Instructions for SSNOTIFY SSNOTIFY is a Windows program that will notify a user when archive restoration requests are received in SoftSolutions. The program runs in the background and polls the restoration queue periodically for changes. When the program is first loaded, it will read the restoration file for records and notify the user if there are any present. A running count of the requests is kept on the window and icon caption. The program will continue running in the background, polling SoftSolutions periodically for changes in the number of requests in the restoration file. When the number decreases from the last poll, the count on the window or icon caption will change. When the number increases, a message box will pop up indicating that new requests exist. CONFIGURING SSNOTIFY All configurable parameters for SSNOTIFY are kept in the SOFTSOLW.INI file. In addition, the following DLL files for SoftSolutions 4.0x must be installed on your system: SSWIN.DLL, SSTRANS.DLL. Before you run the program, you must add the following section to SOFTSOLW.INI: [notify] datapath= strfile= delaymins= msgbox= EXAMPLE: [notify] datapath=c:\ss40win\prog:ss strfile=c:\ss40win\prog\softsol.ctx delaymins=5 msgbox=1 DESCRIPTION OF THESE ITEMS datapath: This is the SoftSolutions datapath specifying your dataset. It can be either file or a SEM datapath. It follows the standard format for the datapath used in the /data= switch for SoftSolutions. strfile: This must be the full path AND filename of the strings file softsol.ctx. (Usually found in the programs directory) delaymins: This is a number, in minutes, for the delay between successive polling of the restorations file. msgbox: This must be 1 or 0. 1 means that the program will notify with a message box. 0 means that no message box will appear - the only thing that will change is the count on the icon and window caption. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SOFTSOLUTIONS UTILITY. SOFTSOLUTIONS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPORTING THIS UTILITY. ANY BUG REPORTS AND/OR ENHANCEMENT SUGGESTIONS CAN BE FORWARDED TO J.B. GILL AT SOFTSOLUTIONS SUPPORT AND WILL BE DEALT WITH AS TIME, RESOURCES, AND URGENCY PERMITS.