NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: GroupWise 4.1a Windows Client Patch README FOR: GWUSC1.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: GroupWise 4.1a for Windows ABSTRACT: This patch is intended for Novell GroupWise 4.1a for Windows; it cannot be used to patch any previous version of GroupWise or WordPerfect Office. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM: This patch fixes the following problems: 1. Custom Messages - Under some conditions, the DLL associated with custom messages would not load, causing custom messages to fail. 2. Custom Commands - Under some conditions, the DLL associated with custom commands would not load, causing the command to fail. 3. MAPI - MAPI would not work properly with Microsoft Access. Under some conditions, a GPF would occur. 4. Calendar Printing - In some cases, the printer orientation (landscape or portrait) was not being changed to match that of the form being printed. 5. Printing Multi-Image TIFF and Multi-Sheet Spreadsheet Attachments - When a user tried to print while viewing a multi-image TIFF file or a multi-sheet spreadsheet, only the first image or sheet would print. Now, the current viewed image or sheet will print. TROUBLESHOOTING If PATCH.EXE cannot locate the correct version of the Span Set, the following message will be displayed: "WARNING WPT0015:0LD FILE DOES NOT EXIST" This may indicate one or more of the following situations: 1. You have previously deleted one or more files from the original GroupWise 4.1a Span Set. 2. You are attempting to patch the wrong version of GroupWise. You may need to reinstall the original GroupWise 4.1a files before applying this patch. If PATCH.EXE determines that a file does not need to be patched, it will report the following message: "NEW VERSION OF FILE NAME ALREADY EXISTS" This may indicate that you have already applied the patch. PATCH.EXE has verified that your software is up-to-date; you do not need to take further action. SOLUTION: Files Modified In the DOMAIN\WPOFFICE\OFWIN40 directory: README.WIN SETUP.DAT SETUPUS.EXE OFUS0019.VER (added) WPOF0019.VER (added) In the DOMAIN\WPOFFICE\OFWIN40\SETUP directory (containing compressed span set files): OFWIN41.(S01,S02,S03,S04,SPN) WNUSID41.(S01,S02,S03,S04,SPN) Within the span sets, the following compressed files have been modified: OFWIN.EXE OFWINFIL.EXE VEWIN.EXE VEWINFIL.EXE MAPI.DLL README.WIN Self-Extracting File Name: gwusc1.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ GWUSC1.TXT (This file) GWUSC1.RTP 1388682 4-10-95 4:17:50 am PATCH.EXE 55017 1-23-95 1:00:00 am Installation Instructions: To install the patch, you will need READ, WRITE, CREATE, DELETE, and MODIFY access to the network directory that contains the Primary Domain directory GroupWise 4.1a Windows Client Span Set to be patched. To apply the patch: 1. Set your current working directory to the directory that contains the patch files. ex. C:\GWPATCH 2. At the DOS prompt, execute PATCH GWUSC1.RTP. ex. PATCH F:\HEADQRTS\WPOFFICE\OFWIN40 GWUSC1.RTP If any of the Span Set files are missing from the Domain directory Windows Client structure, the patch program will abort and the original files will be left intact. 3. After applying the patch at the Domain level, push the updated Windows Client software to the appropriate Post Offices. a. Enter GroupWise Admin, select Tools|Software Management|Windows Client ex. F:\HEADQRTS\AD.EXE 4. After pushing the software to the Post Office, MAP the drive letter that is used in the users Login Script for their specific Post Office. 5. Go into MS Windows Program Manager and click on FILE | RUN and type SETUPWIN /A. ex. X:\PO\SETUPWIN /A 6. Repeat steps 3 -5 for any additional Post Offices that should be updated. ** NOTE: If it is neccessary to patch Secondary Domains repeat steps 1 - 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------