CopyDoc Utility Version 4.1 (DSS Compatible) COPYDOC.EXE is a utility designed to do mass copying or check out of documents from SoftSolutions to any destination. Options include copying by Search Results, Worklist, Marked List, or Current Profile (the profile showing on the profile screen). CopyDoc can also check out each Profile if desired. If checking out a Profile then the Profile's InUse field will be updated with a "C" (for checked out), will generate an activity log for "CheckOut" (if the Activity log is enabled), and will update the Revby and RevDate fields with the current user and current date. CopyDoc now uses OAMs (which means it is network aware). For install instructions please refer to the "How to Install" section near the end of this document. A new feature with CopyDoc 4.1 is the ability to stop and ask the user what they would like to copy and to where or, if you prefer, go directly to the copy/checkout process using default information setup in CopyDoc.cfg. See the "How to Configure" section near the end of this document for more information. The CopyDoc utility is not supported by SoftSolutions but was created with the administrator and end user in mind--in hopes that it might simplify administrator's life as well as creating a simple interface for the end user. If you have problems with this utility, please send an e-mail to POSSIBLE USE FOR SICPYDOC Question: How can I check out documents to another dataset and then import them back into the same dataset and still maintain the same profile numbers they originated from. Answer: Use COPYDOC to do a mass check out (with a .PRO) to a dataset (and let's say this second dataset is on your laptop or remote PC). Now mass import these documents as "Profiled Documents" from the SoftSolutions Utilities Menu on your laptop. They are imported as Guest Documents because they were checked out of the first dataset. When you finish your work on the laptop or remote PC and want to return the documents then you run COPYDOC again and Check them out as you did in the first step. When this runs, COPYDOC will ask if you want to delete the Profile and document from the second dataset (this behaves the same as SoftSolutions but we are doing it in mass). When you answer Yes to that question then the profile & document are removed from the second dataset. Now you run "Import Profiled Documents" from the first dataset and they are imported into the original dataset under the same profile numbers. HOW TO INSTALL 1) Put CopyDoc.exe and CopyDoc.cfg in the Util directory (which is a subdirectory under the SoftSolutions programs directory). 2) Log into SoftSolutions. 3) Choose the Setup option from the menu and then choose Applications. 4) Add a record for CopyDoc. a. App Type is "L". b. Commandline should look like the following: %o@util\CopyDoc.exe ^%o@util\CopyDoc.cfg 5) Go to the Profile screen and select some documents 6) Choose "Launch" from the options menu and select CopyDoc HOW TO CONFIGURE The CopyDoc.cfg file is a text file and allows some customation of how CopyDoc can be run (infact, if you placed this file on each user's hard drive instead of up on the network in the util directory-and point to it on the application commandline-then each user could have his or her own customizations). The first five parameters can be changed by you. The first four parameters are sigle digit numbers and the fifth parameter is the default destination directory to which your documents will be copied. The following describes the first four parameters: 1) User Interface: 0 means that copydoc will not stop to ask users questions but 1 will stop to ask questions. 2) Copy Method: 1 means copy the current profile. 2 means copy a marked list. 3 means copy your worklist. 4 means copy your search results. 3) IGNORE: Ignore this parameter--future enhancement. 4) Check Out: 1 means to check out your list of Profiles as well as copy each document. A 0 means not to check them out--only copy the documents. NOTE: COPYDOC.EXE will ONLY work with version 4.1 of SoftSolutions and CPYDOC31.EXE will ONLY work with version 3.1x of SoftSolutions NOTE2: Read PORT_DOC.TXT if you are running in Portable mode or use a version of SoftSolutions earlier than 3.1x. For Windows users, download CPYDCW.EXE from the BBS.