NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: GroupWise 4.1a Client 2 Patch README FOR: GWUSC2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: GroupWise 4.1a for Windows ABSTRACT: This patch is intended for Novell GroupWise 4.1a Windows Client that has already had the GroupWise Client 1 Update Patch applied to it. This patch cannot be used with any other version of GroupWise. This patch addresses issues running GroupWise 4.1a under Windows 95. It also includes the fix for the scrolling problem encountered in the Address Book. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: Fixes * Macintosh file attachments and DOS 8.3 standard filenames. * Printing multiple files with WpWin hangs WP and GW. * Busy Search scrolling down will cause a GPF (WIN95- Shipping) * Logging on to WIN95 as a different users while running a shared code program cuases a GPF or the computer to restart. * Control bar/mouse scrolling combination in Address Book causes names to be displayed incorrectly. * Attachment files are now properly deleted from the system. * During macro record, the minimize and maximize buttons could disappear. * Sound stop, pause and scroll bar added for TAS sound view. * Mail Attachments or attachments larger than 4k are now cleaned up correctly when sent as routing slips or personal attachments. * Opening an attachment from a send dialog could cause a GPF. * A GPF could occur when the mouse pointer is moved across a macro button bar. * Mapi.dll fix for Access runtime. * Long Prompts now display for button bar macro buttons. Self-Extracting File Name: gwusc2.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ GWUSC2.TXT (This file) GWPAT2.EXE 1474745 8-30-95 2:40:46 pm GWPAT2.TXT 4556 8-29-95 2:23:12 pm Installation Instructions: The patch consists of the following files: GWUSC2.TXT (this file) GWPAT2.EXE Copy these files to a workstation or network directory. You will need at least 15M of free space on the drive for use as workspace for the patch utilities. It will be freed when the patch is complete. You will need network WRITE and DELETE access rights to the directory containing the GroupWise Domain to be patched. You should backup the \wpoffice\ofwin40 directories to be updated before applying the patch. If the patch is interrupted you will then be able to restore the domain from the backup and start again. If you don't backup the domain you may have to reinstall the original 4.1a version and re-apply patch #1 before attempting to apply patch #2. The patch process may take from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your machine, the speed of your disk and the speed of your network. To apply the patch: 1. Set your current working directory to the directory containing the patch files listed above. ex. C:\GWUSC2 2. At the DOS prompt type: GWPAT2 This file is a self extracting EXE that extracts the following files: PATCH.EXE SPAN.EXE SPANX.EXE SQP.EXE KDEL.EXE FIXDATE2.EXE DOPATCH.BAT DOSPNSET.BAT OFWIN41.BAT WNUSID41.BAT GWUSC2.RTP OFWIN41.RTP WNUSID41.RTP 3. At the DOS prompt, enter the following command: DOPATCH . ex. c:\gwusc2\DOPATCH F:\HEADQRTS 4. After applying the patch, distribute the updated software using the AD.EXE Software Management option (under the Tools menu), to copy/push the updated software to other domains and/or post offices. 5. After copying/pushing the software to a Post Office, start Windows Program Manager and run SETUPWIN /A. (Important: The drive letter this is run from should be the same drive letter used by users on this Post Office.) ex. O:\SALES\SETUPWIN.EXE /A ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------