NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: InForms 4.1 Win Patch 1 for Designer README FOR: INF1.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: InForms 4.1 for Windows ABSTRACT: This file explains updates to Novell InForms 4.1 that address some issues that arise when the application is running under Windows NT and Windows 3.1. If you want to update InForms 4.1, you must have previously installed the application. To apply the patch, you must use a utility called PATCH.EXE (from Pocket Soft, Inc.), along with the accompanying .RTP files. If you are running InForms 4.1 from the network, your network administrator may need to update the files if you do not have the rights to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: Data Links * Under some conditions, read-only database fields were written to the database when a write object link was updated. * A sorting problem sometimes caused a "Corrupt File, Datalinks Lost" error message to be displayed when there were hundreds of fields on a valid form. Data Tables * Text was not always justified correctly when records scrolled into view and when they were edited. * Under certain conditions, a GPF occurred when data table rows were being printed on attachment pages. * When a memo field was defined within a data table and it had enough text to wrap, only the first line of text was printed on any attachment pages. * When the primary field was on one page and the data table was on another page, "A primary record must be locked before entering the data table" message was displayed incorrectly. Delrina Form Import * The import incorrectly excluded earlier versions of Delrina Forms from being imported (Pre-PerForm Pro Plus). Formulas * Under certain conditions, @DELETEREC() generated an "Internal Memory Error" message. * A GPF occurred in Filler if a formula went to two different linked forms. * The @RESETOBJ() formula did not work for table cells. * Under certain conditions, an object's value was cleared incorrectly when it called an Independent formula. * "Open" type formulas were not firing on @NEWREC() when they were attached to Action Button objects. * The @TEXT() function deleted leading zeros of a decimal value (e.g., .03 was changed to .3). * A GPF occurred when opening a form in Filler if a change formula referenced a multi-record table column using a column name reference instead of a column letter reference. Installation * The file CTL3DV2.DLL was not being installed. (This file is needed for the IDAPI configuration utility.) * On a server or workstation installation, the file NWCALLS.DLL was not being installed. * Under certain conditions, a GPF occurred after a server installation. Lotus Notes * Some Lotus Notes forms were not showing in the list of tables when a form was being linked to a Lotus Notes database. * Querying a Lotus Notes form did not show records that were entered using Notes. * A form could not be linked to Lotus Notes Views. Object Appearance * If you turned a table cell line off through the Example window, you could not turn it back on. * In certain conditions, copying and pasting an object changed the copied object font to something different from the original font. Query * Query catalogs were incorrectly being read in when Data-Only (.DO) forms were opened. Query catalogs are not valid in .DO forms. * A record could not be deleted from FoxPro and Clipper databases if the data had an embedded apostrophe. * The query parse failed when a query was being performed on a Clipper database with 1,000 fields. README.IN File * Step 3 in the "ACCESS THE Q+E DRIVERS" section incorrectly stated that you should rename the INDBLQE.DLL file to INDBLIB.DLL. The name of the file you need to rename is actually INDBLIB.OLD. Text Tool * Hard returns were not counted in Memo fields, which allowed more characters than expected to be entered. * In some cases, character spacing with bold and italic fonts was different than the spacing for the regular font in InForms 1.0b. * A memo field with underline set displayed text incorrectly in relation to the underlines displayed when a printer was selected. Windows NT * Global spell-checking produced a GPF under Windows NT. * Tabbing to any field that already contained data produced a GPF under Windows NT when Fast Editor was off. Self-Extracting File Name: inf1.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ INF1.TXT (This file) CTL3DV2.DLL 21648 3-2-94 12:00:00 am INF1.RTP 854881 3-31-95 4:10:02 pm INF1.TXT 7648 10-18-95 9:45:34 am INFPF2.RTP 129150 3-31-95 4:10:02 pm NWCALLS.DLL 147616 10-20-94 11:56:36 am PATCH.EXE 55017 3-31-95 4:10:18 pm README.TXT 12656 3-31-95 4:10:02 pm Installation Instructions: To install the updates, you must first find out where your InForms 4.1 and PerfectFit directories are. To do so, 1 Start InForms 4.1. 2 Select About InForms from the Help menu. 3 Make a note of the path beside Program Release; this is your InForms 4.1 directory. 4 Make a note of the path beside Shared DLL Release; this is your PerfectFit directory. 5 Exit InForms. 6 Close all other Novell applications. You cannot apply the PerfectFit patch while any other Novell applications are running. After you have identified the location of your InForms 4.1 and PerfectFit directories, 1 Go to a DOS prompt. 2 Change to the drive and directory where the update disk exists (usually A:). 3 At the DOS prompt, type: PATCH INF1.RTP C:\INF41 (replace C:\INF41 with the path to your InForms 4.1 directory if that directory is in another location), and wait for the patch to update the files. 4 At the DOS prompt, type: PATCH INFPF2.RTP C:\OFFICE\SHARED\WPC20 (replace C:\OFFICE\SHARED\WPC20 with the path to your PerfectFit directory if that directory is in another location), and wait for the patch to update the files. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------