// USER PROMPTS AND DEFAULTS FOR SICPYDOC // The uncommented lines below are user prompts and defaults for SICPYDOC. // You may change the text in the following lines to your liking. If // you wish to change a prompt or error message, simply search through // the following text for the exact phrase you wish to change and then // replace it (put a "&" in front of any letter which is used as a hot // key). // NOTE 1: Please do not place the comment characters (eg. //) in front // of any lines that are not currently commented. // NOTE 2: Do not remove any lines in this file. // NOTE 3: Only save this file in ascii-text format and with an editor // that will not cause the lines to wrap (eg. Notepad, DOSEdit). Copy Documents Copy To: Copy &To Disk: Copy Doc && Pro&file Cop&y Document Only Copy Doc To New &Name Documents To Copy: &Search Results &Marked List &Worklist &Document # Range: 1 End-of-File a:\ Copy To &Another Dataset: Destination Path: Current &Profile: S&uccess Log: // This is the name of the success log file. cpydoc.log Error &Log: // This is the name of the error log file. cpydoc.err &OK &Cancel &Help &Browse &Yes &No Author: Y // String# 30 N // Below is the name of the help file. If you wish to use your own // then put it in the SoftSolutions programs directory and change the // name below to the name of that help file. SOFTSOLW.HLP Choose Destination Path File &Name: *.* &Directories: Dri&ves: List Files of &Type: All Files (*.*) Text File (*.TXT) // String# 40 *.TXT WP File (*.WPD) *.WPD Confirm CpyDoc Already Running! This program may only be run by a System Manager. Please Choose a Field Name. Please enter a TO value. Change Select // String# 50 one of the following: Document number is out of range. Please enter a positive number. Copy ALL documents from this dataset? Please Enter A Valid Document Number. Please enter the name of a file. Unable to open SoftSolutions' files. Output: Sc&reen None // String# 60 -- File not found: Drive : not available. Disk not in drive : No file was specified for copying. Destination path not found: ERROR occurred. // String# 70 Disk is full Currently Copying: Destination: Out of memory Cancel this copy operation? already exits. Overwrite it? Overwrite All Bad File Name: &Skip Rename file to: // String# 80 Program not found: This program may only be run by a System Manager Scanning: Copy a range of documents? Copy Process Completed Could not get a file handle Call to SS_oam_handler failed: Copy Process Canceled User Skipped Profile: Please choose a dataset // String# 90 &Retry Please enter a valid document name. Your document name can not be longer than eight characters but can be followed by a maximum of three charaters (optional) when seperated by a period. An example of a valid name is ACCOUNT.ING (note the period after the T) whereas ACCOUNTING is invalid because the name is longer than eight characters. InUse flag could not be updated. Error: SICPYDOC SUCCESS LOG Begun on at The following documents have been successfully copied: SICPYDOC ERROR LOG The following documents were not copied: Source path not found: // String# 100 DOC# is InUse or Checked Out. C&heck Out Profile Drive not ready, disk is full, or the destination directory does not exist. Profile # does not have a Document Status of Internal. Checking out profile # will remove it from this dataset! Remove All is a Guest profile. // String# 110 could not be removed. Profile not Checked Out. not copied by user because it would have removed the Guest profile from the dataset. F&ile With Document #s: cpydoc.in Please Wait . . . No_Name contains non-numeric characters. This file should only have numbers. Destination Path File with documents [ // String# 120 ] for ? Error creating the success or error log.