroring of disk drives. Mirroring means that the data stored on one disk drive is also stored on another disk drive. If one of the drives fail, the file server can continue uninterrupted using the remaining drive, this is invisible to the user and no data is lost. Page 2 of 107e DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP PENDING I/O COMMANDS This is the number of disk access requests that are currently on the disk elevator. The elevator is a list of information being requested from the disk. It is ordered so that the information closest to the disk head will be retrieved first. This is called elevator seeking because it operates in much the same manner as an elevator does when people make requests to go to a particular floor of a building. The elevator stops at the closest floor first, even if that was the last floor that someone requested. This provides maximum efficiency in accessing the disk drive. Page 3 of 10\g DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK COUNT This is the number of disk drives that the file server appears to have to people using the file server. This number may be less than the number of physical disks that the file server has if some of the physical disks are used as mirrors of other physical disks. PHYSICAL DISK COUNT This is the real number of disk drives that the file server is using. Page 4 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP DISK CHANNELS This shows the status of each disk channel. Disk drives on separate channels can be accessed at the same time. This allows the file server to service multiple disk requests in a shorter period of time. If a physical drive is mirrored to a physical drive on another channel, the file server can service some requests for the data on that drive at the same time that it services other requests on the mirror drive. The effectively doubles the amount of data that can be read from the drive in a given time period. The channel states can be: ACTIVE The channel has drives that are being used. INACTIVE There are no disk drives on this channel FAILED Due to some type of failure, this channel can no longer be used by the file server. All disk drives on this channel are inaccessible. Page 5 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS This display shows which physical disks map to which logical disks. If a disk is not mirrored then only a primary disk drive number will be shown for the logical disk. If the disk is mirrored then the drive numbers of the primary and mirror physical disks will be shown for the logical disk. The status of each disk is also shown if the status is not normal. For a mirror disk the status that can be shown are: DISABLED The drive has been unmirrored because of a failure or because a console command to unmirror this drive was given. REMIRRORING The drive is being remirrored. All changed data is being copied from the primary drive to this drive so that they will again be exact mirrors of each other. Page 6 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS (continued) If there is no mirror then NONE will be shown for the mirror drive. The primary drive will always be shown. If a drive has been shut down because it failed, then DEAD will be displayed next to the primary drive number. A drive that is DEAD can not be accessed until the server is taken down, the reason for the failure fixed, and the server brought up again. If a drive is mirrored and both the primary drive and the mirror drive fail then only the primary drive will be shown, and it will be labeled DEAD. Page 7 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS (continued) When a mirror drive is DISABLED, and the reason for failure has been corrected, it is possible to remirror the drive without taking the file server down (unless the disk channel has failed). The drive can be remirrored from the main file server console using the command "REMIRROR ". While a drive is being remirrored its status will show as REMIRRORING. In addition the line LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS will be replaced with information about the progress the drive being remirrored. Page 8 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS (continued) The remirror progress line can show the following information: INITIALIZING REMIRROR FOR DISK This means that the file server is checking for information that needs to be copied from the primary disk drive to the mirror disk drive in order to bring the mirror disk back up to date. If the mirror drive was disabled before the file server was brought up then the file server will copy all data stored on the primary drive to the mirror drive. If the mirror drive failed after the file server was brought up, then the file server has tracked all information that was updated on the primary drive that was not updated on the mirror drive. In this case only the information that has changed since the mirror drive failed will be updated. Page 9 of 10 DISK MAPPING INFORMATION HELP LOGICAL DISK TO PHYSICAL DISK MAPPINGS (continued) The remirror progress line can show also show: REMIRROR OF DISK COPYING BLOCK OF This is shown while information is actually being transferred from the primary drive to the mirror drive. The block that is currently being copied and the total block size of the drive are shown. Note that if the primary disk drive is not completely full the remirror will finish before the block being copied reaches the drive block size (i.e. if the drive is only half full, it only needs to copy half the blocks). Page 10 of 10r VOLUME STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about the selected volume. The information on this display will be updated once a second. Note that if the volume is dismounted then the only information that will be shown are the volume name, and that the volume is not mounted. Each entry is described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the file server was last brought up. VOLUME NAME This is the name of the volume whose information is shown on this display. Page 1 of 9l VOLUME STATISTICS HELP VOLUME NUMBER This is the volume number assigned to this volume. Volume numbers are assigned by the file server at the time the volume is mounted. VOLUME MOUNTED This entry shows if the volume is currently mounted. If the volume is a removable volume then it can be dismounted from the console. If the volume is not a removable volume then it will only be dismounted if the disk where this volume is located fails. VOLUME REMOVABLE This entry shows if the volume is a removable volume. Removable volumes can be mounted and dismounted while the file server is running. Page 2 of 9 VOLUME STATISTICS HELP VOLUME HASHED This entry shows if this volume is hashed. Hashing is a method of providing rapid access to any directory or file on the volume. The file server will automatically hash all volumes unless the file server is extremely short on memory. VOLUME CACHED This entry shows if this volume's directory information is cached in the file server memory. If the directory information is cached then the file server can provide more rapid access to the directories and files on this volume. Whether a volume should be cached is configurable during network installation. If the file server is short on memory it will not cache volumes even if the user requested that they be cached. Page 3 of 9 VOLUME STATISTICS HELP BLOCK SIZE This entry shows the size of blocks on this volume. The block size is shown in bytes. Units of disk space are allocated a block at a time. STARTING BLOCK This is the block on the disk where this volume starts. TOTAL BLOCKS This is the number of blocks in the selected volume. To calculate the volume size in bytes you can multiply the TOTAL BLOCKS by the BLOCK SIZE. Page 4 of 9S VOLUME STATISTICS HELP FREE BLOCKS This entry shows how many blocks on the volume are not being used. To calculate the amount of free space in bytes you can multiply the FREE BLOCKS by the BLOCK SIZE. MAXIMUM DIRECTORY ENTRIES This is the total number of directories, files, salvage files and trustee entries that can exist on this volume. The maximum number of directory entries is configurable during network installation. Page 5 of 9 VOLUME STATISTICS HELP PEAK DIRECTORY ENTRIES USED This entry shows the highest directory entry that is in use by this volume. It does not show the highest number of directory entries that have been used like most of the other peak used counts. If the volume has been full and then had a large number of files deleted, it is possible that the highest directory entry used could still be close to the MAXIMUM DIRECTORY ENTRIES. CURRENT FREE DIRECTORY ENTRIES This entry shows how many directory entries are currently available. Each file, directory, salvage file and trustee node use up a directory entry (Note that up to 5 users' trustee rights can be stored in one trustee node). Page 6 of 9B VOLUME STATISTICS HELP LOGICAL DRIVE NUMBER This entry shows the logical disk drive number of the drive that this volume is located on. VOLUME MIRRORED This entry shows if this volume is being mirrored on two physical disks. Mirroring allows the file server to continue providing uninterrupted access to the data on this volume if one of the physical disk drives fail. PRIMARY DISK NUMBER This entry shows the physical disk drive number of the drive that is currently being used as the primary drive. Page 7 of 9 VOLUME STATISTICS HELP MIRROR DISK NUMBER This entry shows the physical disk drive number of the drive that is being used to mirror this volume. If this volume is not mirrored then N/A will appear in this entry. If an unusual condition exists on this volume it will be displayed on a status line next to the VOLUME MIRRORED entry. The possible unusual conditions that can be displayed are: WARNING: MIRRORING IS DISABLED The volume is no longer mirrored. Either one of the drives failed or the operator issued an UNMIRROR command from the file server console. Page 8 of 9 VOLUME STATISTICS HELP WARNING: VOLUME SHUT DOWN The volume is no longer accessable. The drive (or drives) where this volume was located failed. The file server will probably dismount the volume soon. VOLUME DISMOUNTED This volume has been dismounted by the file server because the disk drive where this volume was located failed. If a volume is removable, it can also be dismounted if the operator issues a DISMOUNT command from the file server console. If a volume is dismounted because of a failure, the file server must be taken down, the reason for the failure fixed and the file server brought up again before the volume will be remounted. Page 9 of 9 FILE STATUS HELP This display shows the current status of the file for the selected connection. The following information can be displayed. FILE IS BEING HELD OPEN BY THE TRANSACTION TRACKING SYSTEM This means that the station has closed the file but has a transaction active that included updates in this file. The transaction tracking system will hold this file open until the station completes the transaction. FILE IS OPEN The work station has the file open. The file was not flagged as a shareable file. Page 1 of 7_ FILE STATUS HELP FILE IS OPEN IN SHARE MODE The workstation has the file open and the file is flagged shareable. FILE IS NOT OPEN The workstation does not have the file open. In this case the workstation has the file locked or logged. OPEN FOR READ ONLY The workstation has requested read access to the file but has not requested write access to the file. OPEN FOR WRITE ONLY The workstation has requested write access to the file but has not requested read access to the file. Page 2 of 7= FILE STATUS HELP OPEN FOR READ AND WRITE The workstation requested both read and write access to the file. ALLOW READS AND WRITES FROM OTHER STATIONS The workstation is allowing other stations to read and write to the file also. DENY READS, BUT ALLOW WRITES FROM OTHER STATIONS The workstation is not allowing other stations to read from this file, but is allowing other stations to write to the file. ALLOW READS, BUT DENY WRITES FROM OTHER STATIONS The workstation is allowing other stations to read from the file, but is not allowing other stations to write to the file. Page 3 of 7 FILE STATUS HELP DENY READS AND WRITES FROM OTHER STATIONS The workstation is not allowing other stations to read or write to this file. LOCKED BY SHARED FILE SET TRANSACTION The file is locked as part of a shared file set transaction. When the shared file set transaction ends, the file will become detached and no further access will be permitted until the station locks the file again. Note that a shared file set transaction is NOT the same as a transaction the is tracked by the transaction tracking system. LOCKED BY FILE LOCK The file is locked by a file lock. Page 4 of 7 FILE STATUS HELP TTS HOLDING LOCK The workstation has released the file lock that it had on this file, but the transaction tracking system is holding the file lock. The workstation is in the middle of a transaction, when the transaction is completed, the lock will be released. FILE IS DETACHED (NO I/O IS PERMITTED UNTIL FILE IS LOCKED) The workstation has done a previous shared file set transaction using this file, but has now unlocked the file. The workstation must relock the file before further access is allowed. FILE DETACH IS BEING HELD BY THE TRANSACTION TRACKING SYSTEM The file has been closed by the workstation, but its is being held open and detached by the transaction tracking system. When the current transaction ends, the file will be released. Page 5 of 7 FILE STATUS HELP FILE IS LOGGED The workstation has logged this file as one of several files that it wants to lock simultaneously. EXPLICIT TRANSACTION TRACKING IN PROGRESS This file is flagged as transactional and the workstation is issued an explicit begin transaction call, but has not yet issued the matching end transaction call. IMPLICIT TRANSACTION TRACKING IN PROGRESS This file is flagged as transactional and the workstation has locked a physical or logical record that caused an implicit begin transaction to occur. When the workstation unlocks the records it has locked, the transaction will end. Page 6 of 7 FILE STATUS HELP TRANSACTIONS WILL BE TRACKED BY THE TRANSACTION TRACKING SYSTEM This file is flagged transactional. When the workstation starts a transaction, any changes to this file will be tracked so that they can be backed out in case of failure before the transaction is completed. Page 7 of 7s FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about the logical file system. The information on this display is updated once a second. Each entry on this display is described below. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the file server was last brought up. The totals shown on this display are cumulative counts since the file server was brought up. Page 1 of 10p FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP CONFIGURED MAX OPEN FILES This entry shows the maximum number of files that can be open on the file server at any given time. This number is configurable during network installation. After the file server has been through a time of peak usage, you should compare the PEAK FILES OPEN count to this number. If the PEAK FILES OPEN count is very close to this number you will probably want to increase the configured maximum number of open files. If the PEAK FILES OPEN count is far below this number you should probably decrease the configured maximum number of open files. Page 2 of 10 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP PEAK FILES OPEN This count shows the largest number of files that have been open at the same time since the file server came up. OPEN REQUESTS This count shows how many times a file open requests have been processed since the file server was last brought up. CURRENTLY OPEN FILES This count shows the number of files that are open right now on the file server. Page 3 of 10l FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP READ REQUESTS This count shows the total number of requests to read from a file that have been serviced by the file server since it was last brought up. WRITE REQUESTS This count shows the total number of requests to write to a file that have been serviced by the file server since it was last brought up. Page 4 of 101 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP FAT SECTOR WRITES This count shows the number of times that the file server has written a sector containing file allocation table information to the disk. The file server keeps all information about file allocations in memory. As new files are created and existing files are extended or truncated the information in the file allocation table changes. These changes are updated to the disk to keep the information on the disk up to date with the information in the file server memory. DIRTY FAT SECTORS This count shows the number of sectors containing file allocation table information that have changed since they were last written to the disk. These sectors need to be written to the disk to bring the disk copy of the file allocation table up to date. Page 5 of 10 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP FAT WRITE ERRORS This count shows the number of times that an attempt to write an updated FAT sector to the disk failed. Two copied are kept on the disk so that a single disk failure will not result in a loss of critical file allocation information. If one copy is lost due to a disk failure, the other copy is automatically used in its place. For file servers that support SFT Level 1 the FAT sector will automatically be moved to another block on the disk and this error counter will not be incremented unless the disk fails entirely. Page 6 of 10 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP FATAL FAT WRITE ERRORS This count shows the number of times that updated file allocation table information could not be written to either copy on the disk. In this case the file server will continue to operate correctly from its copy of the file allocation table in memory, but the next time that the file server is taken down, critical information about the location of files on the disk that has been recently updated will be lost. FAT SCAN ERRORS This count shows the number of times that an internally inconsistent state was detected in the file system. Page 7 of 103 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP CONFIGURED MAX INDEXED FILES This is the maximum number of indexed files that can be opened using turbo FAT indexing at the same time. Turbo FAT indexing increases the performance of random reads and writes to large database files. These operations will be speed up by a factor of 2 to 4 times for database files larger than 1 megabyte if the file is flagged as indexed. When the file server opens an indexed file, it builds a index in memory of where the file is located on the disk. This index allows rapid access to any position in the file without scanning through the FAT tables. The maximum indexed files that can be opened at the same time can be configured during network installation. This maximum does not need to be set higher than the number of database files that you have flagged as indexed on the file server. After the file server has been through a Page 8 of 10/ FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP CONFIGURED MAX INDEXED FILES (continued) period of peak utilization you should compare this maximum to the PEAK INDEXED FILES OPEN to see if it should be adjusted. If the PEAK INDEXED FILES OPEN is close to the maximum you may wish to increase the maximum number of files that can be indexed at the same time. If the PEAK INDEXED FILES OPEN is much less than the maximum you may want to decrease the maximum number of indexed files that can be open at the same time. If a file is flagged as indexed and it is opened when there are no more index tables available, the file will still be successfully open, but access to the file will not be speed up. PEAK INDEXED FILES OPEN This count shows the maximum number of indexed files that have been open at the same time since the file server was last brought up. Page 9 of 10 FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS HELP ACTIVE INDEXED FILES This count shows the number of indexed files that are currently active. Active indexed files are file that are currently open and using a turbo FAT index. Only files flagged as indexed will be opened as active indexed files. ATTACHED INDEXED FILES This count shows the number of turbo FAT index tables that are not currently being used, but which have the FAT information for an indexed file that was previously open and is now closed. When a indexed file is closed, the turbo FAT index information is kept in memory by the file server so that the file can be reopened very quickly without rebuilding the turbo FAT index table. These turbo FAT index tables will be reused if another indexed file is opened instead. Page 10 of 10 CACHE STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about how the file server's disk caching is performing. Some of this information is useful in determining how efficiently the cache is performing. Other information shows special cases that arise and are handled by the caching code. Each of the numbers shown in this display is described below. The information on this display is updated once a second. FILE SERVER UP TIME This is the elapsed time since the selected file server was last brought up. Since the displayed numbers are cumulative counts since the file server was last brought up, it is useful to know how long the file server has been up. Page 1 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP NUMBER OF CACHE BUFFERS This is the number of cache buffers in the file server. This number is directly affected by the amount of memory in the file server. This number can be changed by adding of removing memory from the file server. Each additional cache buffer that the file server has increases the probability that requested disk information is already in memory and does not need to be read from the disk. The CACHE HITS and CACHE MISSES entries show how many times requested information was in memory verses the times that it had to be read from the disk. Page 2 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP CACHE BUFFER SIZE This shows the size of each cache buffer in bytes. Generally a large cache buffer size (4,096 bytes) will provide better performance than a small size. DIRTY CACHE BUFFERS This count shows how many cache buffers have updated information that needs to be written out to the disk. When a workstation writes information, that information is stored in a cache buffer and the workstation is allowed to proceed immediately. The file server will write this information to the disk in the background. Page 3 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP CACHE READ REQUESTS This entry contains a count of the number of times the disk cache software was asked to read data from the disk. The requested data may have already been cached in memory, or may have been read from the disk. CACHE WRITE REQUESTS This entry contains a count of the number of times the disk cache software was asked to write data to the disk. Data being written to the disk is always placed in a cache buffer and then written to the disk in the background. This includes FULL WRITE REQUESTS and PARTIAL WRITE REQUESTS. Page 4 of 137 CACHE STATISTICS HELP CACHE HITS This entry contains a count of the number of times the cache software already had the requested disk block cached in memory. These requests did not require access to the physical disk. CACHE MISSES This entry contains a count of the number of times the cache software did not have the requested disk block in memory. The cache software was forced to allocate a cache block and read in the information from the disk. This count includes CACHE ALLOCATIONS and LRU BLOCK WAS DIRTY. Page 5 of 134 CACHE STATISTICS HELP PHYSICAL READ REQUESTS This entry contains a count of the number of times the cache software issued a request to the disk driver to read in a block of data. PHYSICAL WRITE REQUESTS This entry contains a count of the number of times the cache software issued a request to the disk driver to write a block of data to the disk. This includes TOTAL CACHE WRITES and FRAGMENTED WRITES. PHYSICAL READ ERRORS This entry contains the count of the number of times that the disk driver reported failure when instructed by the cache software to read a block of data from the disk. Page 6 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP PHYSICAL WRITE ERRORS This entry contains a count of the number of times that the disk driver reported failure when instructed by the cache software to write a block of data to the disk. CACHE GET REQUESTS This entry contains a count of the total times that the cache software was asked to get a cache block with existing data from the disk. This includes the CACHE READ REQUESTS and the PARTIAL WRITE REQUESTS. Page 7 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP FULL WRITE REQUESTS This is a count of the number of times that the cache software was asked to write data to the disk and the data exactly filled one or more sectors (a sector is 512 bytes). The cache software was able to place the data in a cache buffer without pre-reading the data that was previously in the disk block. PARTIAL WRITE REQUESTS This is a count of the number of times the cache software was asked to write data, and the data did not entirely fill a sector. The cache software was forced to get the original data into a cache buffer before it could write the new data to the cache buffer. Page 8 of 13C CACHE STATISTICS HELP BACKGROUND DIRTY WRITES This is a count of the number of times that a cache block full of new data was written to the disk. As soon as a cache block is filled with new data it is written to the disk. BACKGROUND AGED WRITES This is a count of the number of times that a cache block that is only partially filled with new data was written to the disk. Only part of the block had been filled with new data, but the block was dirty (had new data that needed written to the disk) for 3 seconds. Page 9 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP TOTAL CACHE WRITES This is a count of the total number of cache buffers written to the disk. This count only includes writes when the entire cache buffer was written, writes where only part of a cache block were written are shown in the FRAGMENTED WRITES count. CACHE ALLOCATIONS This entry show the count of how many times a new cache buffer has been allocated. When the requested disk block is not cached in the server memory, a new cache buffer will be allocated. This count only includes allocation of cache buffers that were not dirty. The case where the cache buffer that was to be allocated contained data that needed to be written to the disk is shown in the LRU BLOCK WAS DIRTY count. Page 10 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP THRASHING COUNT This count shows the number of times that no cache block was available when a new cache block needed to be allocated. All cache blocks were marked as in use by some part of the OS. This situation will only occur if the file server is very short on cache blocks. If this occurs, the file server performance is seriously degraded. You should consider adding additional memory to the server in order to increase the number of cache buffers. LRU BLOCK WAS DIRTY This is a count of the number of times that a requested disk block was not in memory and the block that was allocated contained new data that had not yet been written to the disk. In this case the data must be written to the disk before the block can be allocated. Other allocations are shown in CACHE ALLOCATIONS. Page 11 of 13g CACHE STATISTICS HELP READ BEYOND WRITE This count shows the number of times that a read request asked for data in an allocated cache block, but the data had not yet been read from the disk. This situation occurs when a cache block is being filled with new data by cache write requests and then a cache read request asks for data beyond the end of where the new data has been written. In this case the needed data is read from the disk. FRAGMENTED WRITES This count shows the number of times that a dirty cache buffer had to be written to the disk with several write requests. This situation occurs when new data is written to a cache buffer that fills some of the sectors completely, but does not fill the entire cache buffer. Each group of sectors is written separately. Page 12 of 13 CACHE STATISTICS HELP HIT ON UNAVAILABLE BLOCK This count shows the number of times that the requested disk block was cached in memory but was not available because it was being read in from disk, or written to disk. In this case the requesting process must wait until the disk service has completed. CACHE BLOCKS SCRAPPED This count shows the number of times that a cache buffer that was being allocated was scrapped. This occurs under the following scenario: A request causes a new cache buffer to be allocated, the new cache buffer contained dirty data that needed to be written to the disk, the requestor gets put to sleep waiting for the cache buffer to be written, while the requestor is asleep, another process allocates a cache buffer for the same disk block as the first requestor, when the first requestor wakes up, he no longer needs the cache block he was allocating. Page 13 of 131 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP This display shows information about the transaction tracking system. The transaction tracking system will track all changes that are made to files that are flagged as transactional files. The original data and the new data are remembered until the entire transaction has been completed and all changes have been successfully written to the disk. If the workstation, network or file server fail for any reason before all changes made during the transaction have been written to the disk then the file server will backout the transaction. When a transaction is backed out, all the original data is restored. This prevents database files from becomming corrupted by updates that were only partially completed. The information on this screen is updated once a second. Page 1 of 8 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP FILE SERVER UP TIME This entry shows the elapsed time since the file server was last brought up. The totals shown on this display are totals since the file server was last brought up. TRANSACTION TRACKING STATUS This entry shows the current status of the transaction tracking system. The status will be ENABLED or DISABLED. TRANSACTION TRACKING VOLUME This entry shows which volume of the file server is being used to store the transaction backout information. This volume can be configured during network installation. Page 2 of 8 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP CONFIGURED MAX TRANSACTIONS This entry shows the maximum number of transactions that can be active at the same time. This number is configurable during network installation. PEAK TRANSACTIONS This entry shows the peak number of transactions that have been active at the same time since the file server was brought up. After a period of peak file server usage, this number should be compared to the CONFIGURED MAX TRANSACTIONS to determine if the maximum may need to be increased or could be decreased. Page 3 of 87 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP CURRENT TRANSACTIONS This entry shows the number of transactions that are currently being tracked by the transaction tracking system.Transaction can occur in two ways. First, the program at the workstation can explicitly tell the file server that it is starting a transaction and then tell it that it has finished the transaction. Second, the file server can be set to implicitly determine that a transaction has been started by the workstation when it does a physical or logical record lock, and the it has finished when the record locks are released. The second method allows programs that were not written with transaction tracking calls to be run on a transaction tracking server. Because there are programs that keep some records locked all the time, a threshold can be set to specify what physical record lock or what logical record lock should cause the file server to implicitly assume that a transaction is in progress. Page 4 of 81 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP TRANSACTIONS PERFORMED This entry shows the total number of transactions that have been tracked by the transaction tracking system since the file server was brought up. TRANSACTIONS WRITTEN This entry shows the total number of transactions that were tracked by the transaction tracking system that caused data to be changed. Page 5 of 8% TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP REQUESTED BACKOUTS This entry shows the number of times that the transaction tracking system has been asked to backout a transaction. This can be caused by the failure of a workstation or the network, or it can be explicitly requested by the software running on the workstation. UNFILLED BACKOUT REQUESTS This count shows the number of times that a requested transaction backout could not be performed. This will occur if the transaction tracking system had been disabled. When this occurs the affected database may not be left on a transactional boundary. Page 6 of 8 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP CURRENT USED DISK SPACE This entry shows the total amount of disk space that the transaction tracking system is using to store transaction backout information. This disk space is used on the volume shown in the TRANSACTION TRACKING VOLUME entry. If the volume where the transaction tracking system is storing its backout information runs out of disk space the transaction tracking system will be disabled. TOTAL FILE EXTENSIONS This entry shows the number of times that a transaction caused a file to be extended and the extension required the allocation of a new disk block. In this case the transaction tracking system would be required to unallocate the disk block if a transaction backout is requested. Page 7 of 8 TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS HELP TOTAL FILE SIZE CHANGES This entry shows the total number of times that a file being transaction tracked changed sizes. This includes all size changes even those that do not require that a disk block be allocated or unallocated. TOTAL FILE TRUNCATIONS This entry shows the total number of times that a file being transaction tracked was truncated. In this case the transaction tracking system has to track all the information in the part of the file that was truncated so that it can be restored if a transaction backout is requested. Page 8 of 8 LAN DRIVER CONFIGURATION HELP This display shows the configuration for the selected LAN driver. The following information is displayed. NETWORK ADDRESS This is the network address that was selected during the configuration of the file server operating system. This address should agree with all other file servers and bridges that are attached to this same physical network. Page 1 of 3 LAN DRIVER CONFIGURATION HELP NODE ADDRESS This is the node address of the network card of the selected LAN. The node address is determined in one of three ways. First, some network cards have the address built into the card when it is manufactured. The node address of these cards can not be changed. Second, some cards determine their node address when they attach to the network. The node address for these cards will change depending on where they are located on the network. Third, some network cards use dip switches on the card to allow the user to set the node address. In all cases, no two network cards on the same physical network should have the same node address. Page 2 of 3 LAN DRIVER CONFIGURATION HELP LAN BOARD TYPE This entry shows the type of hardware that is being used for the selected LAN. CONFIGURATION This entry shows the configuration that was selected for this LAN network card during installation. The jumpers and dip switches on the card should be set to agree with this configuration. HARDWARE OPTION This entry shows what hardware interrupt, DMA channels, I/O addresses or memory addresses the selected configuration is using. These settings should not conflict with the settings being used by other hardware components in the file server. Page 3 of 3 CONFIRM CLEAR CONNECTION HELP If you want to clear this user's connection then answer YES. Otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you clear a user's connection, the user will no longer be able to access the file server. Any program that the user is running will be aborted and if the user's current directory is on this file server he will be left on an invalid drive. Page 1 of 1 SELECT CHANNEL HELP Position the highlight bar on the disk channel whose configuration information you want to view, then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to view the configuration of any disk channel then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 MARKED CONNECTIONS HELP You have the following options: BROADCAST CONSOLE MESSAGE This option allows you to send a broadcast message to all the connections that are highlighted. CLEAR CONNECTION This option allows you to clear all the highlighted connections. This option will only be available if you have SUPERVISOR privileges. Page 1 of 1 FILE/PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS INFORMATION HELP FILE STATUS This option will display the current status of the selected file. This includes how many connection have the file open, how the file is open, if the file is locked, and a list of each connection that is using the file. PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS This option will display all physical record locks that any connection has in this file, and the status of the lock. Page 1 of 1